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Fish and Ocean Creatures

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  1. Animals

  1. Whales - Ask the Whale Expert (Whalenet)

Lesson Plans
  1. Dolphins - Bottlenose (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description of the life and habits of the dolphin. 5-00

  2. Dolphins - Bottlenose (
      Includes a description of the life and habits of the dolphin.

  3. Dolphins, Orca or Killer Whales (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  4. Fish Tank Lessons and Activities (Donn)
      Provides lesson plans, activities, games, and links related to fish, aquariums, hermit crabs and marine life. 12-99

  5. Manatees (Kids' Planet)
      Provides a factsheet and a drawing.

  6. Otters - Sea (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  7. Turtles - Sea (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  8. Whales - Blue (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  9. Whales - Humpback (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  1. Fish Links (Fish Link Central)

  2. Map Generator - Coastline (US Dept of Interior)
      Provides a map of the coast when you provide longitude and latitude.

  3. Ocean Educational Resources (Whalenet)

  4. Sea World

  5. Whales (Gander Academy - Cornish)
      Provides activities, research, lesson plans, and more on whales. 2-01

  6. Whales and Educational Resources (Whalenet)
      Provides a variety of educational links to whales and marine life.

  1. Whale Sounds (Miller)
      Provides recordings of several whale sounds.

  1. Algae - Iridescent Algae (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  2. Algae - Seaweed (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  3. Anemone - Fish Eating Anemone (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  4. Ballard, Robert (EDS - Jason Project)
      "Dr. Ballard has led or participated in more than 100 deep sea expeditions including the use of the deep-diving submersibles ALVIN, ARCHIMEDE, TRIESTE II, TURTLE, BEN FRANKLIN, CYANA and NR-1. These expeditions included the first manned exploration of the Mid-Ocean Ridge, the discovery of warm water springs and their unusual animal communities in the Galapagos Rift, the first discovery of polymetallic sulfides, the discovery of high temperature "black smokers," the discovery of R.M.S. Titanic, the discovery of the German battleship Bismarck, 11 warships from the lost fleet of Guadalcanal, The U.S.S Yorktown and exploration of the luxury liner Lusitania." 5-02

  5. Bass - Black Sea Bass (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  6. Bluefish (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  7. Butterfish (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  8. Clams (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  9. Cod - Atlantic Cod (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  10. Coral Reefs (Bagheera)
      Provides a description of coral reefs and discusses the problems related to extinction of coral reefs.

  11. Corals (Thinkquest)
      Provides an article and picture of living coral (an animal) that forms coral reefs.

  12. Crabs - Horseshoe Crab (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  13. Crabs - Helmet Crab (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  14. Cusk (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  15. Dogfish - Spiny (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  16. Dolphin Intelligence Compared to Humans (Blackstock)
      Provides comparisons in intelligence and language development.. 6-00

  17. Dolphins (Kirby)
      Provides pictures and articles. 1-00

  18. Dolphins (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  19. Dolphins (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  20. Dolphins - Basic Anatomy (ThinkQuest Team 17963)
      Provides basic facts and illustrations. 1-00

  21. Dolphins - Bottlenose (
      Includes a description of the dolphin, along with a drawing. 10-00

  22. Dolphins - Facts (The Whale Club)
      Provides basic interesting facts. 1-00

  23. Dolphins - Skeleton (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Foundation)
      Provides a side view of a dolphin skeleton in comparison with a photograph of a dolphin. 7-00

  24. Dolphins - Types (Mercata)
      Provides a list of species of dolphins, as well as whales and porpoises. Dolphins (and whales) include Atlantic Hump-Backed dolphin, Atlantic Spotted dolphin, Atlantic White-Sided dolphin, Black dolphin, Bottlenose dolphin, Clymene dolphin, Commerson's dolphin, Dusky dolphin, False Killer whale, Fraser's dolphin, Heaviside's dolphin, Hector's dolphin, Hourglass dolphin, Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed dolphin, Irrawaddy dolphin, Killer whale, Long-Beaked Common dolphin, Long-Finned Pilot whale, Long-snouted spinner dolphin, Melon-Headed whale, Northern Right-Whale dolphin, Pacific White-Sided dolphin, Pantropical Spotted dolphin, Peale's dolphin, Pygmy Killer whale, Risso's dolphin, Rough-toothed dolphin, Short-Beaked Common dolphin, Short-Finned Pilot Whale, Southern Right-Whale dolphin, Striped dolphin, andTucuzi White-Beaked dolphin. 7-00

  25. Dolphins - What Makes Them So Smart (
      Provides examples of dolphin intelligence and remarks that their actual level of intelligence is similar to an elephant's. 2-01

  26. Dolphins Understand Sentences (Elsevier Sequoia - Herman, Richards, and Wolz)
      Provides results of a study of two Dolphins to determine if they could understand sentences. Written in technical language. 10-00

  27. Dolphins and Porpoises (National Geographic Society)
      Provides a comparison of dolphins and porpoises. Also discusses drift nets. 11-99

  28. Dolphins, Orca or Killer Whales (Mercata)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  29. Dolphins, Orca or Killer Whales (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  30. Dugong (Save the Dugong Campaign Center)
      The Dugong is similar to the manatee but the Japanese variety is near extinction. 7-03

  31. Dugongs (Australia4All)
      Provides basic information and a picture of the marine mammals. 5-01

  32. Echinoderms (University of California, Berkeley - Museum of Paleontology)
      Provides pictures and descriptions of echinoderms., such as starfish. They do not age and they can regenerate their bodies and they have survived as a species for over 500 million years. 4-02

  33. Echinoderms Sunflower Star Pycnopodia helianthoides (
      Provides pictures and a description of one of the largest sea stars. 4-02

  34. Eels (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  35. Eurypterid (The Field Museum)
      Provides a drawing of the prehistoric arthropods that lived in the oceans. 4-02

  36. Fish Descriptions (NOAA)
      Provides articles and drawings for over two dozen types of fish. Look under the drawing of the fish for this section. Different fish are shown as you move your cursor over their names.

  37. Fish Near Corals (Thinkquest)
      Provides an articles and pictures of fish that live near coral reefs, such as parrotfish, angelfish, butterflyfish, wrasses, squirrelfish, lion fish, fantail file fish, and humuhumunukunukuapua'a. 4-00

  38. Fish Wars ( - Chang)
      Shows how dangerous--to fish species and men--is the profession of fishing the oceans. "The traditional view of a fisherman's life is that it's no less serene work than that of a farmer — the fisherman plucks his treasures from the sea just as the farmer harvests his fruits and vegetables from the earth."

      "But seldom do people realize how much pain and sacrifice is involved. Job surveys have consistently named fishing as one of the world's most dangerous professions."

      "The fishing fleets have gone from one animal to the other, driving them to the edge of extinction." 6-02

  39. Fisheries - Historical Timeline Starting in 1870 (NOAA)

  40. Fishes by Family Near Gray's Reef (NOAA)
      Provides a description of various types of fish and includes photos.

  41. Fishes by Group Near Gray's Reef (NOAA)
      Provides a description of various types of fish and includes drawings. 7-00

  42. Flounder - Winter Flounder (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  43. Forage Fish (U.S. Geological Survey - Piatt)
      Provides pictures and descriptions. Explains their role in marine ecology. 1-00

  44. Goosefish (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  45. Haddock (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  46. Hake - Red (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  47. Herring - Atlantic Herring (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  48. Jellyfish (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  49. Lobsters - American Lobster (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  50. Mackerel - Atlantic Mackerel (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  51. Manatees (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  52. Manatees (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  53. Manatees (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  54. Manatees (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
      Provides a short description. 1-01

  55. Mantis Shrimp (
      Describes the marine crustacean, which is not really a shrimp. Known for its deadly "'mantis-like" front claws. "Smashers" have the striking force of a .22 caliber bullet and can break aquarium glass or do great damage to a hand. "Spearers" can use their front claws as powerful spears that move faster than the human eye can see. Shows the claws of each, as well as the overall structure of the animal.
      "The mantis shrimps are also world-renowned as having the world's most sophisticated vision. According to Dr Justin Marshall, the stomatopod eye 'contains 16 different types of photoreceptors (12 for colour analysis, compared to our 3 cones), colour filters and many polarisation receptors, making it by far the world's most complex retina.' Mantis shrimps can thus see polarized light and 4 colors of UV (ultraviolet) light, and they may also be able to distinguish up to 100,000 colors (compared to the 10,000 seen by human beings)." 1-02

  56. Mantis Shrimp (
      Describes the marine crustacean, which is not really a shrimp. Known for its deadly "'mantis-like" front claws. "Smashers" have the striking force of a .22 caliber bullet and can break aquarium glass or do great damage to a hand. "Spearers" can use their front claws as powerful spears that move faster than the human eye can see. 5-01

  57. Mantis Shrimp (Woodward)
      Describes the marine crustacean, which is not really a shrimp. Known for its deadly "'mantis-like" front claws. "Smashers" have the striking force of a .22 caliber bullet and can break aquarium glass or do great damage to a hand. "Spearers" can use their front claws as powerful spears that move faster than the human eye can see. 5-01

  58. Nautilus Sea Shells (Nautilus Shell Spiral)
      Provides pictures and drawings of the nautilus shell. "The shell of the chambered nautilus is a symbol of beauty and proportional perfection." 4-02

  59. Ocean Pollution (Sacramento Bee)
      Provides a report on the status of ocean pollution on California's coast. 10-00

  60. Octopi (Hayward)

  61. Octopus (Thinkquest 12880)
      Provides information on the habitat, physiology, predators, and reproduction of the octopus. 4-03

  62. Octopus, Squid, and Cuttlefish - Cephalopods (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes descriptions and pictures of the cephalopod mollusks.

  63. Organized Collection of Hundreds of Marine Creatures (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture for each creature.

  64. Parrotfish (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description.

  65. Penguin, King Penguin (Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium)
      Provides information on the penguin, a bird that lives in the ocean. Includes a picture.

  66. Photos of Vertebrates and Invertebrates Near Gray's Reef (NOAA)
      Includes photos. 7-00

  67. Piranhas ( - Sharpe)
      Discusses the safety of the fish. "A really hungry Piranha will bite most anything, even his own mom. But most of the time all they want to chew on are other fish or a maybe a wounded animal, but not people." 2-02

  68. Piranhas (S. America Zoological Society & Www.Piranha.Org - Grossman)
      Provides a comprehensive description of the fish, including its safety to humans. 2-02

  69. Pollock (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  70. Pout - Ocean Pout (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  71. Quahog Bivalve Mollusk (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  72. Ray-Finned Fish (University of Arizona)
      "Ray-finned fishes are the dominant aquatic vertebrates today, making up about half of all vertebrate species known. " 3-00

  73. Reef Life (Sea and Sky)
      Provides pictures and descriptions of different species of animals that live near reefs. 4-02

  74. Salmon - Atlantic Salmon (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  75. Scallops (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  76. Scup (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  77. Sea Cows ( - Lundberg)
      Describes the marine animal. 5-01

  78. Sea Lions (Australia4All)
      Provides basic information and a picture of the marine mammals. They look similar to seals. 5-01

  79. Seals (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  80. Shad (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  81. Shark - Tiger (Thinkquest)
      Provides an articles and picture. 4-00

  82. Sharks (Bilson)
      Provides information for studying sharks, including the different types of sharks and the level of danger to humans for each.

  83. Sharks (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  84. Sharks (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  85. Sharks - Prehistoric (
      Includes descriptions and pictures of ancient sharks, such as the Pucapampella and the Helicoprion. 8-00

  86. Sharks - Whale Sharks (Macmillan - Nature)
      Describes the marine animal, the largest known fish. Includes a drawing of the fish. 5-01

  87. Sharks - Whale Sharks (
      Describes the marine animal, the largest known fish. Includes a picture and a diagram with labels for parts. 5-01

  88. Sharks - White Shark (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  89. Shrimp - Northern Shrimp (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  90. Skates (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  91. Sponges (Sea and Sky)
      Provides pictures and descriptions of different types of sponges. 4-02

  92. Sponges - Orange Finger Sponge (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  93. Sponges or Porifera (Mote Marine Laboratory)
      Provides a description of the sponge and how it functions. 4-02

  94. Sponges or Porifera (University of California, Berkeley - Museum of Paleontology)
      Provides pictures and descriptions of different species. 4-02

  95. Squid - Longfin (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  96. Squids - Giant (Smithsonian Institution - Roper)
      Provides answers to frequently asked questions. 6-00

  97. Starfish - Six-Rayed Starfish (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  98. Stingrays (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  99. Sturgeons (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  100. Tilefish (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  101. Tubeworms - Giant White Tubeworm (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  102. Turtles - Sea Turtles (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  103. Unknown Animals of the Sea (Werry)
      Provides pictures of 7 animals that the author cannot identify. Can you figure out what they are?.

  104. Urchins - Green Sea Urchin (Werry)
      Provides a short description and a picture.

  105. Venemous Fish - Scorpionfish, Lionfish, and Stonefish (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  106. Walruses (Hanover Zoo)
      Provides an article and pictures.

  107. Whale Evolution (
      Includes a description of the evolution of the whale. 10-00

  108. Whales (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  109. Whales - Blue Whales (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  110. Whales - Evolution (Thewissen)
      Describes whale evolution and includes early forms of the whale, including Pakicetidae, Ambulocetidae, Remingtonocetidae, Protocetidae, Dorudontidae, and Basilosauridae. 5-02

  111. Whales - Humpback Whale (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  112. Whales - Humpback Whale (National Aquarium in Baltimore)
      Includes a description and a picture.

  113. Whales - Marine Species (Elsberry)
      Provides a comprehensive set of links to a wide variety of marine species, organized by family and genus.

  114. Whales, Blue (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  115. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises (Museum of Natural History of Los Angeles County) 2-01

  116. Whales, Humpback (National Parks Conservation Association)
      Provides a drawing and basic facts. 2-02

  117. Whales, Sperm (PBS Online and Nature)
      Shows how sperm whales live. Requires the (free) Flash plug-in. 7-00

  118. Wolffish - Atlantic Wolffish (NOAA)
      Provides an article and a drawing. 2-00

  1. Word Unscramble (Lighthouse Publications)
      Provides words that are scrambled and sea creatures to identify with the words.

Purchase Resources
  1. Exploration Projects (Jason Project)
      Provides interactive projects for students using the technology of "telepresence." 5-02

  1. Coral Reefs (AbcTeach)
      Provides dozens of worksheets to help children have a better understanding of coral reefs. 8-01

  2. Dolphins Worksheets (Comp Ed - Free Worksheets)
      Provides 12 worksheets on dolphins. 11-99

  3. Ocean Creatures (Learning
      Includes dolphins, whales, walruses, sharks, octopuses, manta rays, swordfishes, sea lions, seals, turtles, penguins, manatees, seahorses, man-of-wars, and salmons. Requires Acrobat Reader. 10-00

  4. Ocean Creatures Coloring Book (Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation)
      Provides drawings of ocean creatures for coloring, such as a blackfooted penquin, sea stars, amenomes, hermit crabs, and coral. 5-00

  5. Sharks, Whales, and Dolphins - Worksheets (CLEARVUE/eav)
      Provides a worksheet each for sharks, whales, and dolphins. Requires Acrobat Reader, free software. 1-00

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