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  1. ParentsPlace

  1. Parenting Issues (Lycos)
      Provides sources of information related problems parents may have, ranging from runaway children to test anxiety.

  2. Parenting Resources (ABC's of Parenting)
      Provides hundreds of resources on parenting, with a strong emphasis on babies and newer parents. Includes annotated and rated sites of interest within each topic.

  3. Parenting Resources
      Provides almost 100 resources for parenting.

  4. Parents Resources (Caring Parents)
      Provides a broad variety of resources for parents.

  5. Pregnancy and Parenting Search (applesforhealth)
      Provides over 2,500 links and resources for pregnant women and parents.

  6. Publications for Parents (U.S. Department of Education)
      Provides sources of information according to 10 topic areas. 2-01

  1. Baby-sitting (applesforhealth)
      Hiring your first baby-sitter and preparing him or her—and yourself—for the event. Keep these suggestions in mind. 03-03-00.

  2. Breast Feeding Can Cut Infant Mortality (applesforhealth)
      A study by an international team of scientists indicates breast feeding can reduce infant mortality from infectious diseases. 03-10-00.

  3. British Airways Offers New Seat For Kids (applesforhealth)
      Globe-trotting toddlers flying British Airways will no longer have to sit on their parents' knees or lie in an in-flight carry cot. The air carrier has unveiled what it says is the world's first airline seat for the under-two-year-old set. 07-09-99.

  4. Childproofing Home (applesforhealth)
      Electrical outlet caps have been marketed for years as a way to stop drafts in the home and cut down on energy costs. In recent years, manufacturers also have marketed the caps to help protect curious children who may stick their fingers or an object into an outlet. 06-04-99.

  5. Crib Safety (Consumer Product Safety Commision)
      Provides information on cribs at home and during travel. 07-02-99.

  6. Discipline and Guidance for Young Children (National Network for Child Care)
      Provides over two dozen articles. 10-02

  7. Discipline and Students With Disabilities (Council for Exceptional Children - Daniels)
      "This article provides classroom teachers in inclusion settings with suggestions for addressing behavioral infractions of students with disabilities. In using these strategies, teachers and other practitioners should develop skills in diagnostic, reflective thinking and in making choices among strategies." 10-02

  8. Expert Advice (ParentsPlace)
      See the Ask Our Experts Box.

  9. Family With A Mission (applesforhealth)
      Clear cut goals help us to focus and guide our actions. That’s why it’s a good idea to create a mission statement for your family. The statement expresses what your family is about and the principle and values you choose to live by. Here are three steps to creating your own family mission statement. 03-03-00.

  10. Fatherhood (Father's World)
      Provides information for fathers.

  11. Foods For Infants and Children (applesforhealth)
      Physicians and scientists of the American Council of Science and Health (ACSH) demystify infant and child nutrition in a new report. 06-04-99.

  12. Guilt of a Busy Parent (applesforhealth)
      Although many parents want the best for their children, it is sometimes difficult to cope with busy schedules. Many parents feel guilty about the lack of time spent with the kids, and consequently, they bring these feelings into their relationships with their children. 04-21-00.

  13. Health Of U.S. Kids Compared To World (applesforhealth)
      Fifteen-year-old students in the United States are less likely to watch television or to smoke than their peers in 26 European countries or in Canada, but report they are more likely to feel tired in the morning and have difficulty talking to their mothers. 02-11-00.

  14. Immunizations Issues and Recommendations (Immunization Action Coalition)
      "The Coalition promotes physician, community, and family awareness of, and responsibility for, appropriate immunization of all children and adults against all vaccine-preventable diseases." 5-00.

  15. Immunizations Issues and Recommendations (World Health Organization)
      Provides recommendations for vaccinations, technical information on 23 vaccines, traveler's health care, and more. 5-00.

  16. Improving Communication Between Parents and Teens (SAMHSA)
      Provides articles to help parents improve their methods of communication with their children, especially their teens. 9-03

  17. Internet Surfing Can Cut Into 'People Time' (applesforhealth)
      Fears that dedicated Web surfers are becoming socially isolated from family and friends appear to be confirmed by a report from Stanford University. 03-03-00.

  18. My Name Means
      This site is a BabyNamer meaning search. You can look to find the meaning of a specific name or look for a name with a certain meaning.

  19. Parent "How To" Papers (ERIC)

  20. Parent Issues (Whole Family Center)
      Deals with more serious issues, such as battles between parents and teens.

  21. Parenting (KidSource)

  22. Parenting Reviews (ABC's of Parenting)
      Provides reviews and ratings of sites for families and parents-to-be.

  23. Parenting Tips (Keith)
      Provides 7 articles related to improving discipline and communication.

  24. Report Card on Kids (applesforhealth)
      A federal report on the state of the nation's children finds U.S. kids have improved slightly on crime, pregnancy and smoking, but the prevalence of poverty among young people has remain unchanged in 20 years, while their diet is worsening. 07-16-99.

  25. Study Gives Toilet-Training Tips (applesforhealth)
      Researchers conducting a two-year comprehensive study with 267 toddlers have some toilet-training tips to share. 06-04-99.

  26. Toy Safety (Consumer Product Safety Commision)
      Provides tips and articles related to dangers from toys, lead, mercury, cadmium, cords, guns for children, balloons, and more. 07-02-99.

  27. Working Lowers Math, Science Scores (applesforhealth)
      If you want your child to get good grades in school, Then you better think twice about letting him have an after-school job. Even traditional student jobs like mowing the lawn, babysitting or delivering newspapers may lower math and science scores, according to Pennsylvania State University researchers in University Park, Penn. 10-01-99.

  1. I'm a Parent (Weekly Reader)

  2. ParenthoodWeb

  1. Nutrition Information for Parents (CyberClub)
      Provides information and activities for parents to promote interest in nutrition with their children.

  1. Baby May Be Smart (applesforhealth)
      The authors of a book contend a baby's brain is smarter, faster and busier than any adult's. The authors are experts in psychology and neurology and have focused on how a child's mind grows. 10-08-99.

  2. Discipline - Effects of Spanking on Antisocial Behavior of Children (American Medical Association - Straus, Sugarman, Giles-Sims)
      "When parents use corporal punishment to reduce ASB [antisocial behavior], the long-term effect tends to be the opposite. The findings suggest that if parents replace corporal punishment by nonviolent modes of discipline, it could reduce the risk of ASB among children and reduce the level of violence in American society." 10-02

  3. Research for Better Parenting (National Parent Information Network)
      "The mission of NPIN is to provide access to research-based information about the process of parenting, and about family involvement in education." 9-00

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