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  1. Children Help

  2. Helping Children Cope

  3. Teens Help

  4. Volunteering

  1. Fundraising by Kids (
      Provides an example of how a school organized a fundraiser for families affected by the September 11th disaster. The school has a regular student fundraising program each year and students decide how the funds are to be spent. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 11-01

  2. Terrorism Resources (Multnomah County Library)
      Provides resources on terrorism, as well as ways to help victims from the September 11th attack. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  1. Afghanistan - Bombs and Food (Economist)
      Provides a British view of the American bombing in Afghanistan and discusses the need for food. Includes a map showing how many people are at risk of starvation in each part of the country. 10-01

  2. Afghanistan - America's Fund for Afghan Children (Red Cross)
      President Bush is asking children to contribute to prevent a disaster to the children of Afghanistan. The funds will be used, in coordination with the United Nations and other relief efforts in Afghanistan, through a special program set up for this by the American Red Cross. 10-01

  3. Afghanistan - Bush Asks Children for Help (Awesome Library)
      President Bush is asking children to contribute to prevent a disaster to the children of Afghanistan. 10-01

  4. Afghanistan - Fundraising for the Poor Instead of the Rich (
      Discusses where funds are going from the massive efforts by Americans to help those affected by the September 11th disaster. Suggests that raising funds for the starving in Afghanistan should be considered. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 10-01

  5. Afghanistan - Getting Food to the Children (
      Discusses the great efforts relief agencies are taking to ensure that food and other essential supplies reach those who need it most, especially children. "Mansour [of the World Food Program] said: 'United States is the largest supporter of the WFP Afghan operations. For our last operation they provided nearly 90 percent of the food and support we needed.'" 10-01

  6. Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations (
      Provides comprehensive information on organizations so you can determine if they are suitable for donations. 11-01

  7. Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations - Criteria (
      Suggests criteria for assessing an organization for worthiness of donations. 11-01

  8. Assessments of Nonprofit Organizations - Top Rated (
      Provides a grade for the top rated organizations in of the major areas of giving. The categories include Abortion and Family Planning, Hispanic, African-American, Homelessness and Housing, Aids, Human Rights, American Indian, Human Services, Animal Protection, Hunger, Asia and Asian-American, International Relief and Development, Blind and Visually-Impaired, Jewish and Israel, Cancer, Literacy, Child Protection, Mental Health and Retardation, Child Sponsorship, Peace and International Relations, Civil Rights and Advocacy, Population Planning, Consumer Protection and Legal Aid, Public Policy, Crime Prevention, Terminally Ill, Disabled, Veterans and Military, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Women's Rightts, Environment, Youth Development, Gun Control (Pro and Con), Youth-Residential Care, and Health-General. 11-01

  9. Effective Giving (
      Suggests criteria to use for effective giving. "The quality and appropriateness of the aid is more important than its size, its monetary value and/or the speed with which the donations arrive." 10-01

  10. Flight 93 Families (Todd Beamer Foundation)
      Provides support for families of United Airlines Flight 93, the flight that overcame the terrorists and prevented a much larger disaster. Todd Beamer was one of the heroes who stopped the terrorists at the expense of his own life. At least four who were involved in stopping the terrorists were Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Jeremy Glick, and Tom Burnett. Todd is known for saying "Let's roll" just before taking on the terrorists. 11-01

  11. Standards for Nonprofit Organizations (Council of Better Business Bureaus)
      "The Council of Better Business Bureaus believes that adherence to these standards by soliciting organizations will inspire public confidence, further the growth of public participation in philanthropy, and advance the objectives of responsible private initiative and self-regulation." 11-01

  12. Victims of Terrorism Tax Relief Act (
      Summarizes the benefits for those affected by terrorist attacks against the United States. 2-02

  1. Donate to Families of Fallen New York Firefighters (International Association of Fire Fighters)
      Provides an opportunity to donate to help support the families of the firemen who gave their lives to help save others at the September 11th tragedy. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  2. Donate to Families of Fallen Police Officers (New York State Fraternal Order of Police)
      Provides an opportunity to donate to help support the families of the police officers who gave their lives to help save others at the September 11th tragedy. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  3. Donations by Type (Washington Post)
      Provides a listing of organizations that can receive donations to help with the September 11th disaster relief. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  4. Fund for the Neediest (
      Provides an opportunity to have donations go to the very neediest of those hurt by the September 11th disaster. The funds are administered (free of charge) through the New York Times and distributed to local groups providing services. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  5. Helping Resources for the Tragedy of September 11th (
      Provides sources of help for victims and rescue workers. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  6. How Children and Teens Can Help (Kids Helping Kids in Crisis)
      "Unlike all other non-profit corporations this organization is run by minors who are not on payrolls, this allows ALL the money collected to go to needy children." 11-01

  7. How Children and Teens Can Help With the September 11th Disaster (Red Cross)
      Provides specific ways children and teens can help families of those affected by the September 11th disaster. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  8. How Children and Teens Have Helped With the September 11th Disaster (Red Cross)
      Provides stories of young people contributing to help families of those affected by the September 11th disaster. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  9. How Kids Can Help With the September 11th Disaster (
      Provides examples of projects for kids to contribute to the healing from the disaster. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  10. How Kids Can Help With the September 11th Disaster (Youth Service America)
      Provides 25 ways youths can help in times of disaster, including the September 11th disaster. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  11. How Youth Can Contribute (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
      Provides activities for youth to contribute to those who have helped with the September 11th disaster or who have been overlooked. Examples of people who may have not received much assistance include people who were displaced from their homes and have had little or no time to return for their belongings, people working at airports and airlines who have suffered emotionally or have lost jobs, and people who live alone and have no one to talk to about what happened. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  12. How Youth Can Contribute (Constitutional Rights Foundation)
      Provides activities for youth to contribute to those who have helped with the September 11th disaster or who have been overlooked. Examples of people who may have not received much assistance include people who were displaced from their homes and have had little or no time to return for their belongings, people working at airports and airlines who have suffered emotionally or have lost jobs, and people who live alone and have no one to talk to about what happened. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  13. Local Red Cross Chapters (American Red Cross)
      Provides contact information for local Red Cross chapters for those who wish to donate blood or make other donations for those affected by the New York City attack. 9-01

  14. Programs Helping September 11th Disaster Victims (applesforhealth)
      Provides dozens of programs to benefit person hurt by the September 11th disaster. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 9-01

  15. Projects for Kids to Raise Funds (Time for Kids)
      Suggests projects for Children to raise money to help the very needy children of Afghanistan. 10-01

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