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Violence and Crime

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  1. Community Development

  2. Conflict Prevention and Mediation

  1. Bullying (Awesome Library)
      Provides suggestions on combating bullying. 1-02

  2. Crime Statistics (US Bureau of Crime Statistics)

  3. Law Enforcement - Federal (Ed-Net and Oregon)
      Provides links to the FBI, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Department of Justice, and the US Marshall's Office.

  4. Law Enforcement Links (Meredith)
      Provides a comprehenisve listing of links for police officers.

  5. Oregon Board on Public Safety Standards and Training

  1. 07-27-03 Prison Population Increases (ABC News)
      "America's prison population grew again in 2002 despite a declining crime rate, costing the federal government and states an estimated $40 billion a year at a time of rampant budget shortfalls." 7-03

  2. 08-24-03 Crime Rate Lowest in 30 Years (CBS News)
      "Violent and property crimes dipped in 2002 to their lowest levels since records started being compiled 30 years ago, and have dropped more than 50 percent in the last decade, the Justice Department reported Sunday." 8-03

  3. 10-05-03 Murder Rate at 40-Year Low (Washington Times)
      "Murder in America has fallen into a historic slump, and that's a fact more people can live with. Murder rates have dropped to levels not seen since the mid-1960s, punctuating the end of a bloody 20th century where more than twice as many died in American homicides as U.S. troops did in wars."10-03

  4. Prison Rates Highest in U.S. (CNN)
      Describes USA prison rates as highest in the world, even surpassing Russia. 4-00

  1. Computer Crime (Department of Justice - Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section)
      Provides information on the new cybercrime unit of the Department of Justice. 3-00

  2. Criminals - Most Wanted Internationally (Intepol)
      Provides the Interpol list of most wanted, with pictures. 2-00

  3. Gunshot Wounds Cost Taxpayers $2.3 Billion/Year (applesforhealth)
      A new study says gunshot wounds cost Americans $2.3 billion each year to treat, and taxpayers are footing about half the bill. 08-13-99.

  4. Homeless Students

  5. Prisons in America (NOW with Bill Moyers)
      "Prisons are big in the United States. There are more people behind bars literally, and proportionally, than any time in our history. We have a higher percentage of our population in prison than any other nation. And, we keep building more prisons, in fact many locales lobby for new prisons as a tool of economic recovery." 12-03

  6. Record Number of Persons in Corrections in USA (ABC News)
      One in every 32 adults in the United States was behind bars or on probation or parole by the end of last year, according to a government report Sunday that found a record 6.6 million people in the nation's correctional system." 8-02

  7. Road Rage News (Yahoo)
      Provides news stories and resources related to road rage. 3-01

  8. Road Rage Prevention (Adams)
      Provides suggestions on how to handle road rage and prevent injury from others.

  9. Road Rage Resources (Vann)
      Provides resources on road rage, even songs to prevent road rage. 10-99

  10. School Attendance and Tuancy

  11. School Discipline

  12. School Safety (TeacherPathfinder)

  13. Women - Violence Against Women (National Geographic)
      Provides an essay against the practice of punishing women to "protect family honor" that continues from ancient times in some patriarchal societies. 2-02

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