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Cultural Competence

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  1. Cultural Competence - Articles (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      "The mission of the National Center for Cultural Competence (NCCC) is to increase the capacity of health care and mental health programs to design, implement and evaluate culturally and linguistically competent service delivery systems." 3-02

  2. Cultural Competence - Assessment Tool for Organizations (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      Provides a self-assessment tool for an organization's cultural competence. 3-02

  3. Cultural Competence - Assessment Tools for Organizations (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      Provides a list of assessment tools, contacts, and objectives for each. Does not include the tools themselves or Web links to the tools. 3-02

  4. Cultural Competence - Checklist for Your Organization (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      Provides a general method of assessing your organization's level of development of "policies, structures, procedures and practices that support cultural and linguistic competence." 3-02

  5. Cultural Competence - Principles, Policies, and Practices for Your Organization ( - Adapted from Cross, et. al.)
      Provides principles, policies and practices that are necessary for culturally competent delivery of services. 3-02

  6. Cultural Competence - Steps for Your Organization (NOEP Newsletter - McGuire)
      Provides six steps to improve cultural competence. "An important step toward providing culturally sensitive nursing care is to recognize that we deliver care within a culturally biased health care system." 3-02

  7. Cultural Competence - The Compelling Need (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      Provides six compelling reasons for an organization to improve the cultural competence of its staff. 3-02

  8. Cultural Competence Continuum (New York State Citizens Coalition for Children - Cross)
      Concludes that "the degree of cultural competence an agency achieves is not dependent on any one factor. Attitudes, policies, and practice are three major arenas where development can and must occur if an agency is to move toward cultural competence. Attitudes change to become less ethnocentric and biased. Policies change to become more flexible and culturally impartial. Practices become more congruent with the culture of the client from initial contact through termination." 3-02

  9. Cultural Competence in Planning Meetings or Conferences (National Center for Cultural Competence)
      Provides a guide (that could be converted to a checklist) for planning meetings and conferences that are culturally competent. 3-02

  10. Editorial on White Privilege (Jensen)
      Explores the issue of "white privilege," unearned advantages because the person has light colored skin and European features.

      "Here's what white privilege sounds like: I'm sitting in my University of Texas office, talking to a very bright and very conservative white student about affirmative action in college admissions, which he opposes and I support. The student says he wants a level playing field with no unearned advantages for anyone. I ask him whether he thinks that being white has advantages in the United States. Have either of us, I ask, ever benefited from being white in a world run mostly by white people? Yes, he concedes, there is something real and tangible we could call white privilege."

      "So, if we live in a world of white privilege – unearned white privilege - how does that affect your notion of a level playing field? I asked. He paused for a moment and said, 'That really doesn't matter.' That statement, I suggested to him, reveals the ultimate white privilege: The privilege to acknowledge that you have unearned privilege but to ignore what it means."

      Awesome Library is not involved with the solicitation regarding Leonard Peltier at the end of the editorial. 12-03

  11. Educational Materials - Guidelines for Minority Audiences (Texas Cancer Council)
      Provides suggestions for the development of educational materials on cancer for Hispanic patients. However, the suggestions are appropriate for educational materials designed for other minorities. 3-02

  12. Educational Materials for Minority Audiences - Checklist (Texas Cancer Council)
      Provides a checklist for use in the development of educational materials for minorities. 3-02

  13. Multicultural Toolkit (Elliott, Adams, Sockalingam)
      "The Toolkit discusses barriers to cross-cultural collaboration and provides methods for assessing and improving communication patterns and cultural competence on an organizational basis and on an individual basis. By improving cultural competence, trust and mutual respect can be improved between agencies and minority communities, forming a solid foundation for cross-cultural collaboration." 3-02

  14. White Privilege Resources ( - Hohman)
      Provides articles related to "white privilege." 2-04

  1. Awareness Activities (Gorski)
      Provides activities to help explore cultural differences. 2-03

  1. Draft Standards for Cultural Competence in Delivering Health Care (HHS Office of Minority Health and Resources for Cross Cultural Health Care)
      Lists 14 standards and includes commentary. 3-02

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