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Judicial Branch

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  1. Law

  1. Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan (The University of Adelaide Library - Thomas)
      Provides the philosophy of Hobbes, including his views on government. 8-02

  2. Montesquieu, Charles - Spirit of Laws (Constitution Society)
      Provides a view on the roles and characteristics of different forms of government. (The full name is Charles de Montesquieu.) Visitors sometimes misspell as Montesque, Montesqu, or Montegue. 8-02

  3. More, Thomas - Utopia (Thomas More)
      Provides More's vision of an ideal society. Written in the sixteenth century. 8-02

  4. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - The Social Contract (The University of Adelaide Library - Thomas)
      Provides Rousseau's views on the role of govenment and more. 8-02

  1. Historical Documents Shaping American Law (Golding and Hofstetter - Amber)
      Provides classic books and other documents affecting the development of American law. 8-02

  2. Judicial Branch of U.S. Government (Yahoo)

  3. Supreme Court Decisions

  1. 01-01-04 Supreme Court Justice Criticizes Congressional Limits on Sentencing (
      "William H. Rehnquist, chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, said Congress should have considered the views of federal judges before setting limits on their authority to impose sentences and grant leniency." 1-04

  2. 02-20-04 Bush Defies Senate and Appoints Rejected Judge (CNN News)
      "After three years of watching Senate Democrats block his judicial nominees, President Bush trumped them for the second time this year by installing Alabama Attorney General William Pryor on the federal appeals court."

      "Besides Pickering and Pryor, Democrats also have used filibusters to block Bush's appeals court nominations of Judge Priscilla Owen, Hispanic lawyer Miguel Estrada and judges Carolyn Kuhl and Janice Rogers Brown. Estrada withdrew his nomination in September."

      "Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts, one of the senior members of the Judiciary Committee, called Bush's going around the Senate 'a flagrant abuse of presidential power.' " " 'This is an outrageous appointment, of a nominee who has questionable commitment to the authority of the Supreme Court and the rule of law,' Kennedy said." 2-04

  3. 02-25-04 States Can Deny Scholarships for Ministry (
      "States that offer college scholarships can deny them to students majoring in theology without violating their constitutional rights, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled." 2-04

  4. 06-23-03 Supreme Court Upholds Filtering Requirement for Libraries (
      "A divided Supreme Court ruled Monday that Congress can force the nation’s public libraries to equip computers with anti-pornography filters. The blocking technology, intended to keep smut from children, does not violate the First Amendment even though it shuts off some legitimate, informational Web sites, the court held." 6-03

  5. 06-23-03 Supreme Court Upholds Race-Based College Admissions (
      "The U.S. Supreme Court approved race- conscious college admissions, reaffirming a 25-year-old precedent and ensuring that hundreds of top universities can continue using affirmative action to bolster black and Hispanic enrolment." 6-03

  6. U.S. Supreme Court Rulings (Yahoo News)
      Provides the latest Supreme Court rulings. 11-01

  1. Federalist Papers (Yale Law School - Avalon Project)
      Provides the Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. These documents are used by the U.S. Supreme Court and others to help interprete the U.S. Constitution and American law. 8-02

  2. History of American Federalism (Purdue University Calumet - Amber)
      Provides an outline, key resources, a syllabus, cases, materials, and class questions. Designed for college level. 8-02

  3. History of American Law (Golding and Hofstetter)
      Provides an outline, key resources, and class questions. Designed for college level. 8-02

  4. History of American Law - Timeline of 1066 to Present (Golding and Hofstetter - Amber)
      Provides a timeline of events affecting core elements of American law. 8-02

  5. Locke, John - Second Treatise of Government (Gowan - Locke)
      According to John Locke, his second treatise "is an essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government." Published in 1690. 8-02

  6. Pickering - Bush Supports Charles Pickering for Federal Judge (The American Center for Law and Justice)
      President Bush states that Judge Pickering is qualified for the job for which Bush has nominated him.

      "I strongly urge his confirmation." "Under our Constitution, the president has the right and responsibility to nominate qualified judges and the legislative branch has the responsibility to vote on them in a fair and timely manner." 1-03

  7. Pickering - NAACP Provides Reasons for Opposing Charles Pickering for Federal Judge (NAACP)
      "The NAACP Strongly opposes the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, currently of the Southern District of Mississippi, to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Charles Pickering's record as a district court judge and as a state senator shows his hostility to NAACP priorities, specifically civil rights, equal employment protection and voting rights. Further, throughout Charles Pickering's career, he has demonstrated a commitment to the reversal of a number of these rights, for which NAACP has fought for more than 90 years." 1-03

  8. Pickering - Positions For and Against Charles Pickering for Federal Judge (PBS Online NewsHour - Holman)
      Provides positions for and against confirming Judge Pickering for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. 1-03

  9. Quotas - U.S. Supreme Court to Decide on Affirmative Action for College Students (USA Today)
      "About 15% of the first year Michigan law students are minorities. The Supreme Court was told that without diversity considerations, the number of minorities in a freshman class could plunge to less than .04%."

  10. U.S. Supreme Court (Supreme Court of the United States)
      Provides information about the operation of the U.S. Supreme Court. 6-02

  11. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions in June, 2000 (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides short summaries of key Supreme Court Decisions related to abortion, separation of church and state, and gay rights. 6-00

  12. U.S. Supreme Court Justices - 1795 to Present (Supreme Court of the United States)
      Lists Supreme Court Justices and when they served. 6-02

  13. U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Biographies (Legal Information Institute)
      Provides brief profiles, as well as recent decisions by each justice. 6-02

  14. U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Biographies (Supreme Court of the United States)
      Provides short biographies of current Justices. 6-02

  15. U.S. Supreme Court Justices - Kennedy, Anthony M. (Washington Post)
      Provides a profile of the political background of the Supreme Court Justice. 6-02

  16. U.S. Supreme Court Justices - O'Connor, Sandra Day (Gale Group)
      Provides a biography of the "first woman to serve as a Supreme Court justice." 6-00

  17. US Supreme Court Decisions (FindLaw)
      Provides a searchable database of Supreme Court decisions going back to 1937.

  18. US Supreme Court Decisions - By Party Name (Legal Information Institute)
      Provides an alphabetic listing of Supreme Court decisions by the last name of the persons involved. 5-00

  19. US Supreme Court Decisions - By Subject (Legal Information Institute)
      Provides an alphabetic listing of Supreme Court decisions by subject. For example, gun control issues would be under "S" for Second Amendment. 5-00

  20. US Supreme Court Decisions - Search by Subject (Northwestern University - Goldman)
      Provides a searchable database of Supreme Court decisions by subject. A limited number of cases are provided for each subject. Not all subjects or cases are covered.

  21. Understanding the Federal Courts (Federal Judiciary)
      Provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding federal judges, filing a case, juror information, court information, the judicial conference, and even employment. 3-00

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