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Also Try
  1. News - Computer Magazines

  1. Comprehensive Shareware Listing

  2. Educational Software Downloads (C-Net)

  3. Guides for Windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, and XP (
      Provides guides to the various Windows versions. 11-01

  4. Microsoft Search

  5. Shareware and Freeware (Comprehensive)

  6. Software Downloads (
      Provides software by category. 11-99

  7. Software Recommendations (ZDNet) 2-00

  1. Acrobat

  2. Acrobat File Reader (
      Provides a free copy of the Adobe reader for PDF files. 3-02

  3. Adobe Acrobat Viewer

  4. Ancient Peoples - Picture Books (Radley)
      "These Dos based programs are based on an entertaining "Lets go on a journey ....." story format. Each 'Page' has two comprehension questions. On exiting the programs students are told their total scores, including wrong attempts."

  5. Awesome Talking Library (Awesome Library) star
      Converts online text into spoken words through the Awesome Talkster program. Awesome Talkster has one of the clearest synthesized voices on the Web.

      Converting online text into speech has many uses. For example, Talkster can speak online stories or books to children while an adult supervises. The voice can be put in "Boy" or "Girl" mode to add a character with a bubble over his or her head. The bubble will show each word as it is spoken and the voice can be put on "slow" for your child to follow. Talkster can thereby assist your child in learning how to pronounce words while reading.

      Talkster is also useful for adults. It can speak news articles to you in one open browser while you are searching for information in another browser window.

      For persons with visual impairments or poor coordination, Talkster can be navigated with keystrokes.

      The Web can be navigated using a version of Awesome Library in a different language, such as Spanish, while using a voice for that language that is available through the Awesome Talkster. Links to different language versions of the Awesome Library are available at the bottom of most Awesome Library pages. Links to free voices for different languages can be found on the Awesome Talking Library's help page. 9-02

  6. Benchmark Tests (
      Provides benchmarks to test the speed of your CPU, caches, and RAM. 9-01

  7. Bios Upgrades (Wim's Bios)
      Provides links to upgrade your Bios. Warning - This should be done by someone quite familiar with the process. Errors can be disasterous for your data. 3-00  

  8. Browser - Alexa
      Provides an alternative browser that provides information on each page you visit, such as how many visits it has received.

  9. Browser - Mozilla (
      Provides a free browser to compete with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. 6-02

  10. Browser Accelerator (Netsonic)
      Uses cache technology to store frequently visited sites on your PC and then only load the portions of the site that changed when you visit it next. Netsonic states that this reduces the number of trips to the site and the time to load. According to Netsonic's data, you can expect to gain more than double the speed in downloading sites you visit regularly.

  11. Browser I-Comm
      Provides a shareware browser that does not require a SLIP or PPP connection.

  12. Browser Plug-Ins (Internet World)

  13. Browsers (INT Media Group)
      Provides a comprehensive set of links to browsers for Windows, Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2, UNIX and other operating systems. 9-01

  14. Browsers - Opera
      Provides a 30-day trial, 50 percent off the 35 dollar price for students and educational institutions. CNet states - "Opera is a slim yet rock-solid, race car of a browser. Depending on your needs, it may be the best browser you'll find from any vendor. (1/21/98)"

  15. Bulletin Board Software (
      Provides free software for a bulletin board on the Web. 1-01

  16. Bulletin Board Software - Ultimate (
      Provides Ultimate Bulletin Board software in trial form with limited features. 1-01

  17. Bulletin Board Software Comparison (ZDNet)
      Provides a review of conferencing software. 1-01

  18. CD-Quick Cache for Windows
      Provides large increase in speed for your CD ROM, according to the reviewers. Free demo available for downloading.

  19. Diagnostics for Your Computer (BCM)
      Analyzes audio, visual, modem, processor, and other systems.

  20. Download Accelerator (Lidan)
      Provides several simultaneous Web openings to load parts of a file at the same time. 8-99

  21. Downloading (
      Provides software that improves the speed of downloading files. 10-00

  22. Editor for Text Files (ASCII) (
      Edits files that are in simple text format. Dictionaries included in English, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. 9-00

  23. Email Filter - Removes Ads (SpammerSlammer)
      Provides a filter to remove unwanted email advertisements. Rated 4 star (excellent) by PC Computing and ZDNet.

  24. Email Improvement (DeKeles)
      Describes 4 software programs that can enhance your use of email.

  25. Engineering, Scientific and Financial Calculator for Windows (
      Provides free calculator software that operates with Windows. 2-02

  26. FTP - CuteFTP
      Provides software to download or upload files using FTP.

  27. FTP - FTPPro (
      Provides software to download or upload files using FTP. Allows moving entire directories at a time.

  28. FTP - WS_FTP Limited Edition
      Provides software to download or upload files using FTP.

  29. FileMaker Pro Updates
      Provides updates to the database. 12-99

  30. Firewall (
      Provides a free firewall, ZoneAlarm software, to protect your computer when you are online with a cable modem or DSL. 10-00

  31. Internet Explorer (Microsoft)

  32. Latest Research and Development (IBM)

  33. Links - Find Dead Links (LinkScan)
      Provides a record of links that are broken. Has a free demonstration version.

  34. Logitec Mouse Drivers (Logitec)
      Provides the latest drivers for the Logitec mouse. 12-00

  35. Monstrous Media Kit by CyberPuppy

  36. Netscape Home Page

  37. Online Storage (
      Provides free online storage of information. 1-01

  38. PigMail by CyberPuppy

  39. Screensaver News Service (Freeloader)

  40. Screensaver News Service (PointCast)

  41. Speed - Connection SpeedNews (TweakDUN)
      Changes MTU settings from 1500, the default, to 576, the optimum.

  42. Spyware Remover (SpyBot)
      Provides reviews of the top software programs that remove unwanted programs from your computer that spy on you and send the information to marketers or hackers. Spybot Search and Destroy was the top rated program by PC Magazine in April of 2003. It is also free. 7-03

  43. Startup Cop (PC Magazine - Rubenking)
      Provides control over which programs are included at the start-up of your computer. Free.

  44. Utilities (Soft Seek)
      Provides utilities to improve the performance of your PC. 8-99

  45. Utilities - Free (PC Magazine)
      Provides better control over Windows, with programs that help control start-up, close-down, and assocation of files, printing, the desktop, program files, reloading programs, and more.

  46. Video Software (Quicktime and More)

  47. Windows 98 Performance Ratings (C-Net)
      Provides Wintune, a program that compares your computer's performance with the performance of similar machines. 10-00

  48. Windows 98 Updates and Drivers (C-Net)
      Provides the latest updates. 10-00

  49. WordPad Replacement With Spell Checker (Cetus)
      Provides a replacement for Microsoft WordPad and includes a spelling checker. It is free.

  50. x2 - Disable 56kps US Robotics Modems

  51. x2 - Troubleshooting 56kps US Robotics Modems

  1. -Real Audio Player star
      Provides Real Audio's latest in 3-D, audio, and video streaming performance. 2-00

  2. Shockwave and Flash 4 (Macromedia)
      Provides plugins for browsers to allow animation and other media.

  3. Voice Phone and Sound Software

  1. Bulletin Board Setup (
      Provides instructions on setting up a bulletin board. Also provides a list of possible features under the comparison category. 1-01

  2. Comparisons of Software and Hardware (
      Provides comparisons of software and hardware by category. 1-01

  3. Downloading Files (
      Provides directions on downloading files. 11-02

  4. Drivers for Hardware (Drivers HQ)
      Provides links to drivers for hardware.

  5. Email - Anti-Spam Law (
      "The Can-Spam Act of 2003 (an acronym for 'Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing') pre-empts more than 30 state laws, bringing much-needed uniformity to the legal effort to combat spam." The law does not ban commerical email solicitations, but "the law mandates the use of accurate headers in e-mail messages, requires procedures for recipients to opt out of future e-mails and forbids the practice of e-mail address harvesting." 12-03

  6. Email Pests (
      Provides information to help track down the source of spamming. 4-03

  7. Hard Disk Data Transfer (ZDNet)
      Provides reviews of three software packages that allow transfer of the contents of one hard disk to another, such as when upgrading to a new computer. 9-01

  8. Lockup of Hardware on Microsoft's XP Version (ZDNet)
      Describes the conditions under which Microsoft's XP version of Windows or Office will lockup in order for Microsoft to prevent piracy of the software. If many changes are made to your computer hardware, it may cause your system to suddenly lockup. In order to get it to unlock, you will need to get a one-time 44 digit code from Microsoft and also use your original CD to install the fix. 6-01

  9. Palm Software and Accessories (
      Provides software and accessories for the Palm Computer. 6-01

  10. Software Reviews (Ziff-Davis)

  11. Spyware Removers (PC Magazine)
      Provides reviews of the top software programs that remove unwanted programs from your computer that spy on you and send the information to marketers or hackers. Spybot Search and Destroy was the top rated program. It is also free. 7-03

  12. Utilities - Reviews (PC Magazine)
      Provides reviews of a wide range of utilities.

  13. Utilities - Reviews of Performance Enhancers (PC Magazine)
      Provides a review of 6 performance enhancers. Concludes that the CD speed enhancers are a value and the others are probably not.

  14. Utilities - System Optimization (System Optimization)
      Provides tools to check and adjust hardware and software. Care should be taken because some adjustments, such as changing Bios settings, can make your computer inoperable if done incorrectly.

  1. Computer Product Reviews (ZDNet)

Purchase Resources
  1. Advertising Blocker (
      Blocks ads on the Web. 6-02

  2. Audio and Video - Tuner (RealAudio)
      Provides an Internet tuner for radio and video broadcasts globally.

  3. Bookstore (Awesome Library)
      Provides books from four sources.

  4. Bulletin Board Software - Expressions Interaction Suite 3.0 (ZDNet)
      Provides a review of conferencing software, including bulletin board, chat, and more. Received PC Magazine's Editor's Choice Award. 1-01

  5. Bulletin Board Software - Ultimate (
      Provides Ultimate Bulletin Board software. 1-01

  6. Drive Copy - Transfers Hard Disk Information (PowerQuest)
      Allows information and settings from one hard disk to be transferred to another, such as when upgrading a computer. 9-01

  7. Educational Software (Soft4U)
      Provides significant discounts for teachers, students and educational institutions.

  8. Educational Software for Very Young Children (High-Value Technologies)
      Sells software for teachers, students and very young children.

  9. Egghead Software
      Sells software. 11-01

  10. Email Pests (SpamKiller)
      Provides software to limit unwanted email advertising. 11-00

  11. Filtering Software (IF - ONLY)
      Limits access of the Web to only sites you select. 11-00

  12. HTML Editor - Homesite (Allaire)
      Provides HTML editing for the Web professional. 8-99

  13. Internet Filtering Software and Controls Guarding (
      Provides Internet filtering software that also allows guarding of system controls. 6-03

  14. PartitionMagic (PowerQuest)
      Provides software to partition a hard disk drive. 11-01

  15. Programs for Processing Shareware Purchases (
      Compares costs of companies that provide financial processing services for software companies providing downloadable software. 10-02

  16. Software (TUCOWS)

  17. Sound Enhancements Software -DFX (
      Maker claims that the DFX software will improve sound quality. Awesome Library does not endorse this software, but provides it as an example. 6-03

  18. Speed Enhancements for Internet Connections ( - TweakMASTER)
      Provides speed increases by changing settings for dial-up and DSL connections. This is shareware. 5-02

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