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Homeland Security

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Lesson Plans
  1. Facing Fear (
      "Facing Fear was developed to address a demand by educators and caregivers of children for materials to help children cope in uncertain times." 2-03

  1. -02-28-03 National Terror Alert Lowered to Yellow ( - Hall, Johnson, and Locy)
      "The Bush administration lowered the nation's terrorism threat level Thursday, indicating that officials no longer believe there is an imminent threat of attack" 2-03

  2. -03-07-03 Davis Claims Bush Not Supporting Homeland Security Costs (ABC News)
      "California Gov. Gray Davis criticized the Bush administration and the Republican-led Congress on Saturday for failing to reimburse states for their homeland security costs." 3-03

  3. 02-11-03 CIA and FBI Report Strong Threats (
      "Tenet said intelligence reports pointed to possible use of a "dirty bomb," a device that uses conventional explosives to contaminate an area with radioactive material."

      "The chilling accounts provided by Tenet and Mueller were the latest in a series of warnings by the government, which earlier this week urged citizens to stock their homes with essential supplies, including water, in the event of an attack." 2-03

  4. 02-17-03 Gas Masks Fail in Cities (CBS News - Andrews)
      "In a government test developed after Sept. 11, either mustard or sarin gas penetrated every major mask, except one used in only a handful of cities."

      "In the age of 'orange' terrorism alerts, the failure of the masks is shocking news." "It could be years before masks that can handle poison gas reach the teams that need them. But today rescue teams on high alert for the next attack could face the unheard of order to hold back." 2-03

  5. 09-05-03 Threats of New Attacks in September 2003 (CNN News)
      "A Department of Homeland Security advisory issued Thursday warns that al Qaeda is working on plans to hijack airliners flying between international points that pass near or over the continental United States."

      "A department official said most of the flights fitting this description originate in Canada, and that U.S. officials have been working with Canada over the past month to ensure it is improving screening and other security measures." 9-03

  6. 12-22-03 Security Alert Raised to "High" (
      "Travelers by air, land and sea faced heightened security Monday as the nation steeled itself against a possible grandiose terrorist attack that government officials say al-Qaeda has signaled could be imminent." 12-03

  7. Homeland Security News (Whitehouse - Homeland Security)
      Provides information on the level of risk for attacks by terrorists, news related to countering terrorism within the United States, and more. 3-02

  1. Homeland Security Department Created (BBC News)
      "US President George W Bush has signed the Homeland Security Act, creating a huge new government department." "The Department of Homeland Security will have nearly 170,000 employees and merge the functions of 22 existing agencies" and will have a budget of $40 billion. Tom Ridge will be the head of the new department. 11-02

  2. Homeland Security Risk Level (Whitehouse - Homeland Security)
      Provides information on the level of risk for attacks by terrorists by using a color-coded system, including Low (Condition Green), Guarded (Condition Blue), Elevated (Condition Yellow), High (Condition Orange), and Severe (Condition Red). Activities that may be started in a "Code Red" condition include

      Assigning emergency response personnel and pre-positioning specially trained teams,
      Monitoring, redirecting or constraining transportation systems,
      Closing public and government facilities, and
      Increasing or redirecting personnel to address critical emergency needs. 3-02

  3. Preparing - Ridge Urges Preparation (MSNBC)
      Director of Homeland Security, Tom Ridge, suggests steps to prepare for a terrorist attack.

      "Many of these steps are worth taking to prepare for natural disasters, as well, officials said."

      "They include stashing a three-day supply of water, food and medicine, Ridge said. Among other things, the government-recommended 'kit' also includes duct tape and plastic sheeting that Ridge said could be used to seal off a room in the event of a chemical or biological release." 2-03

  4. Preparing for a Terrorist Attack (American Red Cross)
      Describes what we should do to prepare ourselves and our families for a terrorist attack. 2-03

  5. Preparing for a Terrorist Attack (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
      FEMA describes what we should do to prepare ourselves and our families for a terrorist attack. 2-03

  6. Preparing for a Terrorist Attack (Homeland Security)
      Suggests how to prepare for a biological, chemical, or radiation threat. Suggests what you need to have safe water and food, clean air, and other supplies. Discusses the contents of a first aid kit. 2-03

  7. Recommendations to Improve Homeland Security (Brookings Institute - Project on Homeland Security)
      "To broaden and reorient the homeland security agenda, we propose a four-tier strategic framework. The four tiers are (1) perimeter defense of the country's borders, (2) preventive activities within the country, (3) protection of domestic sites, and (4) consequence management after attacks."

      "The Bush administration's 2003 budget contains initiatives that are broadly similar to our first and final categories, but proposes a somewhat scattershot collection of individual programs and efforts within the second category of domestic prevention and the third category of domestic protection. We attempt to develop a more systematic and comprehensive agenda in those areas." 5-02

  8. Responding to a Biological or Chemical Attack (
      Provides suggestions on how to respond to an attack. 2-03

Purchase Resources
  1. First Responder Supplies (
      "First Responder Supplies, a division of B&A Products, carries a full line of first aid and medical supplies for First Responders, EMTs, EMS (Emergency Medical Services), nursing homes, hospitals; or for your home, office, automobile, church or other organization. This includes: dressings, bandages, tape, gloves, CPR masks, airways, stethoscopes and blood pressure cuffs, first aid kits, emergency oxygen system, equipment bags, extrication equipment, and much more." Awesome Library does not endorse these products but lists them as examples. 11-02

  2. Gas Masks (
      Provides gas masks. Some of these, but not all, were designed to handle chemical or biological terrorist attacks. Awesome Library does not endorse these materials, but provides them as an example. 2-03

  3. Gas Masks and Protective Clothing for a Biological or Chemical Attack (
      Provides products designed to withstand terrorist attacks. Awesome Library does not endorse these materials, but provides them as an example. 2-03

  4. Masks - Filter for Emergencies (
      "In the case of a biological or poisonous gas attack, the Air-Aid Mask can provide the first line of defense for those of us who don't happen to have a respirator, gas mask, or SCBA airpack immediately available. The Air-Aid Mask can provide a stopgap measure to give you the extra time to exit the contaminated area." These do not replace the need for respirator masks but are claimed to be better than no mask. Respirators are more effective, but bulkier and more expensive. Awesome Library does not endorse these products but lists them as examples. 11-02

  5. Masks - Hood for Smoke Protection (
      "The Exitair™ is a pocket sized emergency escape smoke hood. It provides an individual the chance to quickly escape from fire and smoke while allowing freedom to breathe and communicate. In addition to protecting the respiratory system, it protects the hair, eyes, and face from smoke, fire and sparks." Awesome Library does not endorse these products but lists them as examples. 11-02

  6. Masks - Isolation (
      "The RespAide™ CPR Isolation Mask includes a modular valve component that filters exhaled breath in both directions, providing a superior barrier to cross contamination." Awesome Library does not endorse these products but lists them as examples. 11-02

  7. Masks - Respirator Masks (
      Provides masks to protect against particulates. Costs around $10. Awesome Library does not endorse these products but lists them as examples. 11-02

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