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Developmental Disabilities

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Cerebral Palsy
Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders
Severe or Chronic Illness
Spina Bifida

Also Try
  1. Special Education (General)

  1. Support for Families and Siblings With Disabilities (Family Village) 2-00

  1. Developmental Disabilities Resource Center (Markley)
      Provides dozens of links.

  2. Disabilities Links (Family Village) 2-00

  3. Disabilities Resources (Fullmer)
      Provides over 100 resources related to disabilities. Called Untangling the Web.

  4. Disability Resources (New York Insititute for Special Education)
      Provides over 100 resources related to disabilities, in alphabetical order by organization.

  5. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities Resources

  6. Organizations Providing Case Management Services (Center for Healthcare Information)
      Provides a list of agencies by state, county, area code, keyword, and zip code. Try specifying state alone first. 11-99

  7. Parenting Children with Special Needs ( - Swarbrick)
      Provides resources for child advocacy related to disabilities or abuse.

  8. Recumbent Tricycles and Quads (Awesome Library)

  9. Tricycling (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of tricycles and quadcycles (four-wheels) for adults. These cycles can provide safe transportation and exercise, as well as haul items. Safer from falls, more comfortable, and more powerful than a bicycle. If a fuel cell is added for additional power on hills, these cycles might provide good general transportation that is very inexpensive. 6-01

  1. Americans With Disabilities Act (U.S. Department of Justice)
      Provides information on the law, as well as enforcement. 5-00

  2. Disability Diagnoses (Family Village)
      Provides a comprehensive listing of diagnoses.

  3. Father's Network
      Provides support for fathers of children with chronic illness or developmental disabilities.

  4. Growth Disorders In Children (applesforhealth)
      Serono Laboratories, Inc. has launched a comprehensive educational web site for parents on growth disorders, diagnosis and treatment. The new web site,, offers parents useful information about how children grow, the evaluation of growth and the treatment of growth disorders. 02-18-00.

  5. Growth Therapies (How Kids Grow)
      This site is dedicated to bringing the best treatment options and support to patients with growth disorders. They provide information on developing new drug therapies, as well as educational and financial resources.

  6. IDEA and Special Education (CESD - Richards)
      Provides an overview of the provisions of IDEA as it applies to legal obligations of schools under federal law. 8-00

  7. Recumbent Tricycle - Greenspeed (
      Describes the product with a variety of versions, including fully enclosed (fairings), tandem, compact, quad-powered, hand-powered, battery powered, and solar powered. Awesome Library does not endorse this product, but only provides it as an example. Sometimes called three-wheel bicycles. 6-01

  8. Rett Syndrome - Defective Gene Linked To Rett Syndrome (applesforhealth)
      Researchers have traced the cause of Rett syndrome, one of the most common forms of mental retardation in females, to a defective gene on the X chromosome. 10-22-99.

  9. Sensory Integration Dysfunction (ABC - 2020 News)
      Describes DSI and the therapy for it. 8-00

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