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  1. Corporate Power in Government

  2. Economics

  3. Equity

  4. Home Finance

  5. Human Resources

Lesson Plans
  1. Vocational Education Lesson Plans (ERIC - AskERIC)
      Provides over a dozen lessons in Agriculture, Technology and Business. Includes grade level. 1-04

  1. Accountants (GTE - BigBook)
      Provides links to accountants by state, city, and specialty.

  2. Asian Business Links
      Allows searches by product, supplier, or country.

  3. Asian Trade Associations 2-00

  4. Attorneys (GTE - BigBook)
      Provides links to lawyers or attorneys by state, city, and specialty.

  5. Better Business Bureaus
      Provides state by state addresses, telephone and FAX numbers.

  6. Business Profiles (CNet)
      Provides keyword searches within the topic. 1-01

  7. Business Strategy Resources (Sookoo)
      Provides a search engine and directory for resources according to topics, such as consulting groups, recruiters, change management, competitive intelligence, leadership, and more. 2-00

  8. Chambers of Commerce (GTE - BigBook)
      Provides links to U.S. Chambers of Commerce by state, city, and specialty.

  9. Company Annual Reports (Bay Tact - Public Register's Annual Report Service)
      Provides a form for ordering a free annual report after the company has been identified by ticker symbol, industry, name, or state. 2-00

  10. Company Profiles and Industry Information ( - Sherman)
      Provides sources of information. 2-00

  11. Company Profiles and Industry Information (Hoover's Online)
      Provides sources of information. 2-00

  12. Company Profiles by Industry (Hoover's Online)
      Provides information by industry. 11-02

  13. Competitive Intelligence ( - Sherman)
      Provides sources of information on the field of competitive intelligence. 2-00

  14. Competitive Intelligence (ciseek)
      Provides articles on the field of competitive intelligence. 2-00

  15. Comprehensive Business Links (US SBA)

  16. Cybertown Campus - Business School

  17. EDGAR Database of Corporate Information (SEC Filings)
      Corporations are required to file annual reports to this searchable database.

  18. Embassies (
      Provides information on embassies and their programs.

  19. Financial Terms and Information (IFE)
      Describes each international financial term in a short paragraph.

  20. Find Businesses (Netscape Yellow Pages)
      Provides listings of businesses by location, name, or category. 10-99

  21. Home Business (US SBA)

  22. Information on Businesses Search (Hoover)

  23. International Trade - Government Support (International Trade Administration)
      Provides support to American businesses for international trade. 8-02

  24. Internet Companies - Profiles and Industry Information (Hoover's Online)
      Provides sources of information by company. 2-00

  25. National Institute For Occupational Safety and Health
      Provides safety and health information at work for all people through research and prevention.

  26. News

  27. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) 6-01

  28. Stock Information (NETWorth)

  29. US Business Advisor

  30. US Companies Information (New York Public Library)

  31. Valuation of Companies (Motley Fool)
      Describes different foundations for valuing a company. 11-02

  32. Valuation of Companies - Free Online Valuation Tool (
      Helps you assess the value of your business. 11-02

  33. Valuation of Companies - Tips and Tools (Motley Fool)
      Helps you assess the value of your business. " 'If you are really trying to find the true value of a business, there's only one way to do it in my view, and that is to talk to potential buyers,' he says. 'You want to find out what the traffic will bear, and you can't find out what the traffic will bear from an academic analysis of data.' " 11-02

  1. Personal Finance (Awesome Library)
      Provides online information on personal credit and financial planning.

  2. Taxes - Filing With the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

  3. Trade Deficit Counter (
      Provides a running count of the USA trade deficit. "A trade deficit is a calculation of the difference between the goods and services Americans sell to foreigners and the goods and services that Americans purchase from foreigners." 8-02

  1. 02-18-02 Best Companies for Supporting Diversity According to Fortune (
      Provides a list of Fortune's top 50 American businesses for supporting minorities. to work for. "These companies are committed to a multicultural work force -- from the mailroom to the boardroom. And they're doing what it takes to help minorities make the jump between the two." 2-02

  2. 02-18-02 Best Companies to Work For According to Fortune (
      Provides a list of Fortune's top 100 American businesses to work for. "We gave companies credit for coming up with creative ways to keep employees satisfied, and for offering generous severance and compassion when they had to make cuts. These companies also rose to the occasion following the tragedy of Sept.11, and that is what being one of 100 Best is all about." 2-02

  3. 08-02-02 Trade - Fast Track Authority Regained by President ( - Ziegler)
      Provides the ability for the president of the USA to negotiate trade agreements with other countries and without intervention by Congress. "President George W. Bush today regained the power to negotiate trade agreements Congress can't amend, allowing him to turn his focus to a top priority: dismantling market barriers among 34 Western Hemisphere nations."

  4. Business Journals by City (American City Business Journals)
      Provides a listing of 41 journals. 3-00

  5. Business Startup News and Information (Wall Street Journal)
      Provides news articles, searches, and services for startup companies. Sometimes visitors misspell as Wallstreet. 9-00

  6. Financial News (
      Provides news on stocks and corporations. 11-01

  7. Financial News (The Motley Fool)
      Provides news on financial markets, with special coverage of technology. 8-99

  8. Industry Communities (VerticalNet)
      Provides 55 industry communities. 1-01

  9. International Trade News (
      Provides international trade news with a focus on the impact on the USA. 8-02

  10. Technology Investment News (Red Herring Communications)
      Provides news related to investing in the high tech arena. 3-00

  11. Technology News (Andover News Network)
      Provides news related to technology investment and trends. 2-00

  1. Absenteeism - Taking Control of Absenteeism (applesforhealth)
      Absenteeism is a problem whose solution escapes many managers. Its cost for a company is high: reduced productivity and lower profits. Dealing with absenteeism properly can provide an important clue to improved, more effective management. 04-07-00.

  2. Absenteeism Still Big Problem (applesforhealth)
      Absenteeism has decreased slightly according to an annual survey by CCH Inc. but worker stress has tripled since 1995 and is a major factor in missed work days. 09-24-99.

  3. Annual Reports of Major Corporations (IRIN)
      Provides annual reports and financial reports of businesses, listed alphabetically.

  4. Bankers - Choosing a Banker (American City Business Journals)
      Provides criteria for selecting a banker and warns that it is an important choice, like choosing a key employee. 3-00

  5. Banking and Finance (American City Business Journals)
      Provides six articles on key issues. 3-00

  6. Better Business Bureau
      The BBB website offers you valuable information on companies that can be useful before you buy or invest, after you but, when you donate, or before you advertise. You can also find helpful news and alerts, get information on a compan, file a complaint against a company or a file a complaint about a new car.

  7. Business Archives (applesforhealth)
      Apples For Health Healthy Business Archives. 04-07-00.

  8. Business Articles for Entrepreneurs (
      Describes a brown cloud over parts of Asia that is believed to be responsible for many deaths. 8-02

  9. Business Etiquette For Company Holiday Parties (applesforhealth)
      The quickest way for a young professional to wreck a budding career is to mess up at the office holiday party. 12-03-99.

  10. Business Links Hotlist (US SBA)

  11. Business Plan (SBA) star
      Provides an outline of a business plan, the foundation for gaining funding for a business. 2-00

  12. Business Plan Tutorial (SBA)
      Provides a guide for developing a business plan. 2-00

  13. Business for Social Responsibility (
      Provides a guide to ways that businesses can act in more socially responsible ways. 5-02

  14. Command Instant Respect (applesforhealth)
      Respect is earned. It means taking on the qualities of those people who command respect. It's a matter of attitude, physical presentation, tone of voice, and the way you meet and greet people. 03-17-00.

  15. Company Information (Company Sleuth)
      Provides news by email on up to ten companies of your choice. The service is free, but requires registration.

  16. Company Information - Technology (
      Provides financial information on technology companies. 1-01

  17. Confidence Doesn't Mean Competence (applesforhealth)
      New research indicates that incompetent people tend not to know they are incompetent. Not only that, they also tend to be very confident that they know what they're doing -- even more confident of their own competence than people who really do know what they're doing. 01-21-00.

  18. Consumer Confidence Index (Conference Board)
      Provides statistics on the Consumer Confidence Index, basic information used to guide government and business decisions.

  19. E-Commerce - Most Consumers Happy With E-Commerce (applesforhealth)
      Forty-four percent of people who have Internet access ordered products or services online in the last year. That's according to a survey conducted for the National Consumers League. 10-29-99.

  20. Eliminate Time-Wasters From Your Day (applesforhealth)
      Everyone faces people and tasks that take precious time away from the workday. Identify the most common time-wasters and take steps to eliminate them. 03-17-00.

  21. Employees Making Career Changes (applesforhealth)
      More than a quarter of American workers explored changing jobs in 1999. That's according to a national survey by outplacement and career services firm Lee Hecht Harrison. 02-04-00.

  22. Euro Dollar (Europa)
      Explains the new Euro currency that was adopted by 12 European countries in January 2002. 1-02

  23. Euro Dollar (Guardian Unlimited)
      Provides pictures of the new Euro currency. 1-02

  24. Euro Dollar Introduced (Washington Post - Reid)
      Describes the switch to the Euro currency by 12 European countries. 1-02

  25. Euro Dollar Milestones (Europa)
      Provides key milestones of the Euro currency, starting in 1958. 1-02

  26. Euro Dollar Milestones (Independent News)
      Provides key milestones of the Euro currency, starting in 1957. 1-02

  27. Euro Dollar Milestones (Washington Post)
      Provides key milestones of the Euro currency, starting January of 1999. 1-02

  28. Financing Your Business (US SBA)

  29. Finding a Business Mentor (SBA)
      Provides a mentoring network. 2-00

  30. Fragrances - Enhance Your Work Day (applesforhealth)
      Keep a bottle of your favorite fragrance on hand when you need a boost of confidence. Fragrance has been shown to elevate your mood. Pleasant fragrances can contribute to office harmony, even allowing for a more friendly resolution to situations of conflict. 03-10-00.

  31. Get Out Of Your Rut (applesforhealth)
      You have a career goal, you have a plan to reach the goal, and you have the desire. Here are some tips to get you jump started. 04-21-00.

  32. Glossary of Financial Terms (
      Provides definitions for key financial terms, such as recession, depression, gross national product (GNP), and other terms. 12-00

  33. Impressions At Work (applesforhealth)
      It’s tough enough to make a good impression on bosses and coworkers with a job well done. But it’s often the little things that go a longer way in impressing your peers. Here are some of the details that can make the right impressions: 03-10-00.

  34. Leadership - Toxic Boss Syndrome ( - Reh)
      Describes the "toxic boss syndrome" and suggests solutions. 7-02

  35. Leadership Suggestions (Baldoni Consulting)
      Provides tips on good leadership, including decision making, running meetings, problem solving, salesmanship, and more. 7-02

  36. Leading Change (Presbyterian Church in Canada - Coutts)
      Describes the eight components of Leading Change by John Kotter. 7-02

  37. Leading Economic Indicators (Conference Board)
      Provides statistics on the Leading Economic Indicators, basic information used to guide government and business decisions.

  38. Mentoring - Why Mentoring Works for MInorities (
      Describes how mentoring has been a very successful strategy for retaining minority executives in businesses. 2-02

  39. OSHA To Issue Workplace Standards (applesforhealth)
      The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is preparing to issue work-place standards intended to protect workers from repetitive-stress and other "ergonomic" injuries. 11-26-99.

  40. Personal Finance Basics (
      Provides tips on personal finances. 6-01

  41. Researching Companies - Questions to Ask (SEC)
      Provides sources of information to pursue before investing in a company. 6-99

  42. Rich Got Richer (applesforhealth)
      The rich got richer between 1988 and 1998, and the poor got poorer, in the United States. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute have issued a report showing that while the richest 20 percent of American families enjoyed a 15 percent growth in their income over that time, the poorest fifth had to make do with a 1 percent increase. 01-21-00.

  43. September 11 Guaranteed Loans (SBA)
      Describes the new loan program. 10-01

  44. Shortage Of High Tech Workers (applesforhealth)
      Labor shortages in the U.S. high tech industry threaten to curb growth in the booming field and hurt the overall economy, White House science expert Neal Lane said Tuesday. 04-21-00.

  45. Starting Your Business (US SBA)

  46. Starting a Business (SBA)
      Provides guides for starting a business. 2-00

  47. Stay Safe From Crime In The Office (applesforhealth)
      Crime is a problem for everyone, both at home as well as at work. Establish a safe, secure environment. 03-24-00.

  48. Technostress At Work (applesforhealth)
      According to researchers, an alarming two-thirds of an average organization’s workers are intimidated by computers, the Internet/company intranet, and other tech tools. 02-25-00.

  49. Telecommuters Work More At Home (applesforhealth)
      People who telecommute - work from home via computers and telephones - spend more time on the job than when they go into the office, a study suggests. 03-03-00.

  50. Tips For Setting Up Home Offices (applesforhealth)
      As many as 25-million Americans are working from home in offices they've set up in spare bedrooms, renovated basements or living room corners. 09-10-99.

  51. Top Companies (
      Provides listings and information on the top companies, lobbyists, and more. Includes most powerful women, richest under 40, and other information on executives. 6-01

  52. Venture List
      "Where Venture Meets Capital" This website provides a forum for start-ups seeking seed level investments. Find the latest emerging companies seeking capital before their big IPO. Get your business plan reviewed by's team of experts and receive valuable feedback.

  53. Wall Street Wizards Share Tips (applesforhealth)
      The new issue of Worth magazine talked to 25 of what it calls "Wall Street's smartest players." 10-01-99.

  54. West Coast Port Talks Stalled (CNN)
      Describes the stallmate between union representatives and management. The work stoppage "has essentially choked off trade between the United States and Asia and cost the U.S. economy an estimated $1 billion a day." 9-02

  55. Workplace Programs Can Foster Healthy Eating Habits (applesforhealth)
      Three years after their workplaces started programs to improve eating habits, workers reported they were choosing healthier cafeteria food, had more access to fruits and vegetables, and better access to nutritional information. 07-23-99.

  56. Yahoo's Rise and Fall (Business Week Online)
      Provides a history of management decisions at Yahoo, with lessons to be learned. 6-01

  1. American Business Women's Association

  2. Business (The Wall Street Journal)

  3. Corporate Watch
      Examines transnational corporations as they engage in Internet activities.

  4. Magazines - Free for Businesses (
      Provides free magazines to qualifying businesses. 6-01

  1. Business Plan - Creating (
      Provides an outline, strategies, and tips on developing a business plan. 5-00.

  2. Estate Planning, Retirement, and Insurance (Northwestern Mutual)
      Provides dozens of articles discussing issues. 9-01

Purchase Resources
  1. Distance Education Courses (
      Provides listings of hundreds of online courses available through colleges and universities. 12-00

  2. Venture Capital Firms (Wall Street Journal)
      Provides a database of firms that provide venture capital, by industry. A fee is charged for the listing. Sometimes visitors misspell as Wallstreet. 9-00

  1. Certification Requirements by Industry (National Skills Standards Institute
      Provides the specific certification standards required, by industry. 3-04

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