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Human - Anatomy

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  1. Anatomy - Reference Guide ( - Gray's Human Anatomy)
      Provides a comprehensive reference book on the basics of a human body, including skeletal system, circulatory system, muscles, senses, neurology, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, and more. "The edition of Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body features 1,247 vibrant engravings—many in color—from the classic 1918 publication, as well as a subject index with 13,000 entries ranging from the Antrum of Highmore to the Zonule of Zinn." 5-02

Lesson Plans
  1. Body Systems - Grade 9 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan for the 9th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  2. Brain (Franklin Institute)
      Shows how we get better at tasks as we repeat them. 5-02

  3. Eyes (Franklin Institute)
      "The eye is made up of several parts: the cornea, pupil, iris, lens, and retina. Each has an important function." 5-02

  4. Factors Affecting Body Systems - Grade 9 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
      Provides a lesson plan for the 9th grade level. The materials are called an Integrated Resource Package. 2-01

  5. Heartbeat - Hearing (Franklin Institute)
      Shows how we can hear a heartbeat. 5-02

  6. Heartbeat Rate (Franklin Institute)
      Shows how we can measure our heartbeat rate. 5-02

  7. Human Anatomy (Innerbody)
      Organized by topic and includes animations. Highly rated by Yahoo! Internet Life magazine in August of 1997.

  8. Science Lesson Plans (Awesome Library)

  1. Brain and Neuroscience (Awesome Library)
      Provides articles on the brain and neuroscience. Most articles are for advanced high school students or above. 5-02

  2. Brain and Neuroscience Resources (Chudler)
      Provides over 100 sources of information. 5-02

  1. Anatomy - Sections (Digital Anatomist)
      Provides 2-D and 3-D sections of the brain, thoracic area, and knee. High school level or above.

  2. Drawings of Body Parts (
      Provides simple anatomy drawings of the Brain, Ear, Eye, Foot, Hand, Heart, Intestine, Kidney, Lung, Pelvis, Skull, Spine, and Tooth 5-02

  1. -Heart - Things to Hear and See (Franklin Institute Online) star
      Provides opportunities to see and hear the heart in action, learn about blood types, and, in general, explore issues related to the heart. Suitable for most ages.

  1. Backbone or Vertebral Column (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a description and drawings of the vertebral column or spinal cord. 5-02

  2. Body Systems (Vilenski)
      Provides descriptions and pictures of skin, muscles, bones, and organs of the body. 5-02

  3. Brain Research and Learning ( Kelly)
      Provides papers on application of findings from neurobiology to classroom learning.

  4. Brain and Nervous System (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  5. Brain and Neuroscience (Chudler)
      Provides articles and diagrams for students to learn about the brain, spinal cord, senses, and neuroscience. 5-00.

  6. Circulatory System (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  7. College level - Digestive System Picture (Farabee)
      Provides a line drawing of the digestive system, with the basic parts labeled. 12-02

  8. College level - Lymphatic System (Farabee)
      Describes and defines the parts of the lymphatic system. 12-02

  9. College level - Protein Synthesis (Farabee)
      Describes the study of protein synthesis. 12-02

  10. Digestive System (Colorado State University - Bowen)
      Provides detailed descriptions of parts of the digestive system. Uses technical language for advanced high school students or entry level college students. 3-02

  11. Digestive System ( - Cardinal ScriptNet)
      Provides a description of how food goes through the digestive system. 3-02

  12. Digestive System (McGann)
      Provides simple descriptions of parts of the digestive system for elementary school students. 3-02

  13. Digestive System (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation of basic organs. 8-00

  14. Digestive System (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children. (Find in Choose a Body System on the menu.)

  15. Digestive System - How the Digestive Process Is Controlled ( - Cardinal ScriptNet)
      Describes how hormone and nerve regulators control the digestion of food. 3-02

  16. Digestive System Picture and Descriptions (InnerBody)
      Provides a drawing of the digestive system, with the basic parts described when you "click" on each part. 3-02

  17. Ear (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  18. Ears and Sound (Kulesza, Green and Christopher)
      Provides comprehensive information on sound, including the anatomy of the ear, the physics of sound and interactive sound projects, such as listening to a Doppler Effect.

  19. Eye (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  20. Fingernails - Your Nails Deserve Respect (applesforhealth)
      Although fingernails seem functional enough, they were intended for important purposes. 04-14-00.

  21. Health Issues for Kids (Nemours Foundation -
      Provides The Kids Section, information about feelings, health, fitness, safety, the human body and other topics for children.

  22. Heart (Franklin Institute) 12-03

  23. Heart - How to Have a Healthy Heart (Franklin Institute) 12-03

  24. Heart Beating - Animation (
      Provides an animation to show how the heart pumps blood. 8-00

  25. Heart Structure and Function (Medtronic)
      Provides a description of the work of the heart and includes an animation to make the explanation more clear.

  26. Human Body (How Stuff Works - Brain)
      Learn how your body works.

  27. Immune System ( - Brain)
      Provides a comprehensive explanation of the immune system. 5-00

  28. Immune Systems (BBC Education)
      Provides an article developed by the British Broadcasting Corporation to explain the immune system. 2-00

  29. Internal Organs (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram of basic organs. 6-00

  30. Lungs and Respiration

  31. Muscles (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  32. Nervous System (Gander Academy - Cornish)
      Provides five sources of information selected for fifth grade children. 5-00

  33. Respiratory System (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 8-00

  34. Respiratory System (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children. 10-00

  35. Scent Is In The Nostril Of The Nose (applesforhealth)
      To each nostril, the world smells different, scientists say. 12-03-99.

  36. Skeletal System (Vilenski)
      Provides information on the skeletal system. 6-00

  37. Skeletal System (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children. 10-00

  38. Skin (Vilenski)
      Provides a diagram and explanation. 5-02

  39. Smell - Sense of Smell (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children. 10-00

  40. The Human Body, Including the Yuckie Stuff (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children.

  41. Urinary System (Yuckiest Site)
      Provides basic information and written specifically for children. 10-00

  1. Anatomy Crossword Puzzles (Universitiy of Arkansas for Medical Sciences)
      Provides anatomy crosswords based on themes. 4-00

  2. Brain Facts (
      Provides curious facts about the brain. 1-02

  3. Heart Activities (Franklin Institute Online)
      Provides things related to the heart to see, hear, do, and learn. 4-00

  4. Skeletal Ankle - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones and connective tissue of the ankle. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  5. Skeletal Elbow - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones and ligament of the elbow. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  6. Skeletal Hand - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones, major nerves, and ligament of the hand. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  7. Skeletal Hip - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones of the hip. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  8. Skeletal Knee - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones and connective tissue of the knee. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  9. Skeletal Shoulder - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones and connective tissue of the shoulder. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. 4-00

  10. Skeletal Spine - Drawing (Southern California Orthopedic Institute)
      Provides a drawing of the bones of the spine. Also provides a short description of how it works, using medical terms. "The normal anatomy of the spine is usually described by dividing up the spine into 3 major sections: the cervical, the thoracic, and the lumbar spine." 5-02

  1. Biology - Human Ear Worksheet (
      Provides definitions and a diagram of the ear. "Read the definitions below, then label the ear anatomy diagram." 5-02

  2. Brain and Neuroscience Worksheets (Chudler)
      Provides games, puzzles, lessons, and other forms of worksheets to learn about the brain, spinal cord, and neuroscience. 5-02.

  3. Eye Worksheet (
      Provides definitions and a diagram of the eye. "Read the definitions, then label the eye anatomy diagram below." 5-02

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