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Also Try
  1. Arts and Crafts

  2. Early Childhood Education

  1. ParentsPlace

  1. Games Online by Grade (FunSchool)
      Provides interactive educational games for preschool, kindergarten, and grades 1 through six. 8-99

  2. Games for the Mind (FunBrain)
      Provides five games, ranging in difficulty from preschool through elementary school level.

  3. Matching - Memory Game (FunBrain)
      The object of the game is to find all of the matching pairs of cards.

  4. Math - Change Maker (FunBrain)
      "All you do is figure out how many of each bill or coin that you expect to get back when you pay for something."

  5. Math Baseball (FunBrain)
      Each problem is a "pitch." If you are correct, you get a hit with a single, double, triple or home run, depending on the difficulty of the problem. The result is provided in large letters above the problem.

  6. Pre-School Math Games (
      Provides six games to help children learn basic math. 7-02

  7. Word Game - Spell Check Game (FunBrain)

Lesson Plans
  1. Alphabet Lessons (
      Provides lessons to learn the alphabet. 3-01

  2. Fast Food and Nutrition (Think Quest)
      Provides information and quizzes related to the nutritional value of fast foods. 3-00

  3. Natural Math for Fun (Droujkov and Droujkova)
      Provides alternative ways to encourage learning math to make it more enjoyable for younger children. 5-00

  4. Nutrition Lessons (National Dairy Council)
      Provides lessons and activities to help younger children enjoy learning about nutrition. 3-00

  5. Pre-school Lessons by Topic (
      Provides resources by topic. 3-00

  6. Preschool Lessons (AtoZ Teacher Stuff)
      Provides creative activities in science, math, and language development for young children. 5-00

  7. Preschool Lessons (Seevers)
      Provides monthly curriculum outlines (called curriculum options) and activities (called Activity Pages). Also contains teacher preparation suggestions, topics (Potpourri of Ideas), and more. 1-02

  8. Preschool Level Art Lessons (Artswire)

  9. Preschool Physical Education Lesson Ideas (PE Central) 2-00

  10. Thematic Lessons - Kindergarten Level (Anderson, Hopkins, Short, Steele)
      Provides many lessons to improve self understanding. Standards based. 9-99

  1. Alphabet - Surfing the Net With Kids (Feldman)
      Provides a careful selection of sites for young kids.

  2. Child Abuse (National Network for Child Care)

  3. Children's Picture Books Search - Preschool to Grade 3 (Miami University - Ubbes and Millard)
      Children's Picture Book Database at Miami University provides short descriptions of over 4000 picture books for children through a search by keyword, subject, author or title. Does not provide the books or pictures of the books.

  4. Day Care Centers and Homes (Next Step Computing)
      Provides a searchable list of 120,000 child care centers and family day care homes in the United States. Facilities are searchable by zip code or city.

  5. Directory of Sites by Subject (Feldman)
      Provides a careful selection of sites for young kids.

  6. Dr. Seuss Activities (Random House Online)
      Seussville provides games and activities. 2-00

  7. Montessori Resources (Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators)

  8. National Network for Child Care

  9. Parenting Resources

  10. Preschool Math (Math Forum)
      Provides 28 math problems and lessons.

  11. Preschool and Kindergarten Resources (
      Provides carefully reviewed sites for preschool and kindergarten level, by source of information. 1-02

  1. Alphabet - Picture Dictionary (Enchanted Learning Software)

  2. Awesome Talking Library (Awesome Library) star
      Converts online text into spoken words through the Awesome Talkster program. Awesome Talkster has one of the clearest synthesized voices on the Web.

      Converting online text into speech has many uses. For example, Talkster can speak online stories or books to children while an adult supervises. The voice can be put in "Boy" or "Girl" mode to add a character with a bubble over his or her head. The bubble will show each word as it is spoken and the voice can be put on "slow" for your child to follow. Talkster can thereby assist your child in learning how to pronounce words while reading.

      Talkster is also useful for adults. It can speak news articles to you in one open browser while you are searching for information in another browser window.

      For persons with visual impairments or poor coordination, Talkster can be navigated with keystrokes.

      The Web can be navigated using a version of Awesome Library in a different language, such as Spanish, while using a voice for that language that is available through the Awesome Talkster. Links to different language versions of the Awesome Library are available at the bottom of most Awesome Library pages. Links to free voices for different languages can be found on the Awesome Talking Library's help page. 9-02

  3. Beanie Babies and Teddy Bears (Wauer-Ferus)

  4. Bear - Dress a Bear (
      Provides an online bear that can have combinations of clothing. 8-00.

  5. Color a Boat (Alfy Plus)
      Provides a picture that can be "painted" online by small children. 8-00

  6. Garfield Coloring Book

  7. Reading Readiness (
      Provides lessons and worksheets for teaching several words used frequently by young children. Uses PDF format. 7-02

  8. Reading Readiness Screening Tool (
      Provides a screening tool to help parents determine their child's readiness for reading. Designed for children four years old. "The National Center for Learning Disabilities selected Grover (Russ) Whitehurst, Ph.D., to serve as the principal investigator and developer of the Get Ready to Read! screening tool." 7-02

  9. Software for Young Children 2 (Kid's Domain)
      Provides software by subject and grade level.

  1. Games for Preschool (Boowa and Kwala)
      Provides mazes, games involving colors or shapes, puzzles, guessing games, and more. Requires Flash4 software (available free). 4-00

  1. Book Reviews by Reading Level (Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County - BookHive)
      Provides reviews of books for children, including younger children. 5-00

  2. Book Reviews for Preschool to Kindergarten

  3. Breast-Feeding Babies Improves Intelligence (Washington Post - Kaufman)
      "Infants breast-fed for nine months grew up to be significantly more intelligent than infants breast-fed for one month or less, according to a study published in today's Journal of the American Medical Association." 1-04

  4. Child Care Search (
      Provides day care centers by city. Also has a more personalized search, but it requires registration. 2-01

  5. Cultural Sensitivity for Young Children ( - Snow)
      Provides suggestions for encouraging young children to treat each other with respect and to appreciate children who are from a different ethnic group. 6-00

  6. Getting Your Toddler to Cooperate ( - Pantley)
      "It's delightful to see how a potentially negative situation can be turned into a fun experience by changing a child's focus to fantasy." 7-02

  7. Preschool (
      Provides suggestions for parents who have children of preschool or kindergarten age. 7-02

  8. Preschool (Kid Source)
      Provides articles related to health, education, safety, development and more.

  9. Preschool Experts (ParentsPlace)
      See the Ask Our Experts Box.

  10. Preschool Learning and Education (Kid Source)
      Provides articles to enhance learning for preschoolers.

  11. Science Factsheets for the Family (NASA - Spaceplace)
      Provides 10 factsheets related to exploration of space. 3-00

  12. Songs - Lyrics of Young Children's Songs (
      Provides lyrics for young children's songs by subject, by keyword or by title. 3-01

  13. Speech - Early Speech Matters (Philadelphia Inquirer - FitzGerald)
      Reports on research that suggests that if a child is not talking by the age of two or two and a half, an evaluation should be conducted. 5-02

  14. Study Finds Danger Zones for Children (ABC News)
      "The most common injuries children suffer vary by age almost month by month, with the most dangerous time coming at 15 to 17 months, according to a U.S. study published on Monday." 6-03

  1. Activities for Learning and Fun (Squigly's Playhouse)
      Provides coloring, word puzzles, crafts, games, and more. 12-00

  2. Arts and Crafts Projects (Aunt Annie)

  3. Colors (Naive - Cory's Paint Box) star
      Provides activities to help young children learn the names of colors. Also includes a Spanish bilingual version. educacion 7-00

  4. Craft Projects for Preschoolers (Jana)

  5. Crafting Projects 1 (Jana)

  6. Developmental Games for Children Ages 1 - 5 (American Psychological Association - KidsPsych)
      Provides five developmental games to teach basic concepts and to promote interaction with parents. Requires Shockwave software (available for free from the site). Loads slowly.

  7. FunSchool
      Provides fun activities to share with kids, preschool through second grade.

  8. Games and Activities for Young Children (Linkopedia)
      Provides games, coloring books, and other activities for children, ages 2 - 10. 6-99

  9. Games for Learning the Alphabet and Colors (
      Provides simple online games to help young children learn the alphabet and colors. 11-00.

  10. Games for Young Children 1 (Kid's Domain)
      Provides dozens of online games and activities for young children.

  11. Games for Young Children 2 (Kid's Domain)
      Provides dozens of online games and activities for young children. Organized by the special software required, if any.

  12. Interactive Games for Learning (Schipper)
      Learning Planet provides four interactive games for preschool level to kindergarten level to enhance learning. The games use Java and may take over five minutes to load.

  13. Mr. Potato Head

  14. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood (PBS and Family Communications)
      Provides sing-a-longs, play activities and more.

  15. Pinwheel Instuctions (LeslieTryon)
      Provides directions for making a pinwheel fan. 4-03

  16. Preschool Activities (A to Z Kids Stuff)
      Provides projects, such as working with colors, numbers, the alphabet, and shapes. Also includes farm, dinosaurs, calendar, ocean, shoes, my body, reading, and zoo as topics.

  17. Preschool Activities (The Chalkboard - Patricia)
      Provides lessons and activities suitable for preschool and kindergarten level children.

  18. Preschool Adventures (Boowa and Kwala)
      Provides a trip around the world in twelve months.

  19. Preschool Games (Boowa and Kwala)
      Provides interactive games. Uses Flash 4 plugin, which is free.

  20. Preschool Lessons (Funschool)
      Provides lessons by subject.

  21. Preschool Resources (
      Provides carefully reviewed sites for preschool level, by topic. 1-02

  22. Preschool and Kindergarten Activities for Teachers (The Chalkboard - Patricia)
      Provides lessons and activities suitable for preschool and kindergarten level children.

  23. Puppet Show Rubric (Rubistar)
      Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01

  24. Ready Set Read (US Department of Education)
      Provides activities for families to develop readiness skills for different ages of young children.

  25. Science Activities for the Family (NASA - Spaceplace)
      Provides 12 activities related to exploration of space. 9-01

  26. Science Experiments for the Family (NASA - Spaceplace)
      Provides 11 activities related to science or the exploration of space. 9-01

  27. Science Information for the Family (NASA - Jet Propulsion Lab)
      Provides activities to help understand science. 3-00

  28. Science Projects for the Family (NASA - Jet Propulsion Lab)
      Provides 8 projects to build related to exploration of space. 3-00

  29. Science Projects for the Family (NASA - Spaceplace)
      Provides 10 projects to build related to exploration of space. 3-00

  30. Story Builders (Squigly's Playhouse)
      Provides an opportunity to fill in parts of a short story. 12-00

Purchase Resources
  1. Books Written for Preschool and Kindergarten Teachers (
      Provides lessons, curricula, teaching strategies, and more. 1-02

  1. Early Childhood Program Accreditation

  1. Alphabet Worksheets (AbcTeach)
      Provides hundreds of printable worksheets to help children (by grade level) master the alphabet, shapes, and colors. 8-01

  2. Alphabet and Numbers Practice (Learning
      Includes pictures and practice sheets to help young children learn how to write letters of the alphabet and numbers. Includes Zaner-Blozer, D'Lealian, and cursive styles of writing. Requires Acrobat Reader. 5-00

  3. Cartoon Faces and Bodies (
      Provides worksheets, connect the dots, and more for Looney Tunes characters, such as Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Sylvester the cat, Tweety Bird, Yosemite Sam, Road Runner, Elmer Fudd, Taz, Pepe, Wiley Coyote, Foghorn, and more. 5-02

  4. Color Worksheets (AbcTeach)
      Provides worksheets to teach the basic colors. 8-01

  5. Coloring Books (The Crayon House)
      Provides printable coloring books.

  6. Coloring Books - Drug Abuse Prevention (Yofee)
      Provides coloring books and links to related resources to help younger children become more aware of the need to avoid drug abuse. 9-99

  7. Ocean Creatures Coloring Book (Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation)
      Provides drawings of ocean creatures for coloring, such as a blackfooted penquin, sea stars, amenomes, hermit crabs, and coral. 5-00

  8. Preschool Worksheets (School Express)
      Provides worksheets for use by parents. 10-99

  9. Worksheets for K - 2 (
      Provides worksheets by topic. 3-01

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