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Conservative Views

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  1. Neoconservatives - Resources and Documents (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides key documents and other Web links. 1-04

  1. 05-08-03 Bush Pushes for Conservative Judges ( - Biskupic)
      "Two years ago Friday, President Bush announced his first slate of proposed judges. Since then, the White House consistently has refused to surrender to Senate Democrats who have tried to block conservative nominees from lifetime appointments to the bench."

      "For all the wrangling over nominations, Democrats have joined with the GOP to approve 123 of Bush's 184 picks since spring 2001." According to Sen. Patrick Leahy, ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, "We have drawn a line with a few of his most extreme choices." 5-03

  2. Washington Dispatch (Washington Dispatch)
      Provides a conservative view of political news. 1-04

  1. American Enterprise Institute (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  2. Bush - Inaugural Speech, 2001 (PBS)
      Provides President George W. Bush's inauguration speech. 1-01

  3. Bush for President (
      Provides information for supporters or those interested in re-electing George W. Bush for president of the United States. 10-03

  4. Christian Coalition of America (Christian Coalition of America)
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  5. Concerned Women for America (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  6. Conservative Victories in U.S. Senate in 2003 (
      Lists victories of conservative senators in 2003 legislation. 12-03

  7. Conservative Views of Government and Law (Federalist Society)
      Provides conservative legal opinions, news, and essays from a conservative view of government and law. 5-02

  8. Eagle Forum (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  9. Family Research Council (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  10. Heritage Foundation - Townhall (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  11. Hoover Institution (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  12. Lodge, Henry Cabot (
      Provides a short political biography of President Woodrow Wilson's greatest adversary and the person who blocked U.S. membership in the League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations. Lodge was a Republican conservative." 3-04

  13. National Center for Policy Analysis (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  14. Neoconservatives - A Quiz (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides an interactive quiz so you can determine if you are a neoconservative. 1-04

  15. Neoconservatives - Basics of Positions (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides highlights of positions of neoconservatives. 1-04

  16. Neoconservatives - Extent of Their Power (Christian Science Monitor)
      "The Monitor asked award-winning author, US military historian, and self-described neocon Max Boot to discuss the extent of neocon power."

      "The power of neocons is much exaggerated – unfortunately. On the question of Iraq their views generally won the day. Not because they were all-powerful but simply because 9/11 brought various doubters including Bush and Cheney around to the neocon point of view." 1-04

  17. Neoconservatives - Their Place in History (Christian Science Monitor)
      "The Monitor asked a leading US foreign policy expert, Walter Russell Mead, to place neoconservative beliefs in historical context." 1-04

  18. Neoconservatives - William Kristol (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides short profile of the editor of the Weekly Standard. 1-04

  19. Neoconservatives and Their Blueprint for Gaining Power (Christian Science Monitor)
      Provides short profiles on a dozen neoconservatives. 1-04

  20. Political Commentary From the Right ( - On the Right)
      Provides articles from political conservatives on key issues related to the role of government. 6-02

  21. Political Position - Assess Your Political Position (
      Provides questions to position you on a political graph, ranging from "left wing" to "right wing" and "authoritarian" to "libertarian." Also positions prominent British politicians on the chart. 7-01

  22. President Bush's Speech Against Business Crime (CBS News - Bush)
      Provides the text of President Bush's speech, given July 8th, 2002. 7-02

  23. President George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech ( - Bush)
      "Every year, by law and by custom, we meet here to consider the state of the union. This year, we gather in this chamber deeply aware of decisive days that lie ahead." 1-03

  24. President George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech - Major Points ( - Bush)
      Summarizes the key points and initiatives of President Bush's 2003 State of the Union Speech. 1-03

  25. Republican National Committee (
      Provides a Republican view of government. 6-03

  26. Short History of the "Christian Right" (NOW with Bill Moyers)
      Provides a short history of the organized involvement of Christian conservatives in politics and public policy, mostly from 1988. 12-03

  27. The Conservative Caucus (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  28. Traditional Values Coalition (
      Provides a conservative view of government. 6-03

  29. Traditional Values Defined (
      Concerned Women for America provides its definition of traditional values. 12-03

  30. Traditional Values Defined (
      The Family Research Council provides its definition of traditional values through issue papers. 12-03

  31. Traditional Values Defined (
      The Traditional Values Coalition provides its definition of traditional values. 12-03

  32. Traditional Values Identified (Christian Coalition of America)
      Christian Coalition of America identifies key traditional values. 12-03

  33. View - U.S. Not a Nuclear Threat (U.S. Department of State Sokolsky)
      "Arms control advocates are sounding the alarm over recent press reports about the Bush administration's new nuclear posture review, which calls for developing nuclear plans and capabilities to deter or defend against nuclear, biological or chemical weapons attacks not only by Russia and China but also by Iraq, Iran, North Korea, Syria and Libya."

      "The critics of the nuclear review claim that increasing the number of instances in which the United States might consider using nuclear weapons could well make their use more likely and is liable to stimulate further proliferation of such weapons."

      "These arguments do not stand up under scrutiny. In fact, the Bush administration deserves praise for its candor in dealing with the security dilemmas posed by the post-Cold War strategic environment. The United States is right to redefine the requirements of deterrence in order to meet new threats to its security, its forces abroad and its allies." 6-03

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