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  1. Chinese Philosophy - I Ching (WWW Virtual Library)
      Provides sources of information on the I Ching, pronounced "Yi Jing," a classical Chinese text that is valued for its philosophy. It is often used in a ceremonial way to provide guidance.

  2. Unitarian and Universalist Churches (Unitarian Universalist Association)

  1. Baha'i (Stockman)
      Provides basic beliefs of the Baha'i religious tradition. "Religious strife has caused numerous wars, has been a major blight to progress, and is increasingly abhorrent to the people of all faiths and of no faith."

  2. Baha'i Basics ( - Lehman)
      Provides an introduction to the teachings of Baha'i. 2-01

  3. Baha'i Writings (Majid)
      Provides samples of writings from Baha'u'llah, Bab, Abdu'l-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi, as well as statements from the Universal House of Justice.

  4. Jainism (Salgia)
      Provides poems and songs from the Jain tradition. "May my heart sing with ecstasy at the sight of the virtuous, and may my life be an offering at their feet. May my heart bleed at the sight of the wretched, the cruel, the irreligious, and my tears of compassion flow from my eyes."

  5. Native American Spirituality (Staffanson)
      Provides a short summary of some traditional Native American beliefs about spirituality. One belief is the "recognition of the interconnectedness of all Creation, and the responsibility of human beings to use their intelligence in protecting that inter-connectedness."

  6. Shamanism in Different Cultures ( - Todd)
      Provides information Shamans, spiritual healers and guides since ancient times. 2-01

  7. Shintoism (Association of Shinto Shrines)
      Provides a wish for the good of all from the Shinto tradition.

  8. Sikhism - Surat Shabd Yoga (Council on Islamic Education)
      Provides a book on the Radhasoami or Sant Mat Tradition of Sikhism.

  9. Zulu Religious Traditions (Jafta)
      Provides basic beliefs of the Zulu religious tradition. "The Zulu notion of God-consciousness says that God lives in, through and beyond everything and everyone."

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