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Conservative Views
Corporate Power
Democracy and Media
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
Law-Related Education
Legislative Branch
Politics and Elections
Presidential Election 2000
Presidential Election 2004
Progressive Views

Also Try
  1. American Presidents

  2. Countries

  3. Law

Lesson Plans
  1. Distinguishing Facts and Opinions (Information Institute of Syracuse)
      Provides a lesson. 1-04

  2. Government Lesson Plans (Awesome Library)
      Government lessons are in the "Lessons and Curricula" section of the Awesome Library.

  3. Government Lessons (Information Institute of Syracuse)
      Provides dozens of lessons by topic and grade. 1-04

  1. -State and Federal and Agencies and Documents (INFOMINE - University of California)
      Provides annotated listings of a vast number of searchable documents related to state and federal governments. Also provides information by subject.

  2. Countries - Government (Yahoo)

  3. Government (Yahoo)

  4. Government Search (CNet)
      Provides keyword searches within the topic. 1-01

  5. Government Word Search (CNet)
      Provides keyword searches within the topic. 1-01

  6. Reference Information (StartSpot Mediaworks - Gov Spot)
      Provides well organized sources of information related to government. 4-00

  7. State Governments (Yahoo)

  8. State and Local Government 10-00

  1. Budget Process (Natural Resources Defense Council))
      Provides a simple, four-step explanation of how federal budgets are approved in the United States. 6-01

  2. Constitutional Democracy

  3. Government Resources (Social Studies School Service)
      Provides essays and news stories.

  4. Newseum - Interactive Museum of News
      Provides information from high visibility journalists and politicians about news-related issues of the day. Designed partly to inform children about the role of news in government.

  5. No Child Left Behind Act (Thomas)
      Provides H.R. 1, new education legislation enacted in January 2002. The Act focuses heavily on improvement of assessment and then, if a school fails to meet standards, alternatives for parents. The official title of the act is "To close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind."

  6. Selective Service Registration Online (Selective Service)
      Allows registration for the Selective Service online. All 18-year-olds are required to register. Failure to register is a felony. 10-01

  7. State of the World's Children (UNICEF)

  8. U.S. Constitution (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration)
      Provides a readable copy of the U.S. Constitution. 2-03

  9. United Nations

  1. CNN World News

  1. Capitals - A Timed Quiz (Funschool)

  2. Citizenship - Teaching Citizenship's Five Themes (Education World - Hopkins)
      Provides suggestions for teaching children skills in honesty, compassion, respect, responsibility and courage.

  1. -Classroom Civics Education Standards

  2. A Framework for Civic Education

  3. National Standards for Civic Education

  4. Social Studies - Civics Standards (MCREL) 1-01

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