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Sustainable Development

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Also Try
  1. Ecology

  2. Globalization in Business

  3. Sustainable Agriculture

  1. Globalization Challenges (International Peace and Security Program)
      Provides papers that explore the strengths and weaknesses of globalization.

  2. Globalization Issues (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources that discuss the pros and cons of globalization and "Americanization." 8-02

  1. African News for Sustainable Health and Peace (
      Provides news related to water, health, agriculture, and biodiversity. 12-03

  2. Human Rights and Sustainable Development (
      Provides news and projects related to human rights and sustainable development efforts to protect the environment.

  1. Globalism - Arguments Against Current Trends (Global Exchange - Powell and Udayakumar)
      "This article, then, is not an attack on globalism per se but on the excess and undemocratic nature of the U.S.-style globalism popular now, which is particularly hostile to people of color and other marginal groups. This style of globalism disempowers average Americans in every way, except as consumers."

  2. Globalization Issues ( - Porter)
      Discusses the pros and cons of globalization and "Americanization." "Globalization will always have cheerleaders who are blind to the destruction globalization can cause. And it will always have strident opponents blind to the way globalization gives some people their first opportunity to fulfill basic aspirations."
      "As with most issues, the majority of people will be in the middle. They will see globalization not as something to worship or demonize. Instead, they will see it as something to mold, shape and manage for the betterment of everyone." 12-01

  3. Globalization and Cultural Diversity (Cultural Collaboratory - Breidenbach and Zukrigl)
      Argues that globalization may create new and healthy forms of cultural diversity. 1-02

  4. Globalization and Poverty (Globalization Website)
      Discusses whether globalization causes poverty. 1-02

  5. Sustainable Planet (Awesome Library - Adams)
      Describes the most important few things that can be done to reduce pollution, reduce global warming, and save our forests, as well as improve the availability of drinkable water for the future. 11-00

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