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  1. Ancient Civilizations

  2. Ancient History

  3. Archaeology

Lesson Plans
  1. Anthropology Lessons (Information Institute of Syracuse)
      Provides lessons by grade level. 1-04

  1. Archaeology and Anthropology Resources (Beaudoin)

  2. Cleveland Museum of Art
      Provides anthropology resources.

  3. Prehistory (Mautz)
      Provides links to people, places, and events. Ties resources into links in the arts related to the same time periods and places.

  1. Egypt - Egyptian Mummies

  2. France - Paleolithic Painted Cave at Vallon-Pont d'Arc

  3. Peru - Peruvian Mummies (NOVA)

  1. 12-17-03 Prehistoric Art from 33,000 Years Ago Found (
      "Humans have had a refined artistic bent for at least 33,000 years, according to the discovery of three deftly carved ivory figurines in a cave in southwestern Germany. The miniature statues include a horse, a diving waterfowl, and a half-man, half-lion." 12-03

  1. -Defining Anthropology (Crow Canyon Archaeology Center - Lightfoot)
      "Anthropology is the study of humans, especially their physical, cultural, and linguistic characteristics and social relationships. Archaeology is a sub-field of anthropology." 6-02

  2. Aegyptopithecus
      Provides a picture of the skull of an ape-like species from 36.6 - 23.7 million years ago.

  3. Americans - First Americans (Scientific American - Nemecek)
      "Excavations under way in the eastern U.S. and throughout South America hint that humans' arrival date may have to be pushed back to as far as 20,000 or even 40,000 years ago." 6-02

  4. Americans - First Americans (applesforhealth)
      A consensus is beginning to emerge among researchers in archeology, genetics, and linguistics suggesting the first Americans were a mix of at least four different ethnic groups, with the first settlers arriving as much as 35,000 years ago. 04-21-00.

  5. Ancient Humans - Early Man (Donn)
      Provides articles on Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens (Neanderthals, Cro-Magnon and Moderns).

  6. Anthropology - Early Humans Timeline (Donn)
      Provides a timeline covering the different species of humans.

  7. Archaeology (Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology) 6-00

  8. Chinchorro Mummies Believed to be 8000 Years Old

  9. Classification of Hominids - How They Are Classified (Foley)
      Provides the criteria by which ancient fossils are classified as hominids or early humans.

  10. Classification of Hominids - What Has Been Found (Foley)
      Provides a history of findings, what was found, and pictures of skulls of early humans.

  11. Classification of Hominids 2 - Australopithecus afarensis (Washington State University)
      Provides drawings and an article. Focuses on the famous fossil named Lucy. This species lived 4 - 2.7 million years ago.

  12. Classification of Hominids 3 - Australopithecus africanus (Washington State University)
      Provides drawings and an article. This species lived 3 - 2 million years ago.

  13. Classification of Hominids 4 - Australopithecus robustus (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article. This species lived 2.2 - 1 million years ago.

  14. Classification of Hominids 5 - Homo habilis (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article. This species lived 2.2 - 1.6 million years ago.

  15. Classification of Hominids 6 - Homo erectus (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article. This species lived 2 - .4 million years ago.

  16. Classification of Hominids 7 - Homo sapiens (archaic) (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article on the earliest evidence of our own species. This species lived 400,000 - 2000 years ago.

  17. Classification of Hominids 8 - Homo sapiens neandertalensis (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article on the Neanderthal species, closely related to modern humans. This species lived 200,000 - 30,000 years ago.

  18. Classification of Hominids 9 - Homo sapiens sapiens (Washington State University)
      Provides fossils and an article on the modern human, dating back to 130,000 BCE.

  19. Creationism - Arguments Against (Foley)
      Provides arguments against the creationist position that there is a clear dividing line between early human fossils and ape fossils. Also argues against the idea that insufficient physical evidence exists for ancient hominids.

  20. Europeans Very Close According to DNA (Time Europe - Graff)
      Provides genetic support for the theory that Europeans are more related to each other than formerly believed. "The vast majority of Europeans, be they Italians or Swedes, whether they pride themselves on their aristocratic or their peasant origins, can trace their ancestry to just seven female lineages and as few as 10 male ones." 5-01

  21. Gigantopithecus (Pettifor)
      Provides a drawing and an article. This species is considered to be an ape rather than a hominid.

  22. Neanderthal Flute (Fink)
      Provides a picture, essay, and news coverage of a flute made of a bone that is believed to be at least 43,000 years old, making it the world's oldest musical instrument.

  23. Pre-History (Hos-McGrane)
      Provides information about human origins, including Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, and other early humans or hominids.

  24. Prehistoric Art (Museum of the Origins of Man)
      Provides artifacts believed by some scientists to be ancient art. 10-03

  25. Proconsul africanus
      Provides a picture of the skull of an ape-like species from 23.7 - 5.3 million years ago.

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