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  1. Commuting Alternatives

  2. Current Events

  3. Earth Day

  4. Volunteering Service

  1. Ecology Conferences by Region (Earth Charter Inititative)
      Provides a brief description of programs by region. 11-00

Lesson Plans
  1. Environment and Interdependence (American Forum for Global Education)
      Provides opportunities for students to work together to solve problems that confront the planet., using projects as examples. 9-99

  2. Champions of Conservation (School Discovery)Provides lessons to understand how conservationists have influenced our views of the environment. 1-02

    • Ecology - Diversity - Grade 8 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
        Provides a lesson plan on diversity. For the 8th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

    • Ecology - Global Ecosystems - Grade 8 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
        Provides a lesson plan on global ecosystems. For the 8th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

    • Ecology - Social Issues - Grade 8 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
        Provides a lesson plan on social issues related to ecology. For the 8th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

    • Ecology and Earth Sciences (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
        Provides lessons on the Nature of Geography (Themes), (Systems), (Skills), Systems of the Earth (Weather), (Climate), (Tectonic Processes), (Graduation Processes), Resources of the Earth (Nature of Resources), (Management of Resources), and (Sustainability of Resources). The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. Grade 12. 2-01

    • Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (PBS - Bill Moyers Reports Earth on Edge)
        Argues for sustainable development that makes sense economically. Explains why it is essential to do so. Includes discussion guides for teachers. 11-01

    • Global, Environmental, and Cultural Lessons (American Forum for Global Education) 2-00

    1. Building a Healthy School Environment

    2. By Category - Improving the Environment (Earth Share)
        Provides tips on improving the environment. 10-00

    3. Earth Day (Surfing the Net with Kids - Feldman)
        Provides rated sources of information on Earth Day activities for kids. 4-00

    4. Ecology (Donn)
        Provides lessons, links, and activities related to rainforests, Earth Day, recycling, and much more.

    5. Ecology (Mining Company - Michaels)

    6. Ecology Resources (Eco Pros)
        Provides sources of information to support an improved ecology.

    7. Ecology and Environment (Bierworth)
        Provides five sources of information. 11-00

    8. Environmental Associations

    9. Environmental Projects for Students and Schools (EnviroLeague)
        Provides over 30 projects for students to support a healthier environment.

    10. Environmental Protection Directories (EELink)
        Provides dozens of sources of information for involving individuals in understanding and helping to restore the environment.

    11. Environmental Protection Search (EELink)
        Provides a search engine.

    12. Environmental Resources (Tall Oak Productions)
        Provides many well organized resources to study ecology and the environment. 10-99

    13. Environmental Science by Kids Web

    14. National Programs to Improve Ecology (US Geological Survey)

    15. Organizations - Local Environmental Organizations (Orion Grassroots Network)
        "OGN member organizations are recognized in their communities as leaders in the fields of conservation, restoration, education, justice, health, and economics." "The OGN is the only network that is focused on connecting the full diversity of groups and, beginning this year, engaging them in coordinated campaigns on regional, national, and global issues." 6-02

    16. Sustainable Development (Kestemont)
        Provides hundreds of sources of information on sustainable development. 3-00

    17. Wetlands (
        Provides a list of 100 carefully selected sites. 12-01

    18. Wetlands (Environmental Protection Agency)
        Describes the characteristics of wetlands. "Wetlands are areas where water covers the soil, or is present either at or near the surface of the soil all year or for varying periods of time during the year, including during the growing season." 12-01

    1. Environment News (Environment News Service)
        Provides stories related to pollution, global warming, preservation of species, alternative energy, energy efficiency, saving forests, and similar topics. 11-02

    2. Environmental News (Earth Day Network - Grist Magazine)
        Provides global news on efforts to improve the environment, as well as violations of the environment. See "More archival matter "(on the left side of the magazine's page) for past issues. 11-00

    3. Environmental News and Issues (
        Provides headline news and information on environmental issues by subject. 3-03

    4. Sustainable Development (
        Provides news and projects related to the environment and sustainable development efforts.

    1. -Sustainable Planet (Awesome Library - Adams) star
        Describes the most important few things that can be done to reduce pollution, reduce global warming, and save our forests, as well as improve the availability of drinkable water for the future. 11-00

    2. City Planning and the Environment (American Planning Association)
        Provides the background and training for a city planner and explains what they do. 5-00

    3. Conservation (Fishing)

    4. Consume and Discard Lifestyles Not Sustainable (Independent - Connor)
        " 'We continue to depend on a series of ancient, genetically and socially determined habits and attitudes, many of which seem to have been more suitable for our hunter-gatherer ancestors,' " he [Peter Raven] says. " 'We must adopt new ways of thinking that will serve our descendants well in a world that is crowded beyond imagining, a world in which we shall always be the major ecological force. Unless, of course, we destroy ourselves.' " 8-02

    5. Current Events Related to the Environment (The Tides Center - EcoNet)
        Provides articles on current events related to achieving a healthier environment.

    6. Earth Day

    7. Earthwatch Institute
        Provides news and events, global classroom and expeditions related to ecology and improving the environment.

    8. Ecology (UMAC - OCP)
        Provides an analysis of key threats to the evnironment. 4-02

    9. Ecology Programs (KQED - GreenMeans)
        Describes programs that are exemplary in benefiting the environment. 12-00

    10. Ecology Resources and Discussions (Mining Co. - Merickel)
        Includes a variety of discussions and links using a news format.

    11. Educational Resources on the Environment (US Bureau of Land Management)

    12. Energy Information Information by Country (U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Information Administration)
        Provides profiles and maps of countries, with an emphasis on energy needs and resources. 8-02

    13. Energy Information Information for the USA (U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Information Administration)
        Provides an energy profile of the USA. "The United States of America is the world's largest energy producer, consumer, and net importer. It also ranks twelfth worldwide in reserves of oil, sixth in natural gas, and first in coal." 8-02

    14. Environmental Advocacy (Sierra Club of Canada)
        Provides information about projects of the Sierra Club of Canada, an environmental advocacy group. 2-01

    15. Environmental Advocacy (Sierra Club)
        Provides information about projects of the Sierra Club, an environmental advocacy group. 2-01

    16. Environmental Care an Ancient Science (US Bureau of Land Management)

    17. Environmental Politics and the Prisoner's Dilemma Game (
        Provides a strategy for observing and responding to political messages. Describes a winning strategy in the development of cooperation. The first step is to be cooperative (nice). The second step is to do what is done to you. If the other side is nice, be nice again. If the other side is uncooperative, then be uncooperative. Basically, after the first step, do what the other side does. It is important, however, to distinguish between an opponent who is claiming to be nice (to deceive you) and one who is actually being nice. 4-02

    18. Environmental Problems and Resources (
        Provides summaries of the problems in each of the major areas, such as water pollution, air pollution, waste, biodiversity, energy, forests, and climate. Also provides resources, lists of resources, and educational materials. 1-01

    19. Environmental Protection - Projects for Kids (Environmental Protection Agency)
        Provides basic information about air pollution, water pollution, and recycling for children. Designed to help children to understand how to help build a healthy environment. 12-00

    20. Environmental Safety in Your Home (EPA)

    21. Gas Turbine Advances Announced (
        Describes a new gas turbine and explains that most new power plants over the next 10 - 15 years will be fueled by gas. 6-01

    22. Glossary of Environment Terms (Natural Resources Defense Council)
        Provides an alphabetical glossary of terms used in the environment field, such as greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2) 6-01

    23. Greenpeace
        Provides information on activities and programs of Greenpeace, an organization committed to preserving our environment.

    24. Heroes for the Environment (
        Provides stories on individuals who are making a difference to help our environment. 11-00

    25. Intentional Communities (Intentional Communities)
        Provides information on communities commited to a better environment. 12-00

    26. Missouri Conservation Resources

    27. Native Activists and the Future (Massa and Cascadia Planet - LaDuke)
        Provides statements from Winona LaDuke about "White" views of the environment compared to the Native views. She also discusses the difference between Native Activists and Environmentalists.

    28. Nature Conservancy
        Provides programs to conserve lands. 3-01

    29. Plants - Endangered or Threatened (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
        Provides a comprehensive listing of plants, by characteristics, classification, cultural significance, invasive and noxious, threatened and endangered, alternative crops, and more. Also searches for plants by scientific name or common name. Includes a factsheet, distribution in the USA, classification, a picture, characteristics, and similar information on each plant. 3-01

    30. Report Card on World Environmental Conditions (World Resources Institute)
        Provides reports on the various environmental conditions. 10-00

    31. Shepard, Peggy (West Harlem Environmental Action)
        Profiles the founder of West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. (WE ACT). WE ACT is involved in fighting pollution in poor neighborhoods of Harlem, New York, through the 1-02

    32. Solutions for the Environment (Awesome Library - Adams)
        Provides a summary of key activities necessary to reduce air and water pollution, reduce the rate of global warming, and more. 1-01

    33. Sustainable Development Conference in Johannesburg (MSNBC)
        "FORMALLY TITLED 'the World Summit for Sustainable Development,' the gathering is billed as the largest United Nations meeting in history — with more than 100 world leaders and 65,000 delegates expected to convene in venues throughout sprawling Johannesburg."

        "At Rio, President George H.W. Bush ignited a diplomatic furor by rejecting accords to protect biodiversity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions."

        "Little has changed since. The United States has angered both its European allies and developing nations by stifling many global environmental accords inspired by Rio, citing economic concerns."

        "Since Rio, U.S. consumption of energy has jumped 21 percent and greenhouse gas emissions are up 13 percent, according to figures gathered by the United Nations and others." 8-02

    34. Trade Agreements Affecting the Environment (World Trade Organization)
        Provides the official WTO Web site. 12-99

    35. Vital Signs of Improvement in the Environment (
        "Fossil fuel consumption is growing, but—good news—so is solar and wind power. Read more below and then learn what you can do." Includes articles on what you can do to reduce problems for the environment. Topics include Fossil Fuels, Carbon Emissions, Oil Spills, Urban Sprawl, Automobile Production, Bicycle Production, Car Sharing, Wind Power, Solar Power, Appliance Efficiency, and Compact Fluorescent Lamps, 4-03

    1. Conservation Ecology
        Written more at the teacher level than for students.

    1. Ecology Projects (
        Provides projects related to ecology.

    2. Environmental Games and Activities (Seagraves)
        Provides games, puzzles, and activities to develop an appreciation for the environment. For younger children. 2-01

    3. Environmental Projects and Activities for Children (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
        NIEH provides dozens of lessons and activities related to improving the environment.

    4. Environmental Protection Projects and Lessons (EELink)
        Provides over a dozen sources of materials and projects.

    5. Environmental Stories for Young Children (Dodo Land)
        Provides interactive stories for young children to help them appreciate the need for taking care of the environment. 2-01

    6. Environmental Words - Word Puzzle (Lighthouse Publications)
        Provides a word puzzle using environmental terms.

    7. Gardening at School (Journey to Forever)
        Provides resources for creating gardens at school. 12-00

    Purchase Resources
    1. Auction for Save the Earth Foundation (Save the Earth)
        Provides auctions of posters and autographed photos of rock celebrities, as well as famous recording artists in other fields. Proceeds go to Save the Earth Foundation. 6-99

    1. Exploring the Planet (Journey to Forever - Addison)
        Provides an interactive trip through 26 countries by students and experts to see what is being done, and what can be done, to improve the environment, especially in the poorer and less accessible portions of the world. 12-00

    1. Coral Reefs (AbcTeach)
        Provides dozens of worksheets to help children have a better understanding of coral reefs. 8-01

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