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  1. Multicultural Guide or Toolkit

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Lesson Plans
  1. Multiculturalism - Definitions and Rationale (Teacher Education)
      Provides definitions and explanations of key terms. From South Australia. 11-99

  2. Multiculturalism and the Law (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute)
      Provides 15 lessons related to equity, the law, and the role of culture.

  1. Education and Women (WWWomen)
      Provides resources related to women and gender equity issues.

  2. Equity Center (NWREL)

  3. Equity Resources

  4. Social Inequality (Benschop)
      Provides sources of information on inequality by social class, income, and other criteria. 11-99

  5. Social Inequality (Trinity University - Kearl)
      Provides essays and data on social and economic inequality in the United States. 11-99

  1. 02-04-04 Same-Sex Marriage - Massachusettes Court Ruling (ABC News)
      "The Massachusetts high court declared Wednesday that gays are entitled to nothing less than marriage and that Vermont-style civil unions will not suffice, setting the stage for the nation's first legally sanctioned same-sex weddings by the spring." 2-04

  2. 02-12-04 Same-Sex Marriage Debate Heats Up (CNN News)
      "Massachusetts lawmakers were spending a second day Thursday trying to hammer out a compromise on whether the state will recognize same-sex marriages, and which rights it will allow such couples." 2-04

  3. 02-18-02 Best Companies for Supporting Diversity According to Fortune (
      Provides a list of Fortune's top 50 American businesses for supporting minorities. to work for. "These companies are committed to a multicultural work force -- from the mailroom to the boardroom. And they're doing what it takes to help minorities make the jump between the two." 2-02

  4. 02-21-04 Same-Sex Marriage - Bush Backs Constitutional Ban (
      "U.S. President George W. Bush said today he supports a constitutional amendment banning same-sex couples from getting married."

      "Kerry and North Carolina Senator John Edwards, his main rival for the Democratic nomination, said today that amending the Constitution is unnecessary and the issue of marriage should be left to the states."

      "Republican lawmakers aren't united on whether the Constitution should be amended or what such an amendment would say, said House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas. Some lawmakers said the issue should be settled in the courts or through the regular legislative process."

      "Representative Marilyn Musgrave and Senator Wayne Allard, both Republicans from Colorado, have introduced legislation that would start the amendment process."

      "Any action to change the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers of Congress to be sent as a proposed amendment to the states, and takes effect only if three-fourths of state legislatures approve it." 2-04

  5. 05-15-02 College Diversity Policy Upheld (USA Today - Biskupic)
      "A University of Michigan policy that boosts the odds for Hispanics, blacks and other minority applicants to its law school is constitutional, a bitterly divided federal appeals court ruled Tuesday."

  6. Antiracism and Social Justice News (
      Provides news related to social justice. 2-04

  7. Oregon Marriage Law (Oregon Legislature)
      Provides the laws of Oregon governing marriage. "Marriage is a civil contract entered into in person by males at least 17 years of age and females at least 17 years of age, who are otherwise capable, and solemnized in accordance with ORS 106.150."

      ORS 106.50 states "In the solemnization of a marriage no particular form is required except that the parties thereto shall assent or declare in the presence of the clergyperson, county clerk or judicial officer solemnizing the marriage and in the presence of at least two witnesses, that they take each other to be husband and wife." 3-04

  8. Same-Sex Marriages - Comparing Marriage and Civil Unions (CNN News)
      "And while Vermont's civil union couples are eligible for state benefits, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) excludes them [same-sex marriages] from many federal benefits."

      "That measure, signed into law by President Clinton, recognizes marriage only as the union of a man and a woman and defines a spouse as a husband or wife of the opposite sex."

      "A General Accounting Office report in 1997 identified 1,049 laws where federal benefits, rights or privileges were contingent on marital status. They include tax breaks, pensions and Social Security benefits, inheritance rights and loans." 2-04

  9. Same-Sex Marriages - Global Views of Same-Sex Marriage (CBS News)
      Three years after Amsterdam's mayor officiated at the Netherlands' first gay wedding, the gay marriage rate is falling, the first divorces are being registered and the issue has disappeared from the political agenda."

      While the United States is engaged in debate on a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage, Canadians are discussing a federal law to legalize it and many European countries are adopting civil unions for gay couples."

      " 'It's an issue of separation of church and state. We don't have gay marriage here [Denmark]. We have civil marriage, and it's the same for everyone.' " 3-04

  1. 12-01-03 Gays and Lesbians - Boy, 7, Scolded for Saying 'Gay' (CBS News)
      "A 7-year-old boy was scolded and forced to write 'I will never use the word 'gay' in school again' after he told a classmate about his lesbian mother, the American Civil Liberties Union alleged Monday." 12-03

  2. DNA and Race (
      Provides DNA information on the "race" of a person. 11-03

  3. Editorial on White Privilege (Jensen) star
      Explores the issue of "white privilege," unearned advantages because the person has light colored skin and European features.

      "Here's what white privilege sounds like: I'm sitting in my University of Texas office, talking to a very bright and very conservative white student about affirmative action in college admissions, which he opposes and I support. The student says he wants a level playing field with no unearned advantages for anyone. I ask him whether he thinks that being white has advantages in the United States. Have either of us, I ask, ever benefited from being white in a world run mostly by white people? Yes, he concedes, there is something real and tangible we could call white privilege."

      "So, if we live in a world of white privilege – unearned white privilege - how does that affect your notion of a level playing field? I asked. He paused for a moment and said, 'That really doesn't matter.' That statement, I suggested to him, reveals the ultimate white privilege: The privilege to acknowledge that you have unearned privilege but to ignore what it means."

      Awesome Library is not involved with the solicitation regarding Leonard Peltier at the end of the editorial. 12-03

  4. Educate America - A Call for Equity in School Reform

  5. Equity Issues and Strategies (NCREL)
      Pathways to School Improvement information and suggestions for improving equity in 18 topic areas, such as At-Risk and Leadership. "Contributors to Pathways come from America's leading educational research centers and universities." 7-99

  6. Equity and Assessment (NCREL)
      Provides articles with suggestions to improve equity in assessments. 7-99

  7. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)
      Reports on racism in Europe. 12-03

  8. Gays and Lesbians - Policy Statements (American Psychological Association)
      Provides statements on the positions of the American Psychological Association on issues related to gays and lesbians, with a special emphasis on educational settings and adolescents. 12-03

  9. Gender Roles Fixed Early (applesforhealth)
      Gender differences between boys and girls emerge in the "artistic" scribbling of children as young as preschool age. 08-27-99.

  10. Girls and Women - Title 9 Equity Legislation (National Association of Girls and Women in Sports)
      Describes the legislation and its benefits for girls and women. 8-01

  11. Girls and Women in Sports - Participation Statistics (National Association of Girls and Women in Sports)
      Provides statistics about participation in sports by girls, boys, and women. NAGWS "champions equal funding, quality, and respect for girls' and women's sports programs." 8-01

  12. Issue - Civil Rights (CNN News)
      Provides a chart comparing the views of candidates for president. 1-04

  13. Lookism (ABC News - Stossel)
      "We should add the bias of 'lookism' to sexism and racism. It's just as bad but we don't need a federal program." 8-02

  14. Mentoring - Why Mentoring Works for MInorities in Businesses (
      Describes how mentoring has been a very successful strategy for retaining minority executives in businesses. 2-02

  15. Portrait of James in the 18th Century (
      Show that it was the sytle of the times for boys to be dressed in ribbons and "dresses" in the 18th century. 10-02

  16. Quotas - Bush and Military Disagree on Affirmative Action (CNN)
      "The Supreme Court is expected to rule any day now in the biggest affirmative action case in a decade. And as CBS News Correspondent Wyatt Andrews reports, President Bush and the U.S. military are weighing in on opposite sides of the issue."

  17. Quotas - U.S. Supreme Court to Decide on Affirmative Action for College Students (USA Today)
      "About 15% of the first year Michigan law students are minorities. The Supreme Court was told that without diversity considerations, the number of minorities in a freshman class could plunge to less than .04%."

  18. Racism - Confronting Racism and Promoting Respect (Rethinking Schools - McKenna)
      Provides a teacher's perspective on what happens when a union takes on racism as an important issue. 10-99

  19. Rice, Connie - Biography (PBS)
      "Connie Rice, co-director of The Advancement Project, is known for her success in tackling problems of inequity and exclusion. She has received more than 50 major awards for her work in expanding opportunity and advancing multi-racial democracy." "Rice is a co-founder of The Advancement Project, a public policy and legal action group that supports organizations working to end community problems and address racial, class and other barriers to opportunity." 2-04

  20. Same-Sex Marriages - ACLU Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court (
      Provides the brief on the case of John Geddes Lawrence and Tyron Garner versus Texas. This brief was the basis for the U.S. Supreme Court to rule that state laws discriminating against gays and lesbians are unlawful.

      "In Lawrence the Court did something unheard of; it admitted it had been wrong. 'Bowers was not correct when it was decided,' the Court said, 'and it is not correct today.' With that one sentence, the Court undermined the basis of every decision and every policy that had been based on Bowers."

      "Even more remarkable was the Court's characterization of the constitutional right that Texas had violated. While the Texas law regulated an act of sexual expression, the Court said, its effect was to control a personal relationship that people have the right to enter 'and still retain their dignity as free persons.' 3-04

  21. School Standards and Multiculturalism (Rethinking Schools - Bigelow)
      Provides an argument against the content, and the apparent purpose of the content, in Oregon's new standards in Social Studies. 10-99

  22. UN Criticizes USA for Racial Discrimination (United Nations Committee to End Racial Discrimination)
      Provides a summary of UN findings against the United States.

  23. White Privilege Resources ( - Hohman)
      Provides articles related to "white privilege." 2-04

  1. Oregon - MacKenzie River Gathering Foundation (Foundation Center)
      "The Foundation's grantmaking focuses on human and civil rights, racial justice, economic justice, environmental protection, peace, and international solidarity." 10-02

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