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Mental Health

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  1. Anxiety Disorders

  2. Behavior Problems

  3. Bipolar Affective Disorder

  4. Depression

  5. Psychology

  6. Stress

  1. Mental Health Disorders and Treatments (Mental Health Net)
      Provides a directory of mental health disorders and conditions, along with treatments.

  2. Mental Health Disorders and Treatments (Mental Health Source)
      Provides mental health disorders descriptions and treatments.

  3. Mental Health Library

  4. Mental Health Net Searches

  5. Mental Health Resources (
      "Two Americans - one of Jewish descent, the other of Arab descent - each with passionate views on the Mideast conflict. promised both of them anonymity and asked them to debate for a month the ins and outs of what is happening in the Holy Land." 5-02

  6. Mental Help Net
      This website offers an alphabetical database of not only common mental health problems and disorders (and links therein to treatment information), but also a wide variety of other health and medical issues where support and information resources on that topic may be valuable and informative for readers.

  7. Organizations Providing Case Management Services (Center for Healthcare Information)
      Provides a list of agencies by state, county, area code, keyword, and zip code. Try specifying state alone first. 11-99

  1. 12-11-02 Mental Illness in Media (
      "Wahl said a study of nearly 50 G- and PG-rated movies found that about 25% of them had characters labeled in the movie as having mental illnesses."

      " 'And most of the time, those labels were offensive and denigrating, with eye-rolling and slang terms. Frequently, the characters also were violent,' Wahl said." 12-02

  2. Bush Supports Equity for Mental Health Insurance Coverage (USA Today)
      "President Bush threw his weight Monday behind the idea — if not the details — of legislation guaranteeing equitable insurance coverage for mental health services." 5-02

  1. Assessment - Children's Functional Assessment Rating Scale (Florida Department of Community Mental Health - Ward et al)
      Provides a trainining manual for the CFARS. 3-02

  2. Assessment - DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis (
      Describes the Axis I diagnosis. 3-02

  3. Assessment - DSM-IV Axis I Diagnosis Flow Chart (
      Provides questions to help screen to determine if a person is likely to fit an Axis 1 diagnosis. 3-02

  4. Assessment - DSM-IV Axis II Diagnosis - Clinical Disorders (
      Provides descriptions of personality disorders, including Anxiety (Panic Attacks, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, OCD, GAD, Phobias, Agoraphobia ... ), Adjustment, Dissociative, Eating ( Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa ... ), Factitious, Impulse-Control, Mood (Depression, Manic-Depression now called Bipolar I / II, Dysthymic, Cyclothymic ... ), Schizophrenia or Psychotic, Sleep, Sexual or Gender Identity, Somatoform, and Substance-Related. 3-02

  5. Assessment - DSM-IV Axis II Diagnosis - Personality Disorders (
      Provides descriptions of personality disorders, including Paranoid, Antisocial, Avoidant, Borderline, Dependent, Histrionic, Narcissistic, Obsessive-Compulsive, Schizoid, and Schizotypal. 3-02

  6. Assessment - Emotional Assessment for Children (Pediatric Symptom Checklist - Jellinek and Murphy)
      "The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief screening questionnaire that is used by pediatricians and other health professionals to improve the recognition and treatment of psychosocial problems in children." For a free, downloadable copy, see the fifth item "Ordering Information" under the first paragraph. 3-02

  7. Cartoon Faces to Uncover Mental Health Issues in Young Children (
      Summarizes a study which showed that physicians using cartoon faces to help children communicate how they felt uncovered a significant number of children who would have otherwise not been recognized as needing help. 5-02

  8. Discipline and Students With Disabilities (Council for Exceptional Children - Daniels)
      "This article provides classroom teachers in inclusion settings with suggestions for addressing behavioral infractions of students with disabilities. In using these strategies, teachers and other practitioners should develop skills in diagnostic, reflective thinking and in making choices among strategies." 10-02

  9. Discipline and Students With Disabilities (Council for Exceptional Children)
      Clarifies guidelines to meet IDEA's 1997 discipline requirements. 10-02

  10. IDEA and Special Education (CESD - Richards)
      Provides an overview of the provisions of IDEA as it applies to legal obligations of schools under federal law. 8-00

  11. Mental Illness In America (applesforhealth)
      According to a recent study by the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and Harvard University, mental disorders account for 4 of the 10 leading causes of disability in established market economies worldwide. These disorders are major depression, manic-depressive illness, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Other research has estimated that the cost of mental illnesses in the United States, including indirect costs such as days lost from work, was $148 billion in 1990, the last time the total bill was measured. 01-14-00.

  12. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (
      "The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders." 12-02

  13. National Institute of Mental Health
      Provides information for practitioners, the public, and researchers on news and events, clinical trials, funding, and opportunities dealing with mental health.

  14. Students With Disabilities and Crisis Situations (Council for Exceptional Children)
      "Special education teachers often play a crucial role with their students who are in crisis. Some students with special needs may be particularly at risk when they experience crisis, and special educators need to know how to help them get the support they need, as well as how to work with them in the classroom." 10-02

  15. Who Can Help You Find Help (AACAP)

  1. Effectiveness of Psychotherapy (Seligman)
      Provides a summary and critique of a study conducted by Consumer Reports on the effectiveness of psychotherapy. 6-00

  2. Mental Health Services for Children (
      Summarizes results from a study by the National Conference of State Legislatures. "Between 5% and 7% of children use specialty mental health services every year. However, the majority of children who are likely to benefit from these services do not receive care." 10-02

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