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  1. Hebrew

  2. Holidays

  3. Israel

  4. Middle East

  5. World War II and the Holocaust

  1. Answers to Questions About Judaism (
      Provides answers to your questions regarding Orthodox, Conservative, or Reform Judaism. 5-02

  2. Answers to Questions About Judaism (
      Provides answers to your questions by topic or source of information. 5-02

  1. Hanukkah (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of information. 5-02

  2. Jewish Holidays (AMF International)
      Provides the dates of the holidays, as well as links to resources. 2-00

  3. Jewish Recipes (Freedman)
      Provides over 7,800 Jewish recipes from all over the world. 1-00

  4. Jewish Research Institutes in Israel (WWW Virtual Library - Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory)
      Provides listings for institutes in Israel. 4-02

  5. Jewish Resources (Jewish Community)
      Provides resources in a wide variety of Jewish topics. 2-00

  6. Jewish Search Engine (Golem Jewish Hypersearch)
      Provides a search engine of Jewish resources. 4-02

  7. Jewish Studies at Universities (WWW Virtual Library - Academic Jewish Studies Internet Directory)
      Provides listings for courses of study by region. 4-02

  8. Jewish Texts and Studies (Portals to Judaism)
      Provides sources of text that are important in the Jewish tradition, such as the Torah, Mishnah, Talmud, Halacha, Neviim, Ketuvim, and more. 4-02

  9. Passover (Awesome Library)
      Provides resources on Passover. 6-03

  10. Rosh Hashanah Resources (Yahoo)
      Provides sources of information. Also spelled Hashannah. 5-02

  11. Yom Kippur Resources (HaReshima)
      Provides sources of information. 5-02

  12. Yom Kippur Resources (Yahoo)
      Provides sources of information. 5-02

  1. Calendar of Jewish Observances (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides a 2002 (5763) printable calendar. 5-02

  1. Jewish World Review

  1. Hebrew for Children (
      Provides flash cards and other materials to help children learn the Hebrew alphabet. 6-02

  2. Holidays - Histories of Jewish Holidays (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides short histories of the Jewish Year, Hanukkah, Passover, Purim, Rosh Hashanah, Simchat Torah, Sukkot, Tu B'Shevat, and Yom Kippur. "The Jewish calendar is only 354 days long. Therefore, every 19 years a 'leap month,' Adar II, is added to keep the calendar current with the solar year."

      "The Jewish day begins at sundown, when three stars are spotted in the sky." 5-02

  3. Holy Days - Jewish (AMF International)
      Describes the observance of Jewish holy days, such as Passover, in some detail. 5-02

  4. Jewish History (Black)
      Provides highlights and major events in history according to Judaism. 6-99

  5. Music - Jewish Traditional Music (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides a search engine for Hebrew names (by giving the starting letter), instructions for picking a name, and the meaning, origins, and variations of names. 5-02

  6. Names - Hebrew Names for Babies (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides a search engine for Hebrew names (by giving the starting letter), instructions for picking a name, and the meaning, origins, and variations of names. 5-02

  7. Passover (Studio Melizo)
      Provides a short history. 5-02

  8. Passover Resources (Elimelech David Ha-Levi Web)
      Provides the "History and meaning of the Passover story, including preparing for Passover, the seder, recipes, foods, symbols, art, e-cards, humor, Sephardic and Ashkenazic Passover customs, and a translation into French. Includes Passover from a rabbi's perspective." 6-03

  9. Recipes - Jewish Recipes (Tri-City JCC - Benedict)
      Provides recipes for meals related to Jewish holidays. 5-02

  10. Rosh Hashanah - Basic Cusoms ( - Katzman)
      Provides basic customs. Also spelled Hashannah. 5-02

  11. Sabbath - A Jewish Family Guide to Honoring the Sabbath (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides instructions for the Shabbat observer, according to Jewish traditions. 5-02

  12. Symbols - Jewish Symbols (Tri-City JCC - Benedict)
      Explains some of the key Jewish symbols, beliefs, and traditions. These include the Western or "Wailing" Wall in Jerusalem, angels, the tefillin, the mezuzah, the mizrah, the Star of David, the menorah, and meaning of special numbers. 5-02

  13. Torah for Children (
      Provides the stories of the Torah for children. 6-02

  14. Yiddish (Tri-City JCC)
      "...Yiddish is a way of life, a culture, and a way of perceiving the universe that incorporates Judaism and its principles as well as making and later describing the lives of those people who were and are involved with it." 5-02

  15. Yiddish Dictionary (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides some of the most commonly used Yiddish words. 5-02

  1. Holiday Crafts for Kids (Tri-City JCC)
      Provides projects that help children participate in Jewish holidays. 5-02

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