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  1. United States

  1. Maine (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Augusta. 10-00

  2. Maine (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  3. Maine Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  4. Maryland (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Annapolis. 10-00

  5. Maryland (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  6. Maryland Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  7. Massachusetts

  8. Massachusetts (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Boston. Sometimes visitors misspell as Massatusets, Massachussets, Massachussetts, or Massachusettes. 10-00

  9. Massachusetts (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities that have guides. 11-01

  10. Massachusetts Online Registry of Motor Vehicles

  11. Massachusetts Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  12. Michigan (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Lansing. 10-00

  13. Michigan (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with guides. 11-01

  14. Michigan Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  15. Minnesota (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Saint Paul. Sometimes visitors misspell as Minesota. 10-00

  16. Minnesota (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  17. Minnesota Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  18. Mississippi (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Jackson. Sometimes visitors misspell as Missisipi, Misisipi, or Missisippi. 10-00

  19. Mississippi (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  20. Mississippi Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  21. Missouri (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Jefferson City. Sometimes visitors misspell as Misuri or Misouri. 10-00

  22. Missouri (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  23. Missouri Nature Centers

  24. Missouri Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  25. Montana (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Helena. 10-00

  26. Montana (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  27. Montana Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  28. Nebraska (Nebraska State Government)

  29. Nebraska (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Lincoln. 10-00

  30. Nebraska (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  31. Nebraska Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  32. Nevada (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Carson City. 10-00

  33. Nevada (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  34. Nevada Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  35. New Mexico (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  36. New Hampshire (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Concord. 10-00

  37. New Hampshire (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  38. New Hampshire Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  39. New Jersey (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Trenton. Sometimes visitors misspell as Jersy. 10-00

  40. New Jersey (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  41. New Jersey Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  42. New Mexico (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Santa Fe. 10-00

  43. New Mexico Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  44. New York (Yahoo)

  45. New York (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Albany. 10-00

  46. New York Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  47. North Carolina (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Raleigh. 10-00

  48. North Carolina (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  49. North Carolina Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  50. North Dakota (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Bismarck. 10-00

  51. North Dakota (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  52. North Dakota Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  53. Ohio (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Columbus. 10-00

  54. Ohio (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with guides. 11-01

  55. Ohio Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  56. Oklahoma (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Oklahoma City. 10-00

  57. Oklahoma (Yahoo)
      Provides a list of cities with city guides. 11-01

  58. Oklahoma Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides schools on the Net by grade level, state, and then city. 11-01

  59. Oregon (Weber Publications)
      Includes a great deal of basic information, such as geography, legislature, flag, motto, bird, flower, motto, nickname, and so forth. Also has a link to the state capital, Salem. 10-00

  60. Oregon (Yahoo)
      Provides a listing of cities in the state. 11-01

  61. Oregon - Local News (US West)

  62. Oregon - NetYear 97

  63. Oregon - News Network

  64. Oregon - Newspapers (

  65. Oregon - Public Colleges and Universities

  66. Oregon - RentNet Oregon

  67. Oregon - Skiing Page
      Provides sources of information on skiing locations and conditions. 11-01

  68. Oregon - Unemployment Benefits

  69. Oregon - Unemployment Offices

  70. Oregon - Vacation Planner
      Provides information about Oregon for planning vacations. Try the Web Site Index to start.

  71. Oregon Americorps

  72. Oregon DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles)
      Provides online ability to change driver's license address, as well as other services.

  73. Oregon DMV - Change of Address Form (Department of Motor Vehicles)
      Provides online form to change driver's license address.

  74. Oregon Data Center

  75. Oregon Department of Education
      Provides information on programs, services, and student achievement. 1-03

  76. Oregon HUD Section 8 and Public Housing

  77. Oregon Local Homeless Organizations (NCH)

  78. Oregon Movie Finder (Oregon Live)
      Provides listings of movie times and locations for Oregon. 3-00

  79. Oregon Movies (Oregon Live)
      Provides movie information for theatres in Oregon. 5-02

  80. Oregon Online

  81. Oregon RentNet

  82. Oregon Schools on the Net (Yahoo)
      Provides a listing of schools that have a Web page. 11-01

  83. Oregon State Job Listings

  1. Oregon Travel Advisory (ODOT)
      Provides camera views and up to date information on weather and traffic at key locations. Caution - The pictures may not be current.

  1. Oregon Radio (Oregon Public Broadcasting)
      Provides information from OPB, Public Broadcasting System (PBS), and National Public Radio (NPR). 10-00

  1. Employment in Oregon by Industry (
      Provides information on the number of jobs and the changes in number of jobs by industry. 3-04

  2. Maine through Oregon (
      Provides comprehensive information on Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon. 3-01

  3. New York - George Washington Bridge (
      Provides facts about the bridge, pictures of rejected designs, pictures of the bridge, information on the expansions of the bridge, and a description of how the master bridge designer, Othmar Ammann, gained the contract to build the bridge. 7-02

  4. Oregon Taxes - How Can Oregon Raise Money? (
      Provides an explanation of options for gaining revenue and describes progressive and regressive taxes. 2-04

  5. Oregon Taxes - Income Tax Explained (
      Provides an explanation of Oregon's income tax. 2-04

  6. Oregon Taxes - Property Tax Explained (
      Provides an explanation of Oregon's property tax. 2-04

  7. Oregon Taxes - Why Has Government Costs Gone Up? (
      Provides an explanation the sources of funds. 2-04

  1. Harvesting Rainwater in Portland (
      Describes alternative ways of using water that would have been diverted into the stormsewer by downspouts. 3-04

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