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Attention Deficit Disorder

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  1. ADD or ADHD (Healthnotes)
      Provides sources of information on research related to diagnosing and treating ADD or Attentional Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). 11-99

  2. CH.A.D.D. - Children and Adults with ADD
      Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorders (CH.A.D.D.) is a nonprofit parent-based organization formed to better the lives of individuals with attention deficit disorders and those who care for them.

  3. Organizations Providing Case Management Services (Center for Healthcare Information)
      Provides a list of agencies by state, county, area code, keyword, and zip code. Try specifying state alone first. 11-99

  1. Awesome Talking Library (Awesome Library) star
      Converts online text into spoken words through the Awesome Talkster program. Awesome Talkster has one of the clearest synthesized voices on the Web.

      Converting online text into speech has many uses. For example, Talkster can speak online stories or books to children while an adult supervises. The voice can be put in "Boy" or "Girl" mode to add a character with a bubble over his or her head. The bubble will show each word as it is spoken and the voice can be put on "slow" for your child to follow. Talkster can thereby assist your child in learning how to pronounce words while reading.

      Talkster is also useful for adults. It can speak news articles to you in one open browser while you are searching for information in another browser window.

      For persons with visual impairments or poor coordination, Talkster can be navigated with keystrokes.

      The Web can be navigated using a version of Awesome Library in a different language, such as Spanish, while using a voice for that language that is available through the Awesome Talkster. Links to different language versions of the Awesome Library are available at the bottom of most Awesome Library pages. Links to free voices for different languages can be found on the Awesome Talking Library's help page. 9-02

  1. ADD - The Positive Side (Gallagher)
      Provides research and suggestions that ADD may have a very positive side, such as creativity. Called "born to explore."

  2. ADD Facts, Myths, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Additude Magazine)
      Provides useful information for adults with ADD or parents of children with ADD. 11-01

  3. ADD or ADHD Diagnosis (Johns Hopkins)
      Provides research finding that children with ADD or ADHD respond differently to Ritalin at a neurological level. 7-02

  4. ADD, ADHD ( - Bailey)
      Provides information about diagnosis and starting a support group. Also provides experiences of persons with ADD. 21101

  5. ADD, ADHD ( - Bailey)
      Provides information about diagnosis and starting a support group. Also provides experiences of persons with ADD. 21101

  6. ADHD Diagnosis and Treatment (Alex)
      Provides 10 articles, including a detailed article on medications.

  7. ADHD and Children Who Are Gifted (KidSource - Webb and Latimer)
      Provides definitions and distinctions to help in diagnosis.

  8. Adults With ADD (CHADD)
      "Until recently, it was believed that ADD symptoms largely disappeared in adolescence." 7-02

  9. Americans With Disabilities Act (U.S. Department of Justice)
      Provides information on the law, as well as enforcement. 5-00

  10. Attention Deficit Disorder (Family Village)
      Provides carefully reviewed resources for contacts, support, and diagnoses. 2-00

  11. Attention Deficit Disorder Criteria (Power Parenting)
      Describes ADD with Hyperactivity, ADD without Hyperactivity, and Undifferentiated ADD.

  12. Attention Deficit Disorder Resources (Mental Health Net) 8-00

  13. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Hempel)
      Dr. Hempel provides eight characteristics of ADHD, considerations in diagnosis, and medical solutions.

  14. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (KidSource)
      Provides a dozen or more articles on ADHD.

  15. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Diagnosis (KidSource - NIMH)
      Provides definitions and examples on ADHD.

  16. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Guide for Parents (KidSource)
      Lists 15 criteria for diagnosing ADHD and defines hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsivity. Mentions research on Feingold approach. 8-00

  17. Children Who Can't Pay Attention (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Provides basic suggestions. 1-04

  18. Co-Existing Conditions and ADD (CHADD)
      "As many as two thirds of children with AD/HD have at least one other coexisting condition." 7-02

  19. Diagnosis of ADD (CH.A.D.D.)

  20. Ensuring Safe Psychotropic Medications For Children (applesforhealth)
      Up-to-date information on the safety and efficacy of medications for children and adolescents with mental disorders is now available to parents, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers. 07-30-99.

  21. Factsheets on Attention-Deficit or Hyperactive Disorder (CHADD)
      Provides information eight factsheets. 6-02

  22. Frequently Asked Questions About ADD (Kanneman)

  23. Guidelines for Documentation (Consortium on ADHD Documentation) star
      Provides a reprint of the Guidelines for Documentation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults for purposes of gaining appropriate accomodations in school or work under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Includes the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD in the Appendix. 6-00

  24. Guidelines for Documentation - Assessing Documentation (Harvard College)
      Provides criteria for evaluating the documentation presented on ADHD for purposes of gaining appropriate accomodations in college under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 6-00

  25. Guidelines for Documentation - Harvard Adaptation (Consortium on ADHD Documentation - Harvard Version)
      Provides Guidelines for Documentation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults for purposes of gaining appropriate accomodations in school or work under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Includes the DSM-IV criteria for ADHD in the Appendix. 6-00

  26. Homework Solutions (Power Parenting)
      Provides 12 symptoms of homework problems and gives four suggestions to speed homework.

  27. How are We Different - One Adult's Perspective (Seay)
      Provides opinions and perspectives of an adult with ADD. He discusses what it feels like to have ADD. 11-01

  28. IDEA and Special Education (CESD - Richards)
      Provides an overview of the provisions of IDEA as it applies to legal obligations of schools under federal law. 8-00

  29. Legal Rights for Children with ADD (CHADD) 10-00

  30. Medical Management for Children With ADD (CHADD) 10-00

  31. Medication for Kids With ADHD (applesforhealth)
      A study finds that a single morning dose of Adderall, a drug to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), improved children's behavior and performance as much as the usual morning-and-noon doses of Ritalin. 12-10-99.

  32. National Attention Disorder Association
      A national organization for children and adults with ADD.

  33. Parents - Assistance for Parents (Giler)
      Provides suggestions for parents of children with ADD or learning disabilities.

  34. Parents - Social Skills Training (Giler)
      Provides a few suggestions for parents of children with ADD or learning disabilities to help their children gain stronger social skills or to make friends.

  35. Parents - Strategies and Suggestions on ADD (CHADD) 10-00

  36. Parents Factsheet on ADD (CHADD) 10-00

  37. Research on Attention-Deficit or Hyperactive Disorder (CHADD)
      Provides information on over a dozen of the more interesting research studies related to this field. 6-02

  38. Section 504 and Special Education (CESD - Richards)
      Provides an overview of the provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabiliitation Act as it applies to legal obligations of schools and IDEA, the Special Education provisions under federal law. 6-99

  39. Support and Advocacy Groups for AD(H)D (USA and Canada) (ADHD Help)
      Provides addresses for agencies, support groups, and advocacy groups. Also provided information on books, legal assistance, and other resources.

  40. Teaching Children With ADD (KidSource)
      Provides definitions and suggestions for improving learning.

  41. Ten Neurological Behaviors Associated With ADD (ADD Medical Treatment Center)

  1. ADD and AD/HD (Miningco - Keith)
      Provides dozens of carefully chosen and annotated links.

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