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Smoking Tobacco Prevention

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  1. Guides to Quitting Tobacco Use (QuitNet)
      Provides 6 guides to help stop tobacco use. 6-00

  2. Tobacco QuitNet Library (Join Together Online and Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program)

  3. Tobacco Quiting Resources (Join Together Online and Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program)

  1. 01-06-04 State Tobacco Programs Fail (CBS News)
      "Most states have failed to pay for tobacco-prevention programs and protect people from second-hand smoke despite receiving billions of dollars in settlement money to take such measures, according to a report."

      "The American Lung Association's report, released Tuesday, gave 38 states grades of F for failing to fund tobacco prevention and control programs. Thirty-five states received F's for their smoke-free air laws." 1-04

  2. 05-21-03 Florida Court Supports Tobacco Industry (Washington Times - Wilson)
      "A Florida appeals court erased a record $145 billion award against the tobacco industry yesterday, ruling that thousands of Florida smokers could not group themselves together for a class-action attack on cigarette makers."

      "The action came on the same day that more than 190 countries approved the first international treaty against smoking, including an advertising ban, aimed at kicking the global habit that kills nearly 5 million people a year."

  3. 11-13-03 Smoking Rate Drops in High School (ABC News)
      "The percentage of U.S. high school students who smoke cigarettes fell to just under 23 percent in 2002, but there was no significant drop in smoking among middle school students, a survey released on Thursday showed." 11-03

  4. News Related to Smoking (QuitNet)
      Provides news stories on efforts to reduce the use of tobacco. 6-00

  1. Additives to Cigarettes (Indiana University - Indiana Prevention Resource Center)
      Provides the list of 599 ingredients added to cigarettes by the five leading cigarette manufacturers. 8-01

  2. At-Risk Behaviors by Youth (U.S. Dept of HHS - HHS News)
      According to the 1998 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse, 41.6 percent of youth ages 18-25 report smoking tobacco. Youth 12-17 who smoke are 11.4 times more likely to use illicit drugs and 16 times more likely to drink heavily.

  3. Chew Tobacco - Damage and Quitting (University of Arkansas for Medical Science - PATCH)
      Provides a free program to help with quitting, as well as providing reasons for quitting. 6-00

  4. Children and Tobacco (FDA)

  5. Cigar Health Hazards Reported (applesforhealth)
      A new study has given more weight to warnings that cigars can be at least as hazardous as cigarettes. 06-25-99.

  6. Frequently Asked Questions About Tobacco Use (University of California San Fancisco - Tobacco Control Archives)
      Provides answers to frequently asked questions about tobacco use. 8-01

  7. Guide to Quitting Tobacco Use (QuitNet)
      Provides a guide to help stop tobacco use. 9-01

  8. Guidelines for Preventing Tobacco Use (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides guidelines for school health programs to help prevent the use of tobacco by children and teens. 1-04

  9. History of Tobacco (Borio)
      Provides dozens of sources of information on the history of the cultivation and use of tobacco. 8-01

  10. Identifying Adolescent Smokers (applesforhealth)
      Doctors say a few questions and a urine test can identify preteen and teenage smokers. "It's a simple method that fills a major gap," said study author Dr. Samuel Gidding, associate professor of pediatrics and preventive medicine at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago. 03-10-00.

  11. Industry Plans to Target Youth for Tobacco Ads (Smoking Gun)
      Provides internal memos that show that that executives in the major tobacco manufacturing companies focused ads on trying to capture the youth market. 8-01

  12. Industry Plans to Target Youth for Tobacco Ads - Sample Document (Smoking Gun)
      Provides an internal memo, dated October 15, 1987, within R. J. Reynolds (Marlboro tobacco company) that discusses a project, including budget, to get youth from ages 13 - 24 to use their brand of cigarette. Visitors sometimes misspell as cigaret, cigaret, cigeret, or cigarete. 8-01

  13. New Look At Teen Smokers (applesforhealth)
      A study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, Cancer Center provides the first hard data on the number of young people who start smoking each day in the United States. 10-08-99.

  14. Plan to Reduce Tobacco Use by Children (Dept. of Health and Human Services)
      Provides the key points of the President's plan to reduce tobacco use by children. 6-00

  15. Posters On Tobacco Prevention (BADvertising Institute)

  16. Quitting - Tips to Quite Smoking (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides sources of information for suggestions to quite smoking tobacco products. 6-00

  17. Quitting Tobacco Use Lowers Lung Cancer Risk (CNN - Baum)
      Provides the results of a 10-year study in California showing a correlation between the reduction of tobacco use and the incidence of lung cancer. 9-00

  18. Smoking Cessation Advice (applesforhealth)
      This New Year's, millions of Americans will resolve to quit smoking. Unfortunately...according to medical experts...most will fail after just days or weeks because they don't realize how addictive nicotine really is. 12-24-99.

  19. Smoking Increases Risk To Pneumonia By Three Times (applesforhealth)
      A Spanish study finds people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day are three times more likely to catch pneumonia than those who never smoked. 08-20-99.

  20. Smoking Increasing Among Young (applesforhealth)
      An alarming number of children in middle school are smoking cigarettes, cigars and dangerous imported herbal or flavored smokes, says the first survey to examine tobacco use in the pre-high school set. 02-04-00.

  21. Snuff Poster (BADvertising Institute)

  22. Teens - Facts for Teens about Smoking (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides facts for teens. 6-00

  23. Teens - Posters on Smoking (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides 5 posters for teens related to tobacco smoking. 6-00

  24. Teens and Kids - Movie Facts (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides facts about how movies promote smoking without using ads. 6-00

  25. Teens and Kids - Rate Movies (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides two worksheets for rating the "smokiness" of a movie. 6-00

  26. Tobacco Cessation Guidelines (CDC)
      Provides guidelines, based on latest research, on how to stop smoking. 1-04

  27. Tobacco Cessation Guidelines (U.S. Surgeon General)
      Provides guidelines, based on latest research, on how to stop smoking. 1-04

  28. Tobacco Damage (Tobacco Free Kids)
      Show kids in no uncertain terms what tobacco can do to the human body.

  29. Tobacco Education and Prevention (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
      Provides educational materials, factsheets, and other materials. 1-01

  30. Tobacco Encyclopedia (UICC-GLOBALink - TobaccoPedia)
      Provides comprehensive information about the effects and use of tobacco, organized by topic. Includes information on advertising, litigation, industry supporters, economics, and more. 8-01

  31. Tobacco Information and Prevention (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) star
      Provides facts, news, research, surveys, organizations, toabacco industry documents, "best practices" by programs, educational materials, and guides related to the cessation of tobacco use. 6-00

  32. Tobacco Research Underestimates Secondhand Smoke Risk (applesforhealth)
      A New Zealand researcher says tobacco-related research underestimates the risks of smoking because everyone has been slightly poisoned by secondhand smoke. 09-17-99.

  33. Tobacco Still A Major Problem Among U.S. Teens (applesforhealth)
      Smoking is on the increase among U.S. teens and smoking-related deaths around the globe are expected to triple in the coming century, the American Heart Association says. 01-07-00.

  34. Why Some Former Smokers Gain Weight (applesforhealth)
      If you'd like to quit smoking but are afraid you'll gain weight, you'd best examine when you tend to light up. Most of any weight gain comes from increased food intake. 01-07-00.

Purchase Resources
  1. Anti-Tobacco Products for Teens (Generation Truth)
      Provides mugs, T-shirts, and posters to help combat tobacco use by teens. 9-00

  1. Tobacco Prevention - More Bad News For Smokers (applesforhealth)
      As if increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular problems and impotence weren't enough, now a study indicates that smokers also are more likely than those who abstain from the unhealthy habit to develop pneumonia. 09-10-99.

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