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Lesson Plans
  1. Crocodiles - American (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  2. Turtles - Diamondback Terrapins (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description, a drawing, and lessons.

  1. Gecko (Acme) 3-00

  2. Iguanas (Acme) 3-00

  3. Iguanas ( 8-00

  4. Lizards (Acme) 6-00

  5. Snakes (Acme) 3-00

  6. Turtles - Sea Turtles for Kids (Kidz Korner)

  1. Reptiles (Biosis)
      Provides recommended sources of information, by species. 9-01

  1. Alligators, American (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  2. Crocodiles (Rainforest Reptile Refuge Society)
      Provides a description and picture of the crocodile or caiman. 11-00

  3. Crocodiles - Extinct Supercroc (National Geographic)
      "The giant creature, which lived 110 million years ago, during the Middle Cretaceous, grew as long as 40 feet (12 meters) and weighed as much as eight metric tons (17,500 pounds). Its jaws alone were nearly six feet (1.8 meters) long and its more than 100 teeth so powerful that the colossal creature probably consumed small dinosaurs as well as fish, the researchers say." 3-02

  4. Crocodiles, American (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  5. Crocodilians (National Geographic Society)
      Provides a world map with locations of alligators, caimans, and crocodiles. 11-01

  6. Geckos - Selection (
      Provides suggestions on selecting a gecko for a pet. 8-00

  7. Iguana - Selection (
      Provides suggestions on selecting an iguana for a pet. 8-00

  8. Iguanas (Zoological Society of San Diego)
      Provides a description and includes pictures. 2-01

  9. Reptiles (Encarta)
      Provides a concise form of the famous electronic encyclopedia. Find materials through the search engine. Type the name of a reptile in the box provided, select "Go." 4-01

  10. Reptiles - Lizards (Rainforest Reptile Refuge Society)
      Provides a description and picture of iguanas, monitors, anoles, skinks, and Chinese water dragons. Includes cautions, just in case a person is considering the animal for a pet. 11-00

  11. Reptiles - Snakes (Rainforest Reptile Refuge Society)
      Provides a description and picture of pythons, green snakes, and anacondas. 11-00

  12. Reptiles - Turtles (Rainforest Reptile Refuge Society)
      Provides a description and picture of three types of turtles. 11-00

  13. Skinks (
      Provides a description and pictures of the blue-tongued skink. Provides suggestions for the care of the reptile as a pet. It has a prehensile tail and is very expensive. 8-00

  14. Snakes (Zoological Society of San Diego)
      Provides a description and includes pictures. 2-01

  15. Turtle, Green Sea Turtle (Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium)
      Provides information on the endangered turtle.

  16. Turtles (Zoological Society of San Diego)
      Provides a description and includes pictures. 2-01

  17. Turtles - Diamondback Terrapins (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  18. Turtles - Green Sea (Thinkquest)
      Provides an article and pictures of turtles that inhabit areas near coral reefs of Hawaii. See the reptiles section.

  19. Turtles - Sea Turtles (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  1. Turtles - Activities (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description, a drawing, and activities.

  1. Reptiles Worksheets (Comp Ed - Free Worksheets)
      Provides 2 worksheets. 11-99

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