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Missile Defense

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  1. 10-21-03 New Laser Weapon of Mass Destruction (CBS News)
      "U.S. scientists are on the verge of creating a laser weapon that could give American forces an awesome advantage on the battlefield, but would also raise tough questions for Pentagon war planners, a newspaper reports." 10-03

  1. National Missile Defense (PBS NewsHour)
      Provides different perspectives on the USA missile defense strategies, including the ABM Treaty. 7-01

  2. National Missile Defense (PBS NewsHour)
      Provides different perspectives on the USA missile defense strategies, including the ABM Treaty. 7-01

  3. National Missile Defense - Bush to Deploy Missile Defense System in 2004 (Bloomberg - Cappacio)
      "President George W. Bush ordered the Pentagon to begin deploying the first elements of a missile defense system by 2004." 12-02

  4. National Missile Defense - Death of the ABM Treaty (BBC News)
      Provides a short statement against the Bush administration's proposal to break the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. 7-01

  5. National Missile Defense - Global Nuclear Arsenel (BBC News)
      Describes how many nuclear warheads each country has and the distance it can deliver them. 7-01

  6. National Missile Defense - Global Nuclear Arsenel (BBC News)
      Describes how many nuclear warheads each country has and the distance it can deliver them. 7-01

  7. Rumsfeld - Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (Rumsfeld, et. al.)
      Provides a summary of the findings of a commission to determine the level of threat from ballistic missiles. 1-01

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