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  1. 09-15-03 World Trade Organization Talks Fail (CBS News)
      "Talks designed to change the face of farming around the world collapsed Sunday amid differences between rich and poor nations, the second failure for the World Trade Organization in four years." 9-03

  2. 1-4-03 Bush Administration Proposes Economic Stimulus (CNN - Loughlin)
      "Aides said tax cuts would be a large part of the mix" in the President's economic stimulus proposal. "Administration and congressional sources say components of the president's plan that are under consideration include:"

      "Cuts in taxes on stock dividends, which aides say could help promote investment and spur growth."

      "Acceleration of some of the personal tax cuts enacted in 2001 but not set to take hold until 2004."

      "Tax deductions for businesses, likely to include a break for investments on new equipment."

      "An extension of unemployment benefits." 1-03

  3. 1-4-03 Democrats Propose Economic Stimulus (CNN - Loughlin)
      " 'Democrats know the key to restarting economic growth: tax relief for middle class families, business incentives to create new jobs, and investments in human talent,' Daschle said, according to a transcript of his comments released by his office." " 'Unfortunately, recent reports suggest that the president's first proposal this new year will do none of those things. Instead, the president's idea of helping the economy seems to have centered around writing a special tax break for corporate dividends.' " 1-03

  4. 1-7-03 Comparison of Proposals for Economic Stimulus (MSNBC - Curry)
      "A Congressional Budget Office analysis last year concluded that “tax cuts that are targeted toward lower-income households are likely to generate more stimulus dollar for dollar of revenue loss — that is, be more cost-effective and have more bang for the buck — than those concentrated among higher-income households.”

      "Wyss [chief economist of Standard & Poor’s] agrees with this view, saying that in the short run, a payroll tax holiday would be more stimulative than a dividend tax cut." 1-03

  5. 10-08-03 Money - New $20 Bill With Color Announced (ABC News)
      "In a nationwide promotion billed 'The New Color of Money: Safer, Smarter, More Secure,' government officials said the newly designed $20 note with subtle background shades of green, peach and blue would be more difficult to counterfeit." 10-03

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