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  1. Gifted Children Education (Google Directory)
      Provides over 150 sources of information. 6-01

  2. Gifted Children Education - Curriculum Differentiation (Google Directory)
      Provides dozens of sources of information. 6-01

  3. Gifted Resources (Gifted Children's Association of B.C.)
      Provides organizations, associations, articles, and more. 5-01

  4. Gifted Resources (Hoagies' Gifted Education)
      Provides education resources for the gifted, including identification, testing, programs, and more. 5-01

  5. Homeschooling Gifted Children (A to Z Home's Cool - Zeise)
      Provides over a dozen articles about homeschooling gifted children, including reasons for doing so. 6-01

  1. News About the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      Provides news articles related to persons who have been recognized as profoundly gifted. 10-02

  1. Acceleration in School for the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development - Feldhusen, Proctor, and Black)
      Provides 12 guidelines for grade advancement.

      "The most appropriate educational provision for gifted and talented youth is a system of specifically designed classes which provide learning activities at an appropriate pace and level and which emphasize the process skills of critical thinking and research. Unfortunately this type of educational provision is not yet available to most gifted and talented youth. However, one of the more readily available educational alternatives for the intellectually or academically gifted student is grade advancement." 10-02

  2. Acceleration in School for the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      "Research on acceleration or grade skipping has been found to have almost uniformly positive results...." In particular, "Acceleration is educationally and socially advantageous for highly gifted learners. (Clark, 1997)"

      "Accelerated students were more likely to be high achievers in college, to graduate, and to attend graduate school than their age peers. (Brody & Stanley, 1991)"

      "Research has found no evidence to support the notion that social or emotional problems arise through well-planned and monitored acceleration programs. (Southern & Jones, 1991)" 10-02

  3. Acceleration in School for the Profoundly Gifted - Readings (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      Provides over three dozen articles. 10-02

  4. Articles and Research (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      Provides over a hundred articles, in alphabetic order, to assist parents, students, or researchers understand and work with gifted learners. 10-02

  5. Articles on the Profoundly Gifted - By Topic (Davidson Institute for Talent Development) star
      Provides over a hundred articles, by topic, to assist parents, students, or researchers understand and work with profoundly gifted learners. The areas of focus are development, education, identification, parenting, support, talent or interest development, and fun activities. Also allows keyword searches. 10-02

  6. Assessing Gifted Children (Osborn)
      Provides an essay on assessing gifted children. 5-01

  7. Characteristics and Potential Problems of Gifted Children (Queensland Association for Gifted and Talented Children)
      Provides a list of characteristics and possible associated problems. 5-01

  8. Characteristics of Gifted Adults - A Self-Test (Rocaroma School)
      Provides characteristics associated with gifted adults. 5-01

  9. Characteristics of Gifted Children (Education Department of Western Australia)
      Provides a checklist of learning characteristics and behaviors associated with children who are gifted. 5-01

  10. Characteristics of Gifted Children (Gifted Canada)
      Provides characteristics associated with children who are gifted. Also lists potential problems with each of the strengths. 5-01

  11. Characteristics of Gifted Children (National Association for Gifted Children)
      Provides characteristics associated with children who are gifted in five domains. 5-01

  12. Characteristics of Gifted Preschoolers (Farmer)
      Provides developmental milestones associated with gifted young children and suggests activities to help them with their development. 5-01

  13. Characteristics of Giftedness (Silverman)
      Provides a list of characteristics of giftedness, developed from a review of literature. 5-01

  14. Compensation Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities (Davidson Institute for Talent Development - Reis, McGuire, and Neu)
      Summarizes findings from research on successful college students who had high ability and learning disabilities. Discusses their compensation strategies. 10-02

  15. Essential Classroom Practices for the Gifted (University of St. Thomas - Rogers)
      Provides a summary of best classroom practices, based on reviews of literature. 5-01

  16. Factsheets on the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      Provides articles on the profoundly gifted related to Early Years, Family, IQ and Testing, Emotional/Social Development, Vulnerabilities, Parenting, Schooling, Acceleration in School, Early College, Educational Advocacy, Talent Development, Twice Exceptional, and Adult Achievement. 10-02

  17. Glossary for Gifted Education (Nordby)
      Provides definitions of terms typically used in relation to gifted children. 5-01

  18. Mentor Relationships and Gifted Learners Guide (Davidson Institute for Talent Development - Berger)
      Provides a guide for matching gifted children and teens with mentors. 10-02

  19. Myths and Facts About Gifted Children (Wilson)
      Provides a list of common myths about gifted children and provides conclusions from reviews of literature by Winner. 5-01

  20. Myths and Facts About Gifted Children in the Classroom (Association of Educators of Gifted, Talented, and Creative Children in BC)
      Provides a list of common myths about gifted children and provides conclusions from reviews of literature. 5-01

  21. Schooling Needs for the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
      "In terms of intellectual capacity alone, the child of IQ 190 differs from moderately gifted classmates of IQ 130 to the same degree that the latter differ from intellectually handicapped children of IQ 70. (Gross, 1992)" One of the problems identified within schools is pitting equality against excellence rather than promoting both equity and excellence. 10-02

  22. Teacher Bias in Identifying Gifted Children (Farmer)
      "This study indicates that teachers need better training to help them recognize the stereotypical beliefs they hold about gifted and talented students. Such training will go a long way toward improving referrals for gifted and talented programs." Teachers see weaknesses in students and falsely conclude that they therefore are not gifted. 5-01

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