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  1. Hebrew

  2. Jewish

  3. Jewish

  4. Middle East

  1. Israel (Yahoo)

  2. Israel - Culture and Government (University of Texas at Austin - The Center for Middle Eastern Studies)
      Provides a set of resourches for studying Israeli culture, education, art, economy, media, and government. 2-01

  3. Israel Resources (VADA)
      Provides over 100 resources related to Israel. 4-02

  4. Middle East (Awesome Library)
      Provides a set of resourches for studying the Middle East. 2001. 2-01

  5. Middle East Peace and Human Rights Groups (Brooks)
      Provides dozens of groups that are working toward peace and cultural understanding in Israel and Palestine. 2-01

  6. Middle East and North Africa (Donn)
      Provides a set of resourches for studying the Middle East. 2-01

  1. Awesome Library in Russian (Promt)
      Provides online translations of the Web. 7-02

  2. Hebrew - Ancient Hebrew (
      Provides the ancient Hebrew alphabet and shows how ancient Greek was based on it. "Most are aware that our English language uses the Latin alphabet which has evolved out of the Greek alphabet. What most are not aware of is that the Greek alphabet evolved out of the Hebrew Alphabet." 7-02

  3. Hebrew - Search the Old Testament in Hebrew (
      Provides searches in Hebrew. 7-02

  4. Hebrew Version of Google Search Engine (
      Provides searches of the Web in Hebrew. Instructions are in Hebrew. 7-02

  5. Map of Areas of Israeli and Palestinian Control (CNN)
      Provides a map that shows where Palestinians have control and where Israelis have control. Includes Ramallah. 10-00

  1. 11-17-02 Abba Eban Dies (BBC)
      "Veteran Israeli politician and diplomat Abba Eban has died in hospital near Tel Aviv at the age of 87."

      "He dominated the first decade of Israeli diplomacy following the state's establishment in 1948, serving as its representative to the United Nations and ambassador to Washington."

      "He went on to become one of Israel's most respected foreign ministers, serving for eight of the most turbulent years of its history, between 1966 and 1974."

  2. Israel to Dismantle 10 Illegal Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Territory (ABC News)
      "Ten illegal settlements in the West Bank will be dismantled in the next 24 hours, Israeli Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said Saturday." "Earlier in the week, Ben-Eliezer vowed to remove 20 of the hilltop outposts, even if he had to send in the army to forcibly remove the settlers, many of whom say they have a biblical right to the land they believe God gave the Jews." 6-02

  3. Israeli Rocket Kills Hamas Commander and Civilians (ABC News - al-Kashif)
      Reports on an attack by an Israeli jet against the home of the commander of Hamas. "An Israeli fighter plane fired a missile into a crowded neighborhood in Gaza City Tuesday, killing the commander of the military wing of Hamas and 14 other Palestinians, including nine children." 7-02

  4. Jerusalem Post
      Provides news from one of Israel's newspapers. 10-00

  5. Middle East News (BBC News)
      Provides news stories, features, and analysis of the news in the Middle East, with a heavy emphasis on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 6-02

  6. News in Hebrew (
      Provides news in Hebrew. Includes Ha'Aretz and Hadashot from Israel. 8-00

  1. 10-16-02 U.N. Chief Backs a Tough Resolution for Iraq Inspections (Frontline - Sura)
      "Calling Iraq's failure to comply with U.N. demands to disarm a grave international challenge, Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Wednesday backed a new U.N. resolution that would toughen weapons inspections and urged Baghdad to use this 'last chance.' " 10-02

  2. Barak, Ehud (ABC News)
      Provides a short political biography of the Israeli leader, as well as a picture. 3-01

  3. Hamas (BBC News - Asser)
      Provides a history of the development of the international terrorist group that operates heavily in Israel. "Hamas does not recognise the right of Israel to exist. Its long-term aim is to establish an Islamic state on land originally mandated as Palestine - most of which has been contained within Israel's borders since its creation in 1948." 11-01

  4. Hebrew for Children (
      Provides flash cards and other materials to help children learn the Hebrew alphabet. 6-02

  5. History of the Middle East Regarding Israel (Guardian Unlimited - Brown)
      Provides a timeline, starting in 1881, describing the events leading up to the formation of Israel. Also describes the conflicts between Israelis and other Middle East countries. 4-02

  6. Islamic Jihad (BBC News - Asser)
      Provides a history of the development of the international terrorist group that operates heavily in Israel. "Israel is considered - along with pro-Western, secular Arab regimes - as a manifestation of Western imperialism in the Islamic lands. Going into battle against it is therefore the first step to fulfilling the goals of Islam." 11-01

  7. Israel (
      Provides a profile by topic, including Economy, Defense, Geography, Government, People, National Anthem, Lyrics and Related Links. Provides a map and a flag. 6-02

  8. Israel (Library of Congress)
      Provides a history of the country, including culture, government, economy, and more. Also includes geographic information. 1-02

  9. Israel (U.S. State Department)
      Provides a history of each country, including culture, government, economy, and more. 1-02

  10. Israel - Middle East Peace History (BBC)
      Provides a short history of the Middle East area for the past 50 years from a British point of view. Includes a map of the area and discusses the Palestinian situation. 7-00

  11. Jerusalem - Historical Development (The State of Israel)
      Provides a short modern history of Jerusalem, from an Israeli point of view. 10-00

  12. Knesset (American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise)
      "The Knesset is Israel's legislature. The Knesset took its name and fixed its membership at 120 from the Knesset Hagedolah (Great Assembly), the representative Jewish council convened in Jerusalem by Ezra and Nehemiah in the 5th century B.C.E." 4-02

  13. Resistance from Within Israel (Frontline - Sura)
      "Trial by court-martial could well focus unnecessary attention on the IDF. However, Zonshein might also be found guilty and sentenced to three years. Said Mashiach: 'Putting him on trial is by definition trying the occupation' " by Israel of Palestinian territory. 10-02

  14. Sharon, Ariel (BBC News - Butt)
      Provides a profile of the Prime Minister of Israel. 11-01

  15. Sharon, Ariel (BBC News)
      Provides a political profile on the Prime Minister of Israel. 8-01

  16. Torah for Children (
      Provides the stories of the Torah for children. 6-02

  17. Wye River Peace Accords (U.S. Embassy)
      Provides a copy of the Memorandum signed by Palestinian Chairman Yasser Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to facilitate implementation of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip. 10-00

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