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Progressive Views

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  1. Discussions on Progressive Issues (
      Provides debates on progressive issues. 7-03

  2. NPR Hourly News (
      Provides radio news. 7-03

  1. 01-15-04 Kennedy: Iraq War Based on Politics, Not Necessity (CNN News)
      "U.S. Sen. Edward Kennedy, an elder statesman among liberal Democrats, slammed President Bush and his administration for going to war in Iraq based on political considerations." 1-04

  2. 02-13-04 Archives of the Liberal Randi Rhodes Radio Show (Randi Rhodes Show)
      Provides liberal views on politics. 2-04

  3. 08-08-03 Al Gore Challenges Reasons for War in Iraq (
      "I'm convinced that one of the reasons that we didn't have a better public debate before the Iraq War started is because so many of the impressions that the majority of the country had back then turn out to have been completely wrong. Leaving aside for the moment the question of how these false impressions got into the public's mind, it might be healthy to take a hard look at the ones we now know were wrong and clear the air so that we can better see exactly where we are now and what changes might need to be made." 8-03

  4. 08-08-03 Views of Democratic Candidates for President (
      Presents the transcript of questions answered by Democratic candidates for president of the U.S. when asked by members of the AFL-CIO. 8-03

  5. 10-11-03 Democrats to Gather Funds for Presumptive Candidate (Washington Post)
      "The Federal Election Commission on Thursday backed a group's plan to gather donations for the Democratic presidential nominee months before the candidate is picked, turning aside concerns raised by commission lawyers. " 10-03

  6. 10-11-03 Patterns of Support for Democratic Contenders (
      "...about 4 in 10 Americans today identify themselves as conservatives and about the same number identify as moderates, while less than 20% identify as liberals." 10-03

  1. 10 Principles to Promote World Peace (
      Provides a revision of the U.S. budget away from cold war weaponry and toward economic health for all. 6-03

  2. 12-Step Program for Regime Change ( - Hazen)
      "Each day, millions of frustrated Americans engage in discussions about how our country has gone off course and how ultraconservatives have taken over our government. As we put our hearts and souls into figuring out how to achieve regime change at home in November 2004, these conversations are growing in volume."

      "To help us win in 2004, how about organizing a progressive electoral movement that becomes a force in the election by not picking one of the candidates in the primaries? Instead we'll raise money, develop an active base nationwide and effectively target key swing states. We earn our credibility by working while the primaries are underway, building an infrastructure that is ready to roll the last four months of the campaign on behalf of whomever the Democrats nominate." 6-03

  3. Alabamans Reject Progressive Taxes (NOW - Moyers)
      "In the Montgomery state capitol this past September, some Alabama mayors and local politicians — most of them Democrats — threw their support behind a radical tax plan, one that would reverse 100 years of inequality in Alabama." The poorest citizens, the ones who would have benefited most, rejected it. 11-03

  4. Alternet (
      Provides a progressive view of government. 6-03

  5. Budget Deficit - Tradeoffs (National Priorities Project)
      "Could your tax dollars be better spent? Make a selection in each of the three fields below and just click to find out what else your tax dollars could provide." 2-04

  6. Clark for President (clark04.comMSNBC)
      Provides information for supporters or those interested in Wesley Clark for president of the United States. 10-03

  7. Conservative Victories in U.S. Senate in 2003 (
      Lists victories of conservative senators in 2003 legislation. 12-03

  8. Democratic Candidates for President - Interviews (
      Provides interviews with Democratic candidates for President, including Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun, Governor Howard Dean, Senator John Edwards, Congressman Dick Gephardt, Senator Bob Graham, Senator John Kerry, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Reverend Al Sharpton. 6-03

  9. Democratic National Committee (
      Provides a Democratic view of government. 6-03

  10. Essay - Protecting the Environment (
      Provides the views of Howard Dean on what needs to be done to protect the environment. Howard Dean is a Democratic candidate for President of the United States. 8-03

  11. Essay - What Voters Want and Why It Is Not Offered ( - Kuttner)
      "Political agendas are set by those who invest in politics, and lately money has simply crowded out ordinary voters. Voters will continue to be alienated from politics until some political leader or movement defies the conventional wisdom and offers real alternatives." 7-03

  12. Essay - Why We Pay Taxes ( - Ivins)
      "Not only should feeding the people and getting health care to the people be more important than a nuclear program, it should even be more important than tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy. The United States now spends $400 billion a year on the military – that's 50.1 percent of all discretionary spending (non-discretionary includes Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid)."

      "The reason people hate paying taxes is because they know the system isn't fair." 7-03

  13. Essays for Raising the Minimum Wage (
      Provides essays related to raising the minimum wage and support of other progressive issues.7-03

  14. Half of Clinton Aides Now Lobbyists (ABC News)
      "A study being released Monday by the Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group, ranked the top 100 officials serving when President Clinton left office two years ago and found 51 now lobby the government or work for companies that do." 3-03

  15. Howard Dean for President (
      Provides views of one of the leading Democratic contenders for President of the United States. 8-03

  16. Kerry Plans to Reduce Loss of Jobs ( - Wilson)
      "Democratic White House hopeful John Kerry Wednesday blamed President Bush's policies for funneling American jobs overseas and proposed to discourage the practice by requiring U.S. companies to give advance notice of plans to send work abroad."

      "Kerry voted for NAFTA in 1993 but has since said he would order a 120-day review of all trade pacts. He laid out specific guidelines for companies wanting to send jobs overseas, including at least three months' advance notice for affected employees as well as notification of the Labor Department (news - web sites), state agencies and local government officials."

      "In addition, he would require the federal government to compile statistics on off-shored jobs and report to Congress annually and disclosure of how many jobs were going where and why. Also, he would ensure that federal contracts were not being outsourced overseas."

      "A decorated Vietnam war veteran who has campaigned on his combat record, Kerry said it was time 'to put patriotism back in the driver's seat.' "

      "Kerry blasted Bush's economic policies and called the president 'a walking contradiction' who promised his massive tax cuts would create four million jobs and had, instead, lost three million."

      "Kerry also has proposed rolling back Bush's tax cuts for Americans who make more than $200,000 a year, raising the minimum wage, cutting the cost of health care, closing tax loopholes that encourage companies to move jobs overseas and cracking down on trade violations." 2-04

  17. Loss of Jobs Dog Bush (AFLCIO)
      "In July, the Business Roundtable released a forward-looking survey of its members’ business forecasts for the second half of the year. The news was upbeat on company profits, with almost 70 percent of corporate chiefs predicting company sales will increase. But few predicted new jobs for America’s workers: Roughly 40 percent of the CEOs say there will be no change in their U.S. employment levels—and a near-equal share expects further job cuts."

      "The unvarnished truth is that President Bush and his team are poor stewards of the economy: They have amassed the worst jobs record in more than half a century, piled up a mountain of government debt for the nation’s children and, equally bad, they have no realistic, fair and effective plan to fix the economy and put America back to work." 2-04

  18. Loss of Jobs Dog Bush (
      "On everything from shipping U.S. jobs overseas, to stripping worker protections, to rewarding companies for reducing health benefits for their employees, the Bush administration has racked up a spectacular record of exacerbating the already difficult economic challenges Americans are facing, said the Center for American Progress, a Washington think tank founded by members of the administration of former President Bill Clinton."

      This week, the administration received sharp criticism over its approval of the growing trend of companies relocating U.S. Jobs overseas."

      Many of these firms move their production lines to developing countries, where they profit from cheaper labor cost. Many U.S. technology companies, for example, use Indian tech workers instead of their more expensive U.S. counterparts."

      "Late last week Democratic Senator Tom Daschle introduced a bill that would hamper the offshoring of jobs." 2-04

  19. Misrepresentations by the Bush Administration (
      Provides quotes from key members of the Bush administration, especially the President, that presents as evidence of distortions of the truth. Examples include the following from President Bush's State of the Union address to the nation:

      "On the Economy:
      'We will not pass along our problems to other Congresses, to other presidents and other generations.'

      The truth: Factoring in the cost of reconstruction in Iraq and other laws that are set to be enacted, the federal budget deficit is close to $5 trillion over the next 10 years. The President's latest request to make his tax cuts permanent would add another nearly $1.6 trillion to the federal debt through 2013. That's $41,300 for every man, woman and child.

      On Jobs:
      My 'first goal is an economy that [will] employ every man and woman who seeks a job.'

      The truth: 2.5 million jobs have already been lost since 2001 and the President's own economic advisors project that his economic plan - if everything goes well - will create fewer jobs in the next year than were lost in the last year. This will make President Bush the first president since Hoover's Great Depression-era presidency to preside over an economy that has lost more jobs than it's created." 9-03

  20. MoveOn (
      Provides a progressive view of government. 6-03

  21. Pelosi - First Woman to Lead a Political Party in Congress (U. S. House of Representatives)
      Provides a political biography of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, up to her gaining leadership of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. 11-14-02

  22. Political Position - Assess Your Political Position (
      Provides questions to position you on a political graph, ranging from "left wing" to "right wing" and "authoritarian" to "libertarian." Also positions prominent British politicians on the chart. 7-01

  23. Progressive Clergy - Political Involvement (Clergy Leadership Network)
      Provides issues and programs for involving progressive clergy in political and policy change.

      "We are appalled by the bullying uses of power being pursued by the current Administration! It runs counter to every religious tradition, especially the great monotheistic faiths, strong for being large enough to embrace the whole world. Religious communities have always transcended national boundaries and they maintain deep ties around the world. The vision of faith is of an inclusive human family, wherein each nation and community holds special gifts meant in their sharing to enrich life for all. Only policies that lead our country to play a cooperative and positive role in the community of nations will claim our support."

      "Peace for the world, rooted in justice for all, alone conveys the religious vision. Laboring aggressively for peace is our nation's calling. War and the threat of war-making as our nation's vocation is abhorrent, a prostitution of our nation's power." 12-03

  24. Progressive Views (Center for American Progress)
      "We will work to find progressive, pragmatic solutions to the greatest domestic and international challenges facing our country. At a time when a conservative minority effectively promotes policies that put special interests before the national interest, we will develop progressive solutions that can give us a government 'of all the people, by all the people, and for all the people.' " 9-03

  25. Progressives Opposing Bush Agendas (
      "Tax cuts to benefit the wealthy … More arsenic and mercury in the water, fewer parks, wildernesses and forests for our future … Turning back the clock on civil rights, on women’s rights, on workers’ rights."

  26. Religious Views of George Washington (
      Provides what is known about the religious views of George Washington. 12-03

  27. Short History of the "Christian Left" (NOW with Bill Moyers)
      Provides a short history of the organized involvement of Christian progressives in politics and public policy. 12-03

  28. Taxes and Income - A Critique ( - Johnston)
      Explains why the author thinks Americans should be concerned about the patterns of taxation and concentration of wealth. 2-04

  29. Trillion Dollar Tradeoffs for Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax (National Priorities Project)
      "President Bush and some representatives in Congress want to permanently repeal the estate tax, a tax that only falls on millionaire estates. NPP offers two factsheets that show what estate tax repeal would cost the nation and selected states and what that revenue could buy in local services instead. One factsheet is designed for media and legislators, the other for activists." 2-04

  30. TrueMajority (
      Provides a progressive view of government. 6-03

Purchase Resources
  1. Editorial - Leavitt Record Bad for Environment (
      "President Bush's appointment of Utah Governor Mike Leavitt to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, approved by Congress last week after some delay, appears a match well made. Just as Bush has amassed the worst record on public lands preservation of any modern president, Leavitt has taken many similar actions that threaten Utah's quality of life in general, and wilderness protection in particular." 11-03

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