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  1. Biotechnology

  2. Human Anatomy - Brain Resources

Lesson Plans
  1. Brain (Franklin Institute)
      Shows how we get better at tasks as we repeat them. 5-02

  1. Brain and Neuroscience Resources (Awesome Library)
      Provides dozens of resources on the brain, brain research, and sources of information on neuroscience. 5-02

  2. Neuroscience Philosophy (Stanford University Metaphysics Research Lab - Bickle and Mandik)
      Provides a distinction between neuroscience and neurophilosophy, as well as a discussion of the field of neuroscience. This work is part of the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Zalta. 5-01

  3. Neuroscience Resources (Neurosci-Online)
      Provides sources of online information, especially journals, for neuroscience issues, studies, and basic information. 2-01

  4. Neuroscience and Brain Resources (Chudler)
      Provides over 100 sources of information. 5-02

  1. Brain - Electric Communication In The Brain (applesforhealth)
      Some nerve cells in the cerebral cortex of the brain use electrical links to "speak" to one another - a surprise since it had been thought chemical signals were their sole mode of communication, researchers said. 11-19-99.

  2. Brain Research and Learning ( Kelly)
      Provides papers on application of findings from neurobiology to classroom learning.

  3. Brain Sees One Thing At A Time (applesforhealth)
      Experiments show the human brain focuses on one thing at a time but shifts attention so rapidly it seems it sees the entire picture at once, researchers say. 09-03-99.

  4. Decisions - Finding Where the Brain Makes Decisions ( - McGrath)
      "Scientists in the United Kingdom believe they may be close to unraveling some of the brain processes that ultimately dictate the choices we make as consumers." 5-02

  5. Go, the Game, May Provide Insight on Intuition (International Herald Tribune - Hafner)
      Argues that Go is a game that is much more challenging than chess and can therefore reveal insight into the processes of intuition. Chess can be reduced to mathematical probabilities but Go is beyond such an analysis with current technology. "A Go-playing computer would need about 30,000 years to look as far ahead as Deep Blue can with chess in three seconds." 7-02

  6. Neuroanatomy of Motivation and Addictions (CNN - Gupta and Zahn)
      Describes new findings on the area of the brain believed to be responsible for motivation for achievement, addictions, and similar personality characteristics. 6-02

  7. Old Brains Learning New Tricks (applesforhealth)
      Older people use different areas of the brain than do younger ones to perform the same tasks. That finding comes from a study led by researchers at the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care in Toronto. 11-26-99.

  8. Panic Disorders - Neurobiological Correlates (Journal of Postgraduate Medicine)
      Describes neurobiological correlates of panic disorder and agoraphobia. 01-01.

  9. Parkinson's Disease Treatment Successful (BBC News - Ghosh)
      Describes a promising treatment for Parkinson's Disease that involves regeneration of damaged portions of the brain. "The treatment involves putting a drug called GDNF (Glial cell line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) into a mechanical pump, two of which feed it to the most damaged parts of the brain." 5-02

  10. Pheromones (CNN - Rowland)
      Provides results from research that pheromones, chemicals that are received by the nose as smells, can affect human ovulation. Since humans are not aware of the smells, the mechanism by which ovulation is affected is still unknown.

  11. SIDS Research Reported (BBC News)
      Describes a method of using the Internet and supercomputers to allow "...a doctor to use a portable computer to compare a patient's brain scan with a composite image of what that brain is expected to look like." 5-02

  12. SIDS Research Reported ( - Hathaway)
      "Babies who die suddenly in their sleep may have abnormalities in brain cells that help regulate breathing, Yale University researchers reported Monday." 5-02

  13. Scientists Ponder Mystery of Mind (applesforhealth)
      Scientists explore how the human brain, with its billions of flowing and flickering neurons, produces the mind. 04-21-00.

  14. Treatment Helps Injured Nerve Cells Regrow (applesforhealth)
      Researchers have found rats that cannot feel because of neuron damage can regain sensation when treated with substances that stimulate nerve tissue growth. 01-28-00.

  1. Neuron (Cell Press)
      Provides research results related to neurons. College Level. 5-01

  2. Neuroscience (Nature)
      Provides articles on the latest research in neuroscience. 10-00

  1. Perception and Memory Projects (Exploratorium)
      Provides a dozen projects related to imagery. 3-02

  1. Brain and Nervous System Worksheets (Chudler)
      Neuroscience for Kids provides worksheets for teachers to use in the classroom. 12-99

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