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  1. Behavior Problems

  2. Bullying

  3. Involving Family

  4. Mental Health

  1. Ask a Psychiatrist

Lesson Plans
  1. Sociology and Psychology Lesson Plans (Donn)
      Provides collections of articles and sources by topic. 1-00

  1. Adolescent Issues (Teacher Talk)
      Provides dozens of articles for secondary teachers. 11-01

  2. Anxiety Disorders
      Provides 11 resources on anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress, mutism, and other stress related disorders. 8-00

  3. Behavioral and Mental Disorders (Karolinska Institutet)
      Provides sources of information. 1-04

  4. Divorce and Custody (Awesome Library)

  5. Information & Referral for Human Services 3-00

  6. Mental Health Encyclopedia

  7. Mental Health Library

  8. Mental Health Net Searches

  9. Psychology Resources (Baltimore County Public Schools - Steingart)
      Provides resources on anxiety disorders, ADD, learning disabilities, behavior disorders, eating disorders, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, gifted resources, and more. 6-00

  10. Psychology and Sociology Resources (Donn)
      Provides hundreds of resources by topics related to k-12 education. 2-02

  11. School Psychology Resources

  12. Sleep Disorders (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. 8-01

  1. Personality Tests (
      Provides online tests, including Anger Profile, Arguing Style Test, Assertiveness Test, Conflict Management Test, Coping Skills Quiz(mini test), Coping Skills Test, Driving Personality Test, Egoism/Altruism Test, Extroversion/Introversion Inventory, Leadership Test, Locus of Control and Attribution Style Inventory, Locus of Control Test - Abridged (mini test), Optimism/Pessimism Inventory, Perfectionism Test, Power Profile, Resilience Test, Romantic Personality Test (mini test), Sales Personality Test, Self Disclosure Test, Sensuality Test, Type A Personality Test, and Type A Personality Quiz for Teens (mini test). 11-01

  1. Air Rage Treaty (BBC News)
      Discusses the advocacy for an international air rage treaty to discourage air rage during jet flights. 7-00

  2. American Counseling Association

  3. American Psychological Association (APA)

  4. Anxious Child (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions for dealing with anxiety in children. 1-04

  5. Bedwetting (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  6. Commitment Test
      This quiz is designed to evaluate how ready you are to commit to your partner.

  7. Communication Skills Test
      This test is designed to evaluate your general level of communication skills.

  8. Concentration Test
      This test is designed to test your concentration.

  9. Conduct Disorders

  10. Depression in Children (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  11. Diagnosis of Children (Helper)
      Provides a psychiatrist's views, based on research, on diagnostic assessment of children. 7-99

  12. Disasters - Helping Children After a Disaster (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  13. Domestic Problems - Information Sheets (KHL Infosheets)
      Provides counselors with data related to various issues, such as abuse, homelessness, and violence.

  14. Eating - Children and Eating (Radiance Online - Satter)
      Suggests a division of diet responsibility between parents and children, based on research on healthy eating habits. The division of diet responsibility is that "the parent is responsible for what, when and where. The child is responsible for how much and whether." This division of responsibility is often different from what parents of large children or teens try to enforce. 7-00

  15. Eating Disorders (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  16. Economics Stunts Web Psychologists (applesforhealth)
      Fear of losing business and limited Medicare reimbursements are keeping psychologists from hanging up their shingle on the Internet, a government telemedicine expert said. 08-27-99.

  17. Extraversion-Introversion Inventory
      This test is designed to evaluate your individual tendency towards the outer world (extraversion) or the inner world (introversion).

  18. Facts for Families (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides fact sheets for families needing assistance with common mental health problems affecting children and adolescents. Covers dozens of topics, such as TV viewing, substance abuse, day care, child abuse, schizophrenia and other issues of concern to partents.

  19. Facts for Families (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic facts related to over 100 issues of concern to parents.

  20. Father to Child Connection (Moradi)
      Provides a psychiatrist's views, based on research, for why the father to child relationship may be difficult and how it affects the development of male children. 7-99

  21. Fechner's Law (Woodruff)
      Provides a mathematical explanation of Fechner's Law. 10-01

  22. Gambling Addiction - Identification (Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling)
      Provides the symptoms of a problem with gambling addiction or compulsion. 4-02

  23. Gambling Addiction Treatment (National Council on Problem Gambling)
      "The mission of the National Council on Problem Gambling is to increase public awareness of pathological gambling, ensure the widespread availability of treatment for problem gamblers and their families, and to encourage research and programs for prevention and education." 4-02

  24. Gambling Addiction Treatment in Oregon (OADAP - Moore)
      Provides demographics, referral sources, and other facts about gambling in Oregon. 4-02

  25. Gambling Addiction Treatment in Oregon (Oregon Gambling Addiction Treatment Foundation)
      Provides demographics, referral sources, and other facts about gambling in Oregon. 4-02

  26. Genius and the Mega Foundation (ABC - 2020 News)
      Provides an article about a genius who works as a bouncer. 7-00

  27. Go Ask Alice (Columbia University)
      Provides mental health related information, especially for older teens and young adults

  28. Heart - Get Happy (applesforhealth)
      It’s become common knowledge that in the battle against heart disease, your emotional well-being is important. Here are some suggestions for preventing depression, anger, and other bad-for-the-heart emotions. 03-03-00.

  29. Homosexuality - Policy Statements (American Psychological Association)
      Provides statements on the positions of the American Psychological Association on issues related to gays and lesbians, with a special emphasis on educational settings and adolescents. 1-00

  30. Homosexuality - What Is It? (PFLAP)
      Provides a summary of research from mental health and psychological studies on gays and lesbians for principals, educators, and school personnel. Uses PDF format. 9-02

  31. Jealousy Test
      This test is designed to evaluate your jealous tendencies.

  32. Lying (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  33. Manic-Depressive Illness in Teens (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions for bipolar disorder or manic depression. 1-04

  34. Manual to Combat Truancy

  35. Men's Views About Some Basic Questions (Snapshots)
      Provides responses from men to 16 life questions.

  36. Mental Health Disorders (American Psychiatric Association)
      Provides professional practice guidelines for treatment of 10 mental health disorders. Includes diagnostic information for eating disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, delirium, panic disorder, schizophrenia, nicotine dependence, substance abuse, dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, and more. 1-01

  37. Meticulousness
      This test is designed to evaluate how thorough you are.

  38. Missing Children (Child Quest International)
      "A non-profit corporation dedicated to the protection and recovery of missing, abused, and exploited children." Also includes information for prevention.

  39. New Pattern - Single in the City (ABC News)
      "A new survey from the University of Chicago found that typical urban-dwellers spend much of their adult lives unmarried either dating or single. And that has led to an elaborate network of "markets" in which these adults search for companionship and sex."

      "The results, released Thursday, are part of the Chicago Health and Social Life Survey to be published this spring in the book "The Sexual Organization of the City."

      "Among other things, they found that, between the ages of 18 and 59, those surveyed cohabited an average of nearly four years and were married about 18. The rest of the time an average of about 19 years they were dating or alone, with no steady companion." 1-04

  40. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  41. Peers And Antisocial Behavior (applesforhealth)
      A study indicates that what parents decry, peers often promote. The survey of 452 boys in grades four through six in Chicago and North Carolina shows the most popular and socially accepted kids are often the ones with the most aggressive, antisocial tendencies. 01-21-00.

  42. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Discusses symptoms and treatments related to PTSD. Visitors sometimes misspell as post traumatic or post tramatic. 10-01

  43. Prevention of Youth Violence (Centers for Disease Control)

  44. Psychodrama (
      Describes psychodrama, a techinque used to improve mental health. 4-01

  45. Schizophrenia in Children (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  46. Self-Esteem Test
      This test is designed to evaluate your general level of self-esteem.

  47. Self-Injury - Reducing Impulse For Self-Injury (applesforhealth)
      A combination of communications training and a drug called naltrexone can bring significant relief to people who are prone to deliberately injuring themselves. 09-17-99.

  48. Sleep - And What Luxury Do You Dream About? (applesforhealth)
      A new nationwide survey finds if Americans could choose one luxury next year, they'd rather sleep longer...or have a butler or maid...than have someone help them get in shape, cook their meals, or chauffeur them in a limousine. 12-31-99.

  49. Sleep and Body Clock Chronobiology (Smolensky and Lamberg)
      Provides suggestions for improving health, especially sleep, based on different patterns of body rhythms. 5-01

  50. Sleep and Dreaming - Freud May Not Have Been So Wrong (American Psychological Association - Carpenter)
      Provides results from recent studies on the neurological bases of dreaming, concluding that some of Freud's theories may have been correct. 2-01

  51. Sleep and Dreaming - Lucid Dreaming (Lucidity Institute)
      Provides answers to frequently asked questions about lucid dreaming. 2-01

  52. Sleep and Learning (Nature - Whitfield)
      Provides results from a study suggesting that non-REM sleep is important in retaining what was learned. 5-01

  53. Some Teens Vunerable To Fashion Images (applesforhealth)
      Looking at pictures of skinny models in fashion magazines does not hurt the self esteem of teenage girls, except for those who already suffer from fragile egos, says a new study. 09-17-99.

  54. Stealing (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  55. Stepfamily Problems (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  56. Tic Disorders (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  57. Weight Discrimination - A Teacher's Story (ABC - 2020 News)
      Provides an article about a music teacher as an inspiration for others and to help stop weight discrimination. 7-00

  58. Weight Discrimination - A Teen's Story (Radiance Online)
      Provides an incident of someone who, as a teen, went to a doctor for a medical condition and was, instead, encouraged to go on a diet. (See bottom of page for the story.) Also encourages activism to stop weight discrimination. 7-00

  59. Western Psychological Association

  60. Who Can Help You Find Help

  61. Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Always Stick (applesforhealth)
      A Massachusetts Institute of Technology neuroscientist has found evidence in the brain for why it's so hard to make and break habits. 12-31-99.

  62. Women Never Satisfied With Body Image (applesforhealth)
      Women of all ages seem to agree on the same thing - They aren't satisfied with their bodies. 09-17-99.

  1. Monitor on Psychology (American Psychological Association) 1-01

  1. Dating - Rate Your Compatibility (Mauldin)

  2. Transformational Processing (Funch)

  3. Voices of Women Activities

  1. Discipline - Effects of Spanking on Antisocial Behavior of Children (American Medical Association - Straus, Sugarman, Giles-Sims)
      "When parents use corporal punishment to reduce ASB [antisocial behavior], the long-term effect tends to be the opposite. The findings suggest that if parents replace corporal punishment by nonviolent modes of discipline, it could reduce the risk of ASB among children and reduce the level of violence in American society." 10-02

  2. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy (Seligman)
      Provides a summary and critique of a study conducted by Consumer Reports on the effectiveness of psychotherapy. 6-00

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