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  8. Politics Current Events Archives 2003

  9. Politics and Elections

  10. Presidential Election 2004

  11. Progressive Views

Lesson Plans
  1. Propaganda - Analyzing the Use of Propaganda (New York Times - Hambouz and Khan)
      "In this lesson, students analyze the use of propaganda in the war against terrorism, focusing specifically on the attacks in Afghanistan, exploring the distinction between ideas spread to benefit a cause and those spread to damage an opposing cause." 2-02

  2. Propaganda Sources (Donn)
      Provides three dozen sources of lessons on propaganda, media, and public opinion. Helps students look for hidden messages. 2-02

  3. Propaganda and Censorship During Wartime (British Library - Words Alive)
      Helps students explore different points of view regarding censorship and propaganda of newspapers during wartime. Note - British spelling of English words is sometimes different from American spelling. 2-02

  1. Contact Legislators (
      Provides information on U.S. senators and representatives, committees, state legislators, governors, federal government officials, and judicial members. 12-03

  2. Countries - Search Engines by Country (Search Engine Colossus)
      Provides search engines from within many countries in both the language of the country and English. 3-00

  3. Globalization Issues (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources that discuss the pros and cons of globalization and "Americanization." 8-02

  4. Leaders by Country (
      Provides six sources of information on of leaders by country. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers 9-00

  5. Terrorism (Awesome Library)
      Provides sources of information on terrrorism, how to help children cope with television images on terrorism, and related topics. 9-01

  1. Letters to the Editor (
      Provides information you need to help you locate media so you can write letters to the editor on current events. 11-02

  2. Maps for Current Events (University of Minnesota)
      Provides maps of areas of the world that are in the news. 7-01

  3. Voter Registration Forms by State (Federal Election Commission)
      Provides forms to register, organized by state. 2-00

  4. Voter Registration Online (CapWeb - VotetNet)
      Provides the information and forms necessary to register to vote in your state when online registration is permissable. 9-01

  5. Voting - Register to Vote (
      Allows you to begin the voter registration process online. They will then send you the completed materials for you to sign and mail to the voter registration authorities. The address for the voter registration authorities will already be on your envelope. 5-00.

  6. Voting - Register to Vote Online ( star
      Provides an online form to register to vote. You will then be mailed the form with the information filled in so that you can sign it and turn it in. Also allows you to simply print, sign and turn in the form for states that do not require card stock for registration. Also allows you to change your voter registration address, political party affiliation, or name. 8-00

  1. -01-06-04 Bradley Backs Dean (
      "A presidential candidate in the 2000 campaign and a three- term senator, Bradley may give Dean a boost on Wall Street, where he has worked since leaving the Senate in 1996. Before joining entertainment and media specialist Allen & Co., Bradley was a vice chairman of the International Council of J.P. Morgan and Co."

      "Dean's backers include party leaders and labor unions, the Service Employees International Union and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, which represent 3 million U.S. workers."

      "That support has helped propel Dean into a lead over the eight other Democratic candidates in raising money and in polls of voters. A survey for Time magazine and Cable News Network showed that in direct match-ups Dean was the top choice of registered Democrats. His closest competitor is retired General Wesley Clark, who gets support from 32 percent, compared with 46 percent for Dean." 1-04

  2. 01-01-04 New State Laws for 2004 (
      "January 1 means new laws take effect in many states. Some are new additions to the criminal code, while others are more about 'do' than 'do not.' " 1-04

  3. 01-02-04 Public Opinion on Major Social Issues (ABC News)
      "So — does the public support abortion, gun control, homosexual rights, affirmative action? The answer is, it depends on what kind of abortion, gun control, homosexual rights or affirmative action you're talking about."

      "The unfortunate answer is that life is not nearly as simple as a single number. Asking if people support or oppose abortion, or gun control, or gay rights, really tells us very little. Opinion is much more complex and nuanced than that, and it's really in the nuance that political candidates either get it right, or get it wrong."

      "Take abortion. Most people say it should be legal — 57 percent. But legal in what circumstances? When we test them, we find a huge range — to save the life of the mother, 88 percent, but to end an unwanted pregnancy, just 42 percent (and the latter is why most abortions are done). The fact is that most people think abortion is a private matter, and should be generally available, but most also think it's deeply objectionable, and as such shouldn't be done casually or as a mere convenience."

      "As the campaign progresses, there'll be much debate on these and other issues, and a world of spin on where the public stands on them. We'll all be well served by good, independent efforts to understand the range and depth of public opinion — and by guarding against the efforts of others to distort or oversimplify it." 1-04

  4. 01-03-04 Brazil Fingerprints Americans Now (Miami Herald - Hall)
      "Federal Police in Brazil on Friday ordered immigration authorities to begin fingerprinting and photographing American tourists as they arrive at airports, cruise ship terminals and land borders in this continent-sized nation."

      "The decision was in response to a similar move by the United States. On Jan. 5, a U.S. rule takes effect across 115 U.S. airports that will require most visiting tourists, including those from Brazil, to have their photographs and fingerprints logged digitally as they clear immigration procedures."

      "Brazil's reaction is one more sign of deteriorating relations between the United States and Latin America's most populous nation."

      "Brazil, a country of 170 million, traditionally has enjoyed warm relations with the United States. But President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva harshly criticized the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and the Brazilian media recently have taken a more hostile view of the United States."

      "In September, Brazil led a revolt by developing nations that caused U.S.-led global trade talks to collapse." 1-04

  5. 01-03-04 California Still Faces $14 Billion Shortfall (San Francisco Chronicle)
      "Saddled with a shortfall of at least $14 billion and a promise not to raise taxes, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is likely to release a budget next week with few surprises -- it will contain cuts, cuts and more cuts."

      "Looming on the horizon is another multibillion-dollar problem. Last summer's budget agreement included $12.6 billion in loans that have been held up by legal challenge because the debt was not approved by voters."

      "Schwarzenegger and the Legislature agreed last month to put a $15 billion bond measure on the March ballot. If voters do not agree to the borrowing, the state could quickly find itself in an unprecedented fiscal crisis, forcing force the governor to drastically revise his budget priorities and promises." 1-04

  6. 01-04-04 Afghanistan Approves New Constitution (
      "Afghanistan's national council approved a constitution paving the way for democratic elections, in a move hailed by U.S. President George W. Bush, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan." 1-04

  7. 01-07-04 Bush Proposes Changes in Immigration Policies (CNN News)
      "President Bush on Wednesday outlined an overhaul of immigration policy that would give illegal immigrants with U.S. jobs temporary worker status and then a chance to seek permanent residency." 1-04

  8. 01-07-04 Bush Raises a Record $131 Million (San Francisco Chronicle)
      "President Bush, with no challenger for the Republican presidential nomination, begins the 2004 election year with a record $99 million in the bank and an aggressive plan to raise millions more."

      "While the nine hopefuls competing for the Democratic nomination have spent much of the money they've taken in, Bush's cash-on-hand total shows he's spent a fraction of the record $130.8 million he raised last year." 1-04

  9. 01-08-04 Carnegie: Pre-emptive War on Iraq not Valid (BBC News - Reynolds)
      "The latest assessment of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is scornful of the way intelligence was presented and goes beyond concluding that Iraq was not an imminent threat - it calls for an end to the US doctrine of pre-emptive war."

      "As far as the WMD were concerned, it [the Carnegie report] concluded:

      "Iraq's nuclear programme had been suspended for many years. Iraq focussed on preserving a dual-use chemical and problem biological weapons capability but not on weapons production. Iraqi nerve agents had lost most of their lethality by 1991."

      "The intelligence community overestimated the chemical and biological weapons in Iraq."

      "Intelligence agencies appear to have been unduly influenced by policymakers' views. Officials misrepresented the threat over and above intelligence findings."

      "There was no solid evidence linking Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, nor evidence that Iraq would transfer WMD to terrorists."

      "Among the examples quoted of how officials went beyond the known facts to exaggerate the threat was a comment from President Bush who said:"

      " 'The regime was forced to admit that it had produced more than 30,000 litres of anthrax and other deadly biological agents.' "

      "In fact, the report notes, UN inspectors had commented only that Iraq might have imported enough growth media to produce these amounts, not quite the same thing." 1-04

  10. 01-08-04 Halliburton to be Replace (CNN News)
      "The Defense Department is removing the Army Corps of Engineers from overseeing oil imports into Iraq, acting just weeks after Pentagon auditors said Halliburton -- Vice President Dick Cheney's former firm -- may have overcharged taxpayers under the Corps' supervision."

    • 01-08-04 New System to Stop Attack Planes (ABC News)
        A system has been developed to keep terrorists from "crashing airplanes into heavily-populated target areas."

        "Professor Edward Lee at the University of California in Berkeley has been testing such a system in his labs."

        "Using the signals from the U.S. Global Positioning System, or GPS, the system can be programmed to read certain sites as no fly zones. Planes outfitted with the setup would have sensors and controls that cannot be over-ridden by any human pilot."

        " 'If the pilot attempts to come around and aim straight for the no-fly zone, the aircraft will in fact be diverted,' says Lee. 'The pilot [can try] turning as hard as he can and the aircraft is nonetheless being kept out of the red zone.' "

        "After testing and federal approval, it could soon be on all commercial planes." 1-04

    • 01-08-04 Powell: No Proof of Links Between Saddam and al-Qaida (MSNBC News)
        "Secretary of State Colin Powell reversed a year of administration policy, acknowledging Thursday that he had seen no 'smoking gun [or] concrete evidence' of ties between former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and al-Qaida." 1-04

    • 01-15-04 Bush Announces Plans for Manned Missions to Moon and Beyond (CNN News)
        " 'We will give NASA a new focus and vision for future exploration. We will build new ships to carry man forward into the universe, to gain a new foothold on the moon to prepare for new journeys to the worlds beyond our own,' Bush said." 1-04

    • 01-16-04 Iraqi Women Decry Move to Cut Rights (MSNBC News)
        "For the past four decades, Iraqi women have enjoyed some of the most modern legal protections in the Muslim world, under a civil code that prohibits marriage below the age of 18, arbitrary divorce and male favoritism in child custody and property inheritance disputes."

        "Saddam Hussein's dictatorship did not touch those rights. But the U.S.-backed Iraqi Governing Council has voted to wipe them out, ordering in late December that family laws shall be "canceled" and such issues placed under the jurisdiction of strict Islamic legal doctrine known as sharia."

        "This week, outraged Iraqi women -- from judges to cabinet ministers -- denounced the decision in street protests and at conferences, saying it would set back their legal status by centuries and could unleash emotional clashes among various Islamic strains that have differing rules for marriage, divorce and other family issues." 1-04

    • 01-16-04 Poll: Kerry Leads in Iowa (
        "Senator John Kerry has used support from military veterans to take the lead over former Vermont Governor Howard Dean in a poll of Iowa Democrats." 1-04

    • 01-16-04 Texas Redistricting Plan Upheld by Supreme Court (CBS News)
        "The U.S. Supreme Court refused Friday to block Texas from holding congressional elections next fall under a hard-fought new map that could cost the Democrats as many as six House seats." 1-04

    • 01-24-04 Resistance Building to Huge Budget Deficit (Christian Science Monitor)
        "Even before President Bush's next budget hits Capitol Hill, lawmakers even in his own party are mounting barricades against what many see as a spending binge that's settling into a habit." 1-04

    • 01-24-04 State of the Union Speech 2004 (Christian Science Monitor - Bush)
        Provides a transcript of President Bush's State of the Union speech to the U.S. Congress. 1-04

    • 01-24-04 State of the Union Speech 2004 - Democratic Responses (CNN News - Pelosi and Daschle)
        Provides a transcript of responses of Senate Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Tom Daschle, to President Bush's State of the Union speech to the U.S. Congress. 1-04

    • 01-26-04 Annan Seeks Commission on Genocide Prevention (Guardian Unlimited)
        "Warning massacres like those carried out in Rwanda and Bosnia could happen again, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan on Monday proposed an international committee to help prevent genocide."

        "More than a half a million people were slaughtered during the 1994 war in Rwanda. A year later in Bosnia, some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were massacred in Srebrenica, in eastern Bosnia, during the Balkan wars." 1-04

    • 01-26-04 Patriot Act Provision Struck Down by Court (
        "A portion of the Patriot Act, the law that gives U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies expanded authority to combat terrorism, was struck down by a federal judge in Los Angeles for being unconstitutional."

        "More than a half a million people were slaughtered during the 1994 war in Rwanda. A year later in Bosnia, some 8,000 Muslim men and boys were massacred in Srebrenica, in eastern Bosnia, during the Balkan wars." 1-04

    • 01-30-04 Bush Wants "Facts," No Inquiry on False Intelligence on Iraq (CBS News)
        "President Bush said Friday "I want to know the facts" about any intelligence failures concerning Saddam Hussein's alleged cache of forbidden weapons but he declined to endorse calls for an independent investigation." 1-04

    • 02-04-04 CIA: PreWar Iraq Was Not an 'Imminent Threat' (
        "George Tenet, director of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, said his agency's prewar assessments never cast Iraq as 'an imminent threat' and there was no pressure to manipulate the findings."

        "Tenet said his agency never said Hussein had nuclear weapons. 'We said that Saddam did not have a nuclear weapon and probably would have been unable to make one until 2007 to 2009,' he said." "Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, who leads among Democrats vying to oppose Bush in the November election, used Tenet's speech to attack the president." "Tenet 'admitted that the intelligence agencies never told the White House that Iraq posed an imminent threat,' Kerry said in a statement. 'But that's not what the White House told the American people. They said Iraq posed a 'mortal threat,' an 'urgent threat,' an 'immediate threat,' a 'serious threat.' " " 'Americans should be able to trust that what the president tells them is true,' Kerry said." 2-04

    • 02-04-04 Same-Sex Marriage - Massachusettes Court Ruling (ABC News)
        "The Massachusetts high court declared Wednesday that gays are entitled to nothing less than marriage and that Vermont-style civil unions will not suffice, setting the stage for the nation's first legally sanctioned same-sex weddings by the spring." 2-04

    • 02-08-04 Bush: Iraq Was Not an 'Imminent Threat' (
        "President George W. Bush said chemical and biological weapons Iraq may have possessed were a danger even if the threat wasn't imminent and that former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein might have disposed of them before the war." 2-04

    • 02-08-04 Russert Interviews Bush - On Iraq and the Economy ( - Bush and Russert)
        "Here is a transcript of an interview aired on Sunday by NBC's Meet the Press with President Bush. The interviewer was Tim Russert." 2-04

    • 02-08-04 Russert Interviews Bush - Response by Democrats (
        Provides a chart contrasting President Bush's statements with what Democrats consider to be the truth." 2-04

    • 02-08-04 U.S. May Have Found Saddam's Money (Guardian Unlimited)
        "The United States believes it has found at least $300 million Saddam Hussein hid in banks, yet doesn't have enough evidence to get countries such as Syria and Switzerland to hand over the money, U.S. and European officials told The Associated Press."

        "Much to the frustration of the Bush administration, countries that acted quickly on relatively weak evidence involving al-Qaida funds have been unwilling to do the same on Iraq, partly because of growing doubts about the quality of U.S. intelligence."

        "Were the account held in a U.S. bank, federal authorities wouldn't need any more evidence than they already have because the Patriot Act, passed after Sept. 11, 2001, gives them expanded powers of search and seizure." 2-04

    • 02-10-04 United Food and Commercial Workers Strike (
        UFCW union strikes against Safeway, Albertson's, and Kroger's in California. 2-04

    • 02-11-04 Bush Speaks Against Spread of Weapons (USA Today)
        "Saying that terror groups wanted to use weapons of mass destruction as 'weapons of first resort,' President Bush called Wednesday for tougher global action against dangerous regimes and terrorist networks that seek those weapons."

        "In a proposal likely to anger nations such as North Korea and Iran, Bush called for preventing countries from acquiring nuclear enrichment and reprocessing technology under the guise of building civilian power facilities."

        "Bush also renewed his call, first made before the U.N. General Assembly last fall, for a new Security Council resolution demanding that all U.N. members enact stricter export controls and criminalize weapons proliferation."

        "Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., said the president's intentions seemed long on rhetoric and short on action. She criticized him for not stepping up funding for the program to secure Russia's weapons and for withdrawing the United States from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty."

        " 'He has consistently underfunded and even cut the nonproliferation programs that would make the United States safer,' Tauscher said." 2-04

    • 02-11-04 Pakistan's Nuclear Shame (BBC News - Rashid)
        "Abdul Qadeer Khan, Pakistan's best-known nuclear scientist, shocked the nation on Wednesday, when he went on television and confessed to leaking nuclear secrets. He said he took full responsibility for proliferating nuclear weapons to Iran, Libya and North Korea." 2-04

    • 02-12-04 Same-Sex Marriage Debate Heats Up (CNN News)
        "Massachusetts lawmakers were spending a second day Thursday trying to hammer out a compromise on whether the state will recognize same-sex marriages, and which rights it will allow such couples." 2-04

    • 02-13-04 Rumsfeld: Gitmo Detainees to be Allowed Appeal (CBS News)
        "Suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba will be allowed to appeal their detentions to a new panel that would determine if they are an ongoing threat to the United States, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Friday."

        "About 660 alleged al Qaeda and Taliban fighters captured in Afghanistan and elsewhere after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks are being held at the maximum-security prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, though none has been charged."

        Human rights groups and some foreign governments have criticized the detainees' treatment and the lack of trials or access to lawyers."

        The Supreme Court will decide this year whether the Guantanamo detainees can be held indefinitely without lawyers and hearings. The Court announced in November that it would consider appeals on behalf of Guantanamo inmates." 2-04

    • 02-21-04 Same-Sex Marriage - Bush Backs Constitutional Ban (
        "U.S. President George W. Bush said today he supports a constitutional amendment banning same-sex couples from getting married."

        "Kerry and North Carolina Senator John Edwards, his main rival for the Democratic nomination, said today that amending the Constitution is unnecessary and the issue of marriage should be left to the states."

        "Republican lawmakers aren't united on whether the Constitution should be amended or what such an amendment would say, said House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas. Some lawmakers said the issue should be settled in the courts or through the regular legislative process."

        "Representative Marilyn Musgrave and Senator Wayne Allard, both Republicans from Colorado, have introduced legislation that would start the amendment process."

        "Any action to change the Constitution requires a two-thirds majority in both chambers of Congress to be sent as a proposed amendment to the states, and takes effect only if three-fourths of state legislatures approve it." 2-04

    • 02-25-04 Civil War in Haiti Likely (CNN News)
        "Anticipating the bloodbath predicted if political opposition leaders rejected the power-sharing proposal -- or if the rebels storm Port-au-Prince under any circumstances -- the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders have begun to send aid workers to the tiny nation on the western end of the island of Hispaniola."

        "Aristide has faced criticism since an election in 2000 that observers called fraudulent. Opposition parties accuse his supporters of using violence to intimidate them. He has said repeatedly that he will not willingly step aside until his term of office expires in 2006." 2-04

    • 02-25-04 Democrats Fight to Ban Assault Weapons (CNN News)
        "Gun rights groups plan to urge majority Republicans to defeat the proposed amendments. The GOP-controlled House already has said it does not plan to approve the extension of the assault weapons ban."

        President Bush does not support the ban on assault weapons. "The White House has urged the Senate to pass the legislation without amendments."

        "Getting the 1994 assault weapons prohibition renewed has been a Democratic priority this year. They picked up support Tuesday from GOP Sens. John Warner of Virginia, Mike DeWine of Ohio and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island."

        " 'Although I voted against the ban a decade ago, over the past 10 years it has reduced crime dramatically and has made our streets safer,' Warner said. 'The legislation also has protected the rights of gun owners better than many of us predicted.' " 2-04

    • 02-25-04 Greenspan: Reduce Social Security Benefits (CNN News)
        "Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan urged Congress on Wednesday to deal with the country's escalating budget deficit by cutting benefits for future Social Security retirees rather than raising taxes."

        "In testimony before the House Budget Committee, Greenspan said the current deficit situation, with a projected record red ink of $521 billion this year, will worsen dramatically once the baby boom generation starts becoming eligible for Social Security benefits in just four years."

        "In his prepared testimony, Greenspan said pushing taxes up enough to meet future spending promises under Social Security and Medicare might pose a risk to the overall economy."

        " 'We are going to be confronted ... in a few years with an upward ratcheting of long-term interest rates which will be very debilitating for long-term growth,' Greenspan told the committee if the deficit problem is not addressed." 2-04

    • 02-26-04 Macedonian President Dies in Crash (CNN News)
        "Ordinary Macedonians and European leaders have described their shock at hearing news that Macedonian President Boris Trajkovski is feared to have been killed in a plane crash in Bosnia." 2-04

    • 02-26-04 Top Siite Cleric Accepts U.N. Timetable (MSNBC News)
        "Iraq’s most prominent Shiite Muslim cleric on Thursday called for elections by the end of the year, signaling that he would accept an interim government but offering a strict time-frame after the United States hands over power." 2-04

    • 02-27-04 Budget Deficit to Balloon (USA Today)
        "President Bush's budget would produce deficits totaling $2.75 trillion over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office projected Friday in the first authoritative look at the plan's longer-range implications."

        "One major item omitted by Bush's budget but included in Friday's projections was the cost of his proposal to make tax cuts permanent that otherwise would expire in 2010. Bush's tax plans would add more than $1.3 trillion to deficits over the decade, although his plans to curb domestic spending would save $700 billion over that same period, the budget office said."

        "Wary of the impact on deficits, Republican congressional leaders already have said they will not move this year on Bush's proposal to extend the tax cuts, which is the pillar of his plan for strengthening the economy." 2-04

    • 03-01-04 Haitian President Forced Out? (CNN News)
        "Former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide said Monday he was forced to leave Haiti in a 'coup d'etat' by the United States." 2-04

    • 03-02-04 Assault Weapons Ban Extended (CBS News)
        "The Senate voted Tuesday to extend for another decade a ban on military-style assault weapons and to require background checks on buyers at private gun shows, giving Democrats a rare victory on gun legislation that would also deny crime victims the ability to sue gunmakers and dealers."

        "Democrats argued that law enforcement officers and regular citizens all would be safer if the assault weapons covered under the bill continued to be banned. 'These are weapons of war. They are designed to kill a lot of people quickly,' said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., who authored the 1994 gun ban while in the House."

        "Warner, who voted against the gun ban in 1994, said the testimony from law enforcement officials in his state convinced him to vote Tuesday for renewing it." 3-04

    • 03-03-04 California Passes $15 Billion Bond (ABC News)
        "One small step for California's economy. Another giant leap for Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's political career."

        "Californians backed a record $15 billion bond on Tuesday that Schwarzenegger says will save California from economic ruin by refinancing past debt. But analysts say the vote will likely prove more valuable in showcasing the governor's political muscle than fixing the state's economy." 3-04

    • 03-05-04 Major Jobs Disappointment (CBS News)
        "The U.S. employment report for February proved to be a major disappointment. The jobless rate remained unchanged at 5.6 percent, and the economy was only able to generate 21,000 jobs."

        The latest snapshot of the employment climate released by the Labor Department on Friday depicted the painfully slow job growth the country has been enduring." 3-04

    • 03-06-04 Tax Rebates Boost Employment Overseas, Not USA (Washington Times)
        "The job market slumped back into stagnation last month with the unemployment rate stuck at 5.6 percent and only 21,000 jobs created, a development that spells trouble for President Bush's re-election effort. "

        "The president sought to jump-start a job recovery with $350 billion in tax cuts last year but the response has been only weak and dwindling job gains."

        " 'The tax cut gave a big increase to spending, but when folks go to Wal-Mart, they buy imported goods so the job growth goes to China' and other countries, he [Morici] said." 3-04

    • 03-19-04 Rift Between Europe and USA (CBS News)
        "Trans-Atlantic relations are at a dangerous low ebb and some prominent Americans and Europeans have concluded that governments on both sides of the ocean are at fault." 3-04

    • 03-25-04 Bush's Former Anti-Terrorism Chief Claims Bush Undermined War on Terrorism (MSNBC News)
        " 'The reason I am strident in my criticism of the president of the United States is because ... by invading Iraq, the president of the United States has greatly undermined the war on terrorism,' he said."

        "But Clarke, acknowledging that he had been accused of being 'a member of John Kerry’s campaign team,' denied that he had any partisan goals." " 'Let me say here, as I am under oath, that I will not accept any position in the Kerry administration, should there be one — on the record, under oath,' said Clarke, who said he voted Republican in 2000." 3-04

    • 07-10-03 Cost of War in Iraq $4 Billion Per Month (MSNBC - Weisman)
        "The Pentagon is spending nearly $4 billion a month in Iraq, a “burn rate” that is likely to continue far longer than the Bush administration intended due to ongoing attacks on U.S. forces, according to private and government cost projections."

        Funds for this continued involvement, however, have not been set aside in the budget. "The House this week approved a $369 billion defense spending bill that includes no money for military operations in Iraq, a move that 'is very hard to understand or explain,' said Thomas Kahn, the Democratic staff director of the House Budget Committee." 7-03

    • 08-14-03 Investigation Reveals Deception About Evidence for War (
        "This article is based on interviews with analysts and policymakers inside and outside the U.S. government, and access to internal documents and technical evidence not previously made public."

        "The new information indicates a pattern in which President Bush, Vice President Cheney and their subordinates -- in public and behind the scenes -- made allegations depicting Iraq's nuclear weapons program as more active, more certain and more imminent in its threat than the data they had would support. On occasion administration advocates withheld evidence that did not conform to their views." 8-03

    • 09-28-03 How Much Is $87 Billion for Iraq? (
        Enter the amount of income tax your family paid this past year and find out how it was spent. You will find that 22.6 percent was spent on interest on the national debt and 26.2 percent was spent on the military. 9-03

    • 09-28-03 How Much Is the Cost of War in Iraq? (
        Provides a running total of the cost of war in Iraq and compares it to other uses of the same amount of money, such as for health care for children or education assistance.

        "War affects everyone, not just those directly involved in the fighting. This webpage is a simple attempt to demonstrate one of the more quantifiable effects of war: the financial burden it places on our tax dollars." Quotes a former president, Dwight D. Eisenhower:

        " 'Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.' " 9-03

    • 10-11-03 Are Americans More Liberal or Conservative? (
        "...about 4 in 10 Americans today identify themselves as conservatives and about the same number identify as moderates, while less than 20% identify as liberals." 10-03

    • 10-28-03 Younger and Older Americans Divided on Issues (CNN News)
        "The gap between younger Americans and older Americans widens on a broad range of issues, according to a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll." 10-03

    • 11-06-03 One Gallon of Gas from 96 Tons of Dead Matter (ABC News - Dye)
        "Jeff Dukes was driving his lab's huge SUV through the red hills of southern Utah when he asked his wife a question that seemed simple at the time, but led to an astonishing answer."

        "What are you pumping into your tank? About 98 tons of dead plants and animals — per gallon — a scientist estimates."

        "Dukes zeroed in on the year 1997, and relying on reports from various agencies, including the United Nations, he came up with statistics that are really astonishing."

        "He found that the total amount of fossil fuel burned that year amounted to 97 million billion pounds of carbon. That's equivalent to more than 400 times the plant material produced by the entire world during a single year."

        "The societies that survive will be those that figured out other ways to produce the fuel they needed to power their homes, factories, and transportation devices. It's hard not to wonder why that isn't the No. 1 priority in the world today." 1-04

    • 11-25-03 Congress Approves Remake of Medicare (
        "The U.S. Senate voted 54-44 to approve Medicare's biggest expansion in history, a bill designed to help the elderly pay for medicines and test competition between private and federal health insurance."

        "The legislation would help 41 million elderly and disabled Americans pay for prescriptions at pharmacies, expanding sales for drugmakers including Pfizer Inc. and Merck & Co." 11-03

    • 12-13-03 Secret Intelligence Courts Can Now Be Used (CBS News)
        "The FBI has implemented new ground rules that 'fundamentally alter the way investigators handle counterterrorism cases, allowing criminal and intelligence agents to work side by side and giving both broad access to the tools of intelligence gathering for the first time in decades,' The Washington Post says in its Saturday editions."

        "The result is that the FBI, unhindered by the restrictions of the past, 'will conduct many more searches and wiretaps that are subject to oversight by a secret intelligence court rather than regular criminal courts,' officials told the Post." 12-03

    • 12-14-03 Saddam Hussein Captured (ABC News)
        "Saddam Hussein should have put up a fight or committed suicide, stunned Iraqis said Sunday after watching images of their fallen leader, haggard and humiliated, in American custody." 12-03

    • 12-29-03 Airports to Fingerprint International Visitors (CNN News)
        "Foreigners entering U.S. airports and seaports -- except those from Western Europe and a handful of other countries -- will soon have their fingerprints scanned and their photographs snapped as part of a new program designed to enhance border security." 12-03

    • 12-29-03 Libya Years Away from Nuclear Capacity (CBS News)
        "The U.N. nuclear chief said Monday that his visits to four once-secret nuclear sites proved that Libya was in the early stages of a weapons program before it dismantled its efforts."

        "The inspections follow Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's admission that his country had been seeking to produce weapons of mass destruction and his decision to abandon the program." 12-03

    • 12-30-30 Special Prosecutor Named in CIA Leak Case (
        "The Bush administration named a U.S. attorney from Chicago as a special prosecutor to uncover who leaked the name of an undercover CIA operative to the news media as Attorney General John Ashcroft removed himself from the case." 12-03

    • 12-31-03 Bush Advisors See Syria, Iran, and North Korea as Next Targets ( - Rennie)
        "Washington's hawks have sent a public manifesto to President George Bush demanding regime change in Syria and Iran and a Cuba-style military blockade of North Korea backed by planning for a pre-emptive strike on its nuclear sites." 12-03

    • 12-31-03 Year of 2003 in Review (International Herald Tribune)
        "It was the year the world was transfixed by a war that overthrew Iraq's murderous dictatorship but opened rifts between longtime Western allies and worsened resentment of the United States." 12-03

    • Current Political and Economic Issues in Depth (NOW with Bill Moyers)
        "When PBS and Bill Moyers launched NOW, it was to illuminate stories that weren't being covered on any other public affairs broadcast, and under Moyers' leadership, NOW has pursued the truth behind the headlines. 'We are continuing to take a thoughtful look at the events shaping our world,' says Moyers, who has received every major broadcast journalisim award including more than 30 Emmy Awards." 12-03

    • Current Society and Community Issues in Depth (NOW with Bill Moyers)
        "When PBS and Bill Moyers launched NOW, it was to illuminate stories that weren't being covered on any other public affairs broadcast, and under Moyers' leadership, NOW has pursued the truth behind the headlines. 'We are continuing to take a thoughtful look at the events shaping our world,' says Moyers, who has received every major broadcast journalisim award including more than 30 Emmy Awards." 12-03

    • Editorial: What Ever Happened to Protest? ( - Schlesinger)
        "A democratic nation has a sacred and historic duty to debate any choice for war." 11-03

    • Gallup Polls (
        Provides news on opinions of the American public about political issues. 0-03

    • International News (Foreign
        Provides international news stories for current events assignments.

    • Legal News (
        Provides legal news related to current events. 12-00

    • Local Sources of National News (Associated Press)
        Provides sources of national news, by state and then source. 2-02

    • News Related to President Bush (Whitehouse)
        Provides news from the Whitehouse of the United States. 11-01

    • News Sources (Awesome Library)
        Provides sources of national and world news, by subject or country. 2-02

    • News on Nuclear Threat of North Korea (CNN)
        Provides news stories related to North Korea's nuclear threat. 2-03

    • North Korea (Awesome Library)
        Provides news and current events related to North Korea's relationship with the USA and the international community. Also provides background information on North Korea, such as history, economy, government, and more. 1-03

    • Political Headline News (Yahoo)
        Provides headline news. 2-02

    • U.S. Supreme Court Rulings (Yahoo News)
        Provides the latest Supreme Court rulings. 11-01

  1. -National Security Strategy of the U.S. ( - Bush) star
      Outlines the Bush administration's approach to national defense in a 33-page paper.

      "The great struggles of the twentieth century between liberty and totalitarianism ended with a decisive victory for the forces of freedom—and a single sustainable model for national success: freedom, democracy, and free enterprise. In the twenty-first century, only nations that share a commitment to protecting basic human rights and guaranteeing political and economic freedom will be able to unleash the potential of their people and assure their future prosperity." Introduces a new U.S. policy of using preemptive strikes and working unilaterally when the U.S. determines that U.S. interests are served by such approaches. 9-03

  2. -New American Empire (CBC News)
      "Long before Sept. 11, influential neo-conservatives wanted to see America as an enlightened ruler, unchallenged, astride the world. Long before Bush was elected president, they got together and they wrote down a manifesto."

      "The document was effectively a charter of the Project for a New American Century, a neo-conservative think tank in Washington." According to the article, the founding members included Vice-President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz of the Defense Department, Richard Perle, head of the defense advisory board, Louis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff; John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control, and Elliot Cohen of the defense policy board.

      "They wanted the U.S. as a global 'constabulary' – their word – unburdened by the United Nations or world opinion, preventing any challenge to U.S. dominance."

      "But, they wrote a year before Sept. 11, such aspirations are unlikely to be realized without 'a catastrophic and catalyzing event. . .like a new Pearl Harbor.' " 3-03

  3. -New American Strategy (Christian Science Monitor - Chaddock)
      "National strategy, released Friday, calls for US dominance to expand global peace."

      "More broadly, the 31-page document asserts American dominance as the lone superpower – a status no rival power will be allowed to challenge."

      "And it provides a reason the world should accept this state of affairs: the expansion of peace and more freedom. A Pax Americana will be 'in the service of a balance of power that favors freedom.' "

      " ' We cannot let our enemies strike first.... To forestall or prevent such hostile acts by our adversaries, the United States will, if necessary, act preemptively.' " 4-03

  4. 01-03-04 Bush to Cut Domestic Spending (
      "President Bush's budget, which will be sent to Congress by Feb. 2, will include several tax cut proposals, including new measures to promote individual savings and tax credits to help uninsured people buy health insurance, the newspaper reported."

      "The president's budget plan for the fiscal year starting Oct. 1 also includes measures to control the rising costs of housing vouchers for the poor, require veterans to may more for some medications and eliminate some job training programs, the Times said." 1-04

  5. 02-06-04 Snow Claims O'Neill Used Classified Information Against Bush (
      "Documents former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill gave to an author who used them to write a critical book on President George W. Bush contained classified information, the current secretary, John Snow said in a letter to Congress obtained by Bloomberg News."

      "In interviews following publication of the book, Suskind has said that none of the documents that the Treasury passed to O'Neill were marked ``classified,'' and O'Neill has said that all the documents he had been given and passed on to Suskind had been cleared by the Treasury's top lawyer." 2-04

  6. 02-06-04 Supreme Court Judge Scalia Socializes With Cheney Before Hearing (CBS News)
      "Vice President Dick Cheney and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia spent part of last week duck hunting together at a private camp in southern Louisiana, just three weeks after the court agreed to take up the vice president's appeal in lawsuits over his handling of the administration's energy task force, the Los Angeles Times says in its Saturday editions."

      "While Scalia and Cheney are avid hunters and longtime friends, several experts in legal ethics questioned the timing of their trip and said it raised doubts about Scalia's ability to judge the case impartially, the newspaper pointed out."

      "Federal law says 'any justice or judge shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might be questioned,' the Times notes."

      "Stephen Gillers, a New York University law professor, told the Times Scalia should have skipped going hunting with Cheney this year."

      " 'A judge may have a friendship with a lawyer, and that's fine. But if the lawyer has a case before the judge, they don't socialize until it's over. That shows a proper respect for maintaining the public's confidence in the integrity of the process,' said Gillers, who is an expert on legal ethics." 2-04

  7. 02-09-04 Deficit - Bush Seeks Additional $1 Trillion of Debt (Washington Times)
      "President Bush, saying the economic recovery is firmly in place, yesterday proposed adding $1 trillion to the national debt to fund the cost of shifting to a partially privatized Social Security system." 2-04

  8. 02-10-04 September 11 Panel Not Getting Cooperation (ABC News)
      "The federal commission reviewing the Sept. 11 attacks is pressing the Bush administration to turn over notes taken on classified presidential briefing papers or face a subpoena."

      "The material in question is the daily intelligence summary prepared for President Bush by the Central Intelligence Agency and includes a memorandum dated one month before the 2001 attacks that discusses the possibility of airline hijackings by al-Qaida terrorists." 2-04

  9. 2020 News (ABC)
      Provides the results of investigative studies. 8-00

  10. Budget Deficit - View of Democrats (
      "President Bush has released his budget for the fiscal year 2005, and it spells disaster for America. His failed economic policies are saddling the nation with enormous budget deficits as far as the eye can see. Working families will be paying off the Bush debts for generations." The individual taxpayer burden for the deficit alone seems to be between $2,000 and $2,500 per year in most states. 2-04

  11. Budget Deficit and the Aging Population (USA Today)
      "When deficits started taking off 20 years ago, the retirement of the baby boom generation was just a distant worry. Now, as the nation faces years of red ink, including at least a $400 billion shortfall in 2003 alone, the graying population is a fast-approaching reality that will put unprecedented strains on Medicare, Social Security and the economy starting around 2010."

      "While recent advances in productivity are expected to help the nation cope with the bulge in retirees, the reduced workforce, possible slowing of immigration and huge new fiscal burdens mean that, unlike the 1990s, the nation could have a tougher time growing out of new budget problems, economists say."

      "At the same time, by locking in years of deficits, lawmakers and the White House are reducing national savings and putting upward pressure on interest rates. That could limit their flexibility to increase taxes, issue bonds or take other steps to reform the massive health and retirement programs — while forcing deeper benefit cuts." 2-04

  12. Bush and Europe - Cultural Differences (BBC - Roxburgh)
      Describes the areas of disagreement between President George W. Bush and European leaders. Areas include national defense, capital punishment, global warming, and more. (Uses British spelling of words, which is sometimes different from the United States.) 6-01

  13. Bush, George Walker (POTUS)
      Provides facts and biographical articles. 1-01

  14. Courts Struggle to Strike a Balance on Personal Liberties (MSNBC - Lane)
      "Thus, the skeptics argue, it [terrorism] can be fought largely with the conventional tools of civilian law enforcement, wielded by an executive branch overseen and constrained by the courts and Congress — especially since the indefinite duration of the war could mean restrictions on liberty, once in place, could be perpetuated forever."

      '" 'The sacrifice of checks and balances has to be weighed not as a temporary expedient,' said Laurence H. Tribe, a professor of constitutional law at Harvard University, “ 'but assessed as a proposed permanent change.' ” 8-02

  15. Death Penalty (Michigan State University)
      Provides resource materials for examining pro and con arguments related to the death penalty. 1-01

  16. Democratic Candidates for President - Interviews (
      Provides interviews with Democratic candidates for President, including Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun, Governor Howard Dean, Senator John Edwards, Congressman Dick Gephardt, Senator Bob Graham, Senator John Kerry, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Senator Joe Lieberman, and Reverend Al Sharpton. 6-03

  17. Election Dates (
      Provides information on elections, including primaries, by date. 12-03

  18. Election Dates - Primaries (
      Provides information on primaries, by date. 12-03

  19. Election Deadlines - Filing Deadlines for Primaries (Federal Election Commission)
      Provides filing deadlines for primaries, by state. 12-03

  20. Election of U.S. President - Progress (
      Provides information on primaries, caucuses, and conventions, by state. 12-03

  21. Elections - Several States Move to Cancel Primaries (
      "Several states have moved to drop their presidential primaries next year, worried about costs in tight financial times and wondering if the political exercise would serve any purpose." 12-03

  22. Essay - Three Views of America's New Power in the World (BBC News - Reynolds)
      Provides three points of view about the expression of American power in the world. 5-03

  23. Hong Kong Economy Under Stress (BBC News)
      Describes the key issues affecting the Hong Kong economy. 7-03

  24. Howard Dean's Presidential Bid (MSNBC - Alter)
      "His willingness to go after Bush on Iraq thrilled long-suffering liberals. And his unexpected success at fund-raising gave him crucial momentum. But is Howard Dean the Democrats’ path back to power—or a recipe for another 49-state defeat?" 8-03

  25. Is Western-Style Democracy Good for Everyone? (BBC News)
      Asks readers to answer the question, "Is western-style democracy good for the world or is it just another example of cultural imperialism?" Provides samples of responses to the question. 11-03

  26. Leaders - Political Leaders in the News (ABC News)
      Provides a brief background on how each leader came into a position of power. Also provides quotes and a short biography.

  27. Media - Who Owns What in the Media (Columbia Journalism Review)
      Provides a listing of companies owned by each of the largest media companies to show who controls what we see and how we see it. 6-01

  28. Media in a Democracy (Boston Review - McChesney)
      "An informed, participating citizenry depends on media that play a public service function. As James Madison once put it, 'A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.' But these democratic functions lie beyond the reach of the current American media system. If we are serious about democracy, then, we need to work aggressively for reform."

      "What kind of reform? In broad terms, we need to reduce the current degree of media concentration, and, more immediately, blunt its effects on democracy. More specifically, we need special incentives for nonprofits, broadcast regulation, public broadcasting, and antitrust." 11-02

  29. Media in a Democracy - A 12-Step Approach (The Nation - Chester and Larson)
      "For this is a twelve-step plan on behalf of a more democratic media system, a collective effort to ensure that alternative, independent voices will still be heard over the growing din of conglomerate media culture." 11-02

  30. Media, News, and Making Money (Columbia Journalism Review - Grossman)
      The article quotes famous news commentator Edward R. Murrow, 'This instrument can teach, it can illuminate, yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. 10-02

  31. Military Budget in the United States (National Priorities Project)
      "Military spending consumes 26 cents out of every individual income tax dollar. It makes up about 20% of total federal spending and over half of the discretionary budget."

      "The United States is the world's biggest military spender, accounting for over 40% of world military spending, and amounting to more than 30 times what the 'rogue' countries spend (Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, Syria). The Pentagon pays for more helicopters, airplanes and warships than all of these countries combined, and the capabilities of U.S. weaponry are unrivaled in the world." 2-04

  32. Mother Teresa Beatification (BBC News)
      "Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have thronged into St Peter's Square in Rome to witness the beatification of Mother Teresa of Calcutta." 10-03

  33. Nuclear Risks Grow (Independent - Popham)
      "At least as damaging as North Korea's departure [from the non-proliferation ban] have been successive moves by Washington to distance itself from nuclear disarmament."

      "In the run-up to the Iraq war, the US President, George Bush, signed National Security Presidential Directive 17, which said: 'The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force – including potentially nuclear weapons....' "

      "This assertion, analysts say, undermined...the so-called 'negative security assurances'...not to use nuclear weapons against the non-nuclear weapon states."

      "The assurances were considered vital in discouraging states from developing their own nuclear weapons." "More and more states are likely to buy the argument that the only way to be secure in a unipolar world is to go down the nuclear road – 'to pre-empt pre-emption', one analyst said." 4-03

  34. Oil May Not Help the People of Iraq Much (Guardian)
      "Iraq is swimming in oil, but anybody who thinks that such natural wealth translates into a fat and happy middle class is in for a crude awakening."

      "Precious resources alone - whether oil or gold or diamonds - rarely raise nations from poverty to prosperity. Countries usually become poorer, more corrupt and more prone to coups, wars and tyranny than their less-endowed neighbors, recent studies show."

      "Karl and policy analyst Ian Gary are co-authors of a 110-page analysis of the impact of oil on developing nations and the potential for disaster - or, if changes are made, of stunning success - that could result from a nascent oil boom in sub-Saharan Africa." 8-03

  35. Partnership of Bush and Cheney (
      "This war has two faces, one a promise, one a growl. One says we will defend liberty wherever it lives, plant our values where they have never grown. The other says if you challenge us or threaten us or even just invade our sense of security, you will have started a fight that you will certainly lose." 1-03

  36. Peace and War (Waging Peace)
      Provides articles and news stories regarding peace and war. 5-02

  37. Persons of the Year ( - Lacayo and Ripley)
      Describes the heroism of Cynthia Cooper, Coleen Rowley, and Sherron Watkins. They are sometimes called "whistleblowers" because they tried to help correct something very wrong within their own organizations by reporting the problems to their top authorities.

      "They took huge professional and personal risks to blow the whistle on what went wrong at WorldCom, Enron and the FBI—and in so doing helped remind us what American courage and American values are all about."

      "Very quickly it became clear that none of them are rebels in the usual sense. The truest of true believers is more like it, ever faithful to the idea that where they worked was a place that served the wider world in some important way. But sometimes it's the keepers of the flame who feel most compelled to set their imperfect temple to the torch. When headquarters didn't live up to its mission, they took it to heart." 1-03

  38. Political Campaigns - Finances (Federal Election Commission)
      Monitors and reports on contributions to political campaigns. 5-00

  39. Presidential Candidates (
      Provides information on each candidate for President of the United States, by political party. 12-03

  40. Presidential Personalities (American Psychological Association)
      "As part of their The Personality and the President Project, psychologist Steven J Rubenzer, Ph.D., of Houston, Texas and co-authors Thomas Faschingbauer, Ph.D., of Richmond Texas and Deniz S. Ones, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota, used several objective personality instruments to analyze the assessments made by more than one hundred presidential experts who were instructed to assess the lives of presidents they studied. The experts were instructed to look only at the five-year period before their respective subject became president to avoid the influence that life in the White House might have had on their behavior."

      "Results of the research indicate that great presidents, besides being stubborn and disagreeable, are more extraverted, open to experience, assertive, achievement striving, excitement seeking and more open to fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas and values. Historically great presidents were low on straightforwardness, vulnerability and order."

      "Achievement striving was found to be one of the best correlates of greatness in the oval office and competence was also a big predictor of presidential success." 12-03

  41. Public Opinion on Current Issues (Public Agenda Online)
      Provides results of surveys of public opinion on key issues related to health, education, and other current concerns. 9-00

  42. Recall Vote on California Governor Gray Davis (MSNBC)
      "Voters will be asked in the recall election Oct. 7 whether Davis, who was re-elected only last November, should be recalled and then asked who should succeed him. He would be removed from office if less than 50 percent of the voters opposed the recall, but his replacement would likely be swept into office by a minority, as the candidate who gets the most votes wins." 8-03

  43. Register to Vote - Voting Deadlines (
      Provides dates related to elections within each state, including dates for voting in primaries. Qualifications to vote include: You must be 18 years old or older by the day of the election, you must be registered to vote, and you must be a U.S. citizen. In many states, you must register with a political party to vote in that party's primary election. To vote in a primary election, your registration must be recognized well before the primary election in that state. 12-03

  44. Report: FBI Protected Killers (CBS News)
      "A House committee concluded Thursday that the FBI shielded from prosecution known killers and other criminals whom it used as informants to investigate organized crime in New England." 11-03

  45. Rumsfeld as Secretary of Defense from 1975-1977 (
      Provides a summary of the style and direction of Rumsfeld's leadership as Secretary of Defense for President Ford. 1-01

  46. Same-Sex Marriages - Comparing Marriage and Civil Unions (CNN News)
      "And while Vermont's civil union couples are eligible for state benefits, the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) excludes them [same-sex marriages] from many federal benefits."

      "That measure, signed into law by President Clinton, recognizes marriage only as the union of a man and a woman and defines a spouse as a husband or wife of the opposite sex."

      "A General Accounting Office report in 1997 identified 1,049 laws where federal benefits, rights or privileges were contingent on marital status. They include tax breaks, pensions and Social Security benefits, inheritance rights and loans." 2-04

  47. Sharon, Ariel (BBC News)
      Provides a political profile on the Prime Minister of Israel. 8-01

  48. U.S. Brands Doing Well Globally, Despite Disapproval of Bush Administration (International Herald Tribune)
      "A survey released earlier this month by the Pew Global Attitudes Project in Washington showed that the image of the United States has deteriorated markedly...." "But the majority of the 16,000 respondents said that the administration of President George W. Bush was the problem, not the United States in general." 6-03

  1. Compare Your Positions With Presidential Candidates for 2004 (
      "The candidates' positions have been determined first by the candidate's actions, then their public votes, followed by their public statements, and whenever possible, special interest group rankings of the candidate have been factored in."

      "The results page links to information about the candidates including links to their websites, public statements and news reports. We also provide links to the special interest groups mentioned on this page." 10-03

  2. New Voters Project (
      Provides activities to help "reengage young people in the political process. Over 28 million eligible voters between the ages of 18 and 24 years old could be a powerful voting bloc in the upcoming elections." 2-04

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