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Lesson Plans
  1. Einstein's Life and Work (NOVA)

  2. Electromagnetic Radiation (University of California - SEGway)
      Provides a lesson to study electromagnetic radiation. 3-01

  3. Linear Mechanical Systems - Grade Level 11 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan on linear mechanical systems. 2-01

  4. Math - Basic Math for the Sciences (Dallas Community College District - Logan)
      Provides a clear introduction to basic math topics that are used in science. Includes scientific notation, the metric system, significant digits, logs and anti-logs, experimentation, graphing, algebraic formulation, algebraic method and more. 10-01

  5. Physics - Energy - Grade 8 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan for the 8th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  6. Physics - Grade 11 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides an introductory lesson for physics. For the 11th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  7. Physics - Radioactivity - Grade 10 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan for the 10th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  8. Physics - Transformers in Mechanical Systems - Grade Level 12 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan on transformers in mechanical systems. 2-01

  9. Physics - Vectors and Relative Velocity - Grade 12 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan on vector kinematics in two dimensions (vectors and relative velocity). For the 12th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  10. Physics -Force and Energy - Grade 9 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan for the 9th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  11. Physics Lesson Plans for Elementary School Level (Rutgers College)
      Provides hundreds of lessons by general topic, such as force and motion, electricity, or properties of matter. 3-02

  12. Physics Lessons (TeachNet)
      Includes projects on Magneto-hydrodynamic Drives, Cause and Effect, Field Trips and Simple Physics, Water Displacement, Speed of Sound, Physics 12, and Altering Climate in the Classroom.

      For example, "Everyone knows that a weight suspended by a string and taped to the ceiling of the bus will appear to swing backward as the bus speeds up, and forward as it decelerates, due to inertia. Also take along a helium-filled balloon on a string to tie to a seat or fasten to the floor." The balloon will do the opposite. Explain. 5-02

  1. Einstein Links (NOVA)

  2. Physics Resources

  3. Physics Resources (Science Educators Web Resources Supersite)
      Provides 6 annotated resources in physics.

  4. Physics Resources by Topic (Google)
      Provides physics resources by topic, including quantum mechanics, optics, acoustics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, atomic, nuclear, relativitiy, quantum physics, astrophysics, history, biophysics, and more. 9-01

  5. Physics Resources by Topic (
      Provides physics resources by topic, including mechanics, optics, acoustics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, atomic, nuclear, relativitiy, quantum physics, astrophysics, history, biophysics, physicists, references, and formulas. 9-01

  1. A Leaf from Far, Far Away and Very, Very Close (Florida State University - Davidson)
      "View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a tall oak tree just outside the buildings of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in Tallahassee, Florida. After that, begin to move from the actual size of a leaf into a microscopic world that reveals leaf cell walls, the cell nucleus, chromatin, DNA and finally, into the subatomic universe of electrons and protons." 9-02

  1. Anti-Matter - Making Anti-matter ( - Schultz)
      Explains how anit-matter is created in the laboratory. 1-01

  2. Antimatter Space Ships (
      Describes how an antimatter space ship might produce a great deal more energy than any other source now known and even allow interstellar travel, travel to other planets from distant stars. 11-00.

  3. Atomic Structure (
      Provides basic information on the structure of atoms and mentions quantum physics. 5-01

  4. Biology Lessons, Resources, and Outcomes (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides discussions, outcomes, and lessons on biology for the 11th and 12th grade levels. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  5. Discovery of the Top Quark (Fermi Lab)

  6. Einstein's Life and Work (NOVA)

  7. Einstein's Theories ( NOVA - Levenson)
      Describes of some of the main theories contributed by Albert Einstein. 4-02

  8. Fine-Structure Constant (
      Provides a technical explanation of the fine-structure constant, which is a basic unit of measurement in physics. Visitors sometimes misspell as fine structure constant. 8-01

  9. History of Physics (American Institute of Physics)
      Provides a short history of some of the key discoveries of physics. 7-00

  10. Introduction to Nuclear Physics

  11. Mechanics (Zobel)
      Explains basic concepts associated with mechanic in physics, such as forces, energy, momentum, vectors, kinematics, curved motion, simple harmonic motion, and more. 4-00

  12. Nobel Prize Winners in Physics

  13. Periodic Table of Elements

  14. Physics Applications (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides discussions, outcomes, and lessons on applications of physics for the 11th and 12th grade levels. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  15. Physics Constants

  16. Physics Lessons, Resources, and Outcomes (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides discussions, outcomes, and lessons on physics for the 11th and 12th grade levels. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  17. Physics Nobel Laureates Since 1981(Nobel Foundation)
      Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in physics since 1981. 9-00

  18. Physics and Astronomical Constants

  19. Physics of Uranium (World Nuclear Association)
      Provides information about uranium.

  20. Professor Uses Comic Book Superheroes to Teach Physics (ABC News)
      Jim Kakalios "says using comic books to teach the fundamentals of physics is a great way to stimulate his students. 'It seems by the time they left the class, they were looking at the world with a more critical and more scientific eye," he says.' " 5-02

  21. Sound (Kulesza, Green and Christopher)
      Provides comprehensive information on sound, including the anatomy of the ear, the physics of sound and interactive sound projects, such as listening to a Doppler Effect.

  22. Time Travel May Be Possible (ABC News)
      "The Time Traveler's story may have sounded outrageous to his colleagues, but today physicists think Wells was onto something. In fact, according to Albert Einstein's famous equation, E = mc˛ , time travel is possible, at least in one direction. Going the other way — back to the past — presents a trickier challenge." 3-02

  23. Trebuchets - Ancient Rock Hurlers (Miners)
      Describes ancient trebuchets, ancient rock hurlers. Trebuchets require math skills to make accurate throws. 5-01

  24. Trebuchets - Ancient Rock Hurlers (Radlinski)
      Describes the physics of ancient trebuchets, ancient rock hurlers. Trebuchets require math skills to make accurate throws. 5-01

  25. Waves (Zobel)
      Explains basic concepts associated with mechanical waves. Includes diagrams and some animation. 4-00

  26. Women Physicists (UCLA)
      Provides biographies of 86 eminent woment physicists. 4-03

  27. Yoyos - History of Yoyos (
      Provides a history and describes designs. 2-02

  1. Amusement Park Physics (
      Describes the physics of several amusement park rides and allows you to design and build those rides online. Includes the roller coaster, carousel, bumper cars, free fall, and the pendulum 8-01

  2. Electric, Solar, Optics, and Other Projects You Can Make With Your Kids (Science Toys)
      Provides over a dozen projects to teach basic physics. 2-02

  3. Physics Problems (Glencoe)
      Provides problems, with worksheets and solutions. 11-99

  4. Physics Problems (University of Oregon)
      Provides problems, organized by subject and color coded by difficulty level. Also provides indictation of amount of effort required.

  5. Problem Solving Activities in Physics

  6. Science Projects (
      Provides over a dozen science projects. 1-04

  7. Science Projects (The Tech Museum)
      Provides interactive projects in science in topics such as robotics, lasers, earthquakes, space exploration, and DNA. 12-02

  8. Trebuchets - Ancient Rock Hurlers - How to Build (Geiselman)
      Describes how trebuchets, ancient rock hurlers, are built. Requires math skills to make one that is accurate. 5-01

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