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Ancient Egyptians

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  1. Ancient and Medieval

  2. History Lesson Plans

Lesson Plans
  1. Ancient Egyptians (Detroit Institute of Arts)
      Provides cross-curricular lesson plans. 2-01

  2. Ancient Egyptians - Papyrus (Mollet)
      Provides compelete lesson on papyrus, the early form of paper.

  1. Ancient Egypt (Hos-McGrane)
      Includes resources on ancient Egyptian culture assembled by 6th grade students.

  2. Ancient Egypt (SSG - TeacherNet)
      Provides a comprehensive listing of information, well categorized. 9-00

  3. Ancient Egyptian History and Life (Gander Academy - Cornish)
      Provides resources by topic, including pyramids, mummies, hieroglyphics, clothing, pharaohs, and more. Sometimes visitors misspell as pharos or pharohs. 2-01

  4. Ancient Egyptians (Mautz)
      Provides links to people, places, and events. Ties resources into links in the arts related to the same time periods and places. 2-01

  5. Egyptian History ( - Rosenberg)
      Provides sources of information. 2-01

  6. Egyptian Resources (Cleveland Museum of Art)
      Provides a coloring book, a quiz, facts, and activities related to ancient Egypt.

  1. Egypt - Map of Ancient Egypt (Minnesota State University at Mankato)

  2. Egypt - Map of the Ancient Sumer Region

  3. Egyptian Coloring Book (Cleveland Museum of Art)
      Provides a coloring book on ancient Egypt.

  4. Egyptian Mummy (National Geographic - Cock)
      Provides an Egyptian mummy and the underlying skeleton. 5-02

  1. Ancient Egyptian Art (
      Provides an introduction and examples of art. 3-01

  2. Daily Life for Ancient Egyptians (Donn)
      Provides articles about daily life, such as toys, pets, food, jobs, entertainment, transportation, clothes, and other details. 11-00

  3. Egypt - Ancient Egypt (Carnegie Museum of Natural History)
      Provides a description of daily life, funerals, religion and more, including pictures of artifacts for each topic.

  4. Egypt - Ancient Egypt (Emory University)
      Provides a description of daily life, burials, mythology, and more.

  5. Egypt - Ancient Egypt (ThinkQuest Team 16325 - Empires Past)
      Provides a history, vocabulary, arts, sciences, government and more.

  6. Egypt - Celtic, Chinese, and Egyptian History (Rivendell)
      Provides well organized and somewhat comprehensive resources.

  7. Egypt - My Daily Life in Ancient Egypt (Donn - Kathryn)
      An eleven year old girl describes "her" life in ancient Egypt. Also includes a quiz. For example, why did ancient Egyptians eat fried mice? In addition, includes detailed information about the daily life of Egyptians.

  8. Egypt - Pyramid Excavation (PBS Nova)
      Provides history and cross-sectional maps on excavations of pyramids in Giza Egypt.

  9. Hieroglyphics (Snaith Primary School)
      Provides interactive problems to solve. 11-01

  10. Hieroglyphics Alphabet and Symbols (Busch Gardens)
      Provides the alphabetic symbols and other symbols to create a message. You can write your name in hieroglyphics. 3-00

  11. Hieroglyphs, Egyptian (Rosmorduc) 3-00

  12. Milestones of Ancient Egypt (Exploring Ancient World Cultures)
      Ancient Egyptian milestones from 3100 BCE to 305 BCE. 1-04

  13. Neferetiti (
      Provides a short biography of perhaps the most powerful woman in the ancient world, Neferetiti, wife of Akhenaten. Visitors sometimes misspell as Nefretiti. 8-03

  14. Neferetiti (
      Provides a short biography of perhaps the most powerful woman in the ancient world, Neferetiti, wife of Akhenaten. Visitors sometimes misspell as Nefretiti. 8-03

  15. Women in Ancient Egypt (
      "As an Egyptian woman, you would have been among the most legally independent females in the ancient world."

      Their legal rights of women meant they could bring an action in law, be a partner in legal contracts and own property. It was also possible for them to work, and even live alone." 8-03

  1. Ancient Egyptians (Snaith Primary School)
      Provides worksheets and interactive problems to solve. 11-01

  2. Ancient Egyptians - Projects (Seagraves)
      Provides lesson plans and projects, such as making "mummies," pyramids, a sphinx, and more. 2-01

  3. Egypt - Ancient Egypt (Donn)
      Provides "the works" under the name "Deep in the Tombs of Egypt." Designed to keep the interest of students, this site has color, graphics and activities everywhere. Almost anything Ancient Egyptian (and fun) is here.

  4. Egypt - Make Your Own Cartouche (Busch Gardens)
      Provides the resources to develop your own official Egyptian nameplate, a cartouche.

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